The farmer has a mall

Chapter 745 Sun Ying's Attitude

There was no sound in the imperial study room, and Sun Ying stood there with her hands clasped in order.

Holding the silver pick in his hand, Fu Tuo took out a candied fruit from the glazed dish and put it in his mouth. The sweet and sour taste immediately filled his mouth, causing him to narrow his eyes.

This candied fruit was pickled by Sheng Zhixin's sister-in-law, and she specially gave it to Gu Nanyan for two jars.

Different from other candied fruit, these are two jars of preserved apricots marinated with unripe green apricots. The acidity can make people drool when they smell it across the jars.

Gu Nanyan thinks her teeth are not good, and she doesn't like to eat them because she thinks they are sour.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting food, after much consideration, I sent a jar to Fu Tuo and Fu Jingqi each.

And told them that she pickled it herself, and gave it to them to taste, so that they should not waste it.

This was the first time that the father and son received food cooked by Gu Nanyan himself, and they were immediately relieved.

Especially Fu Jingqi's eyes were exaggeratedly red.

Then, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he hid the jar of candied fruit under his bed, planning to eat one before going to bed every day, and slowly taste his daughter's heart.

"I'm not afraid of this, but I can't do this."

Fu Tuo put his hands on his forehead to cover his sour and distorted face.

But she didn't blame her mother for dragging her down. Instead, she gave up the idea of ​​being close to her father. As she grew older, she also learned to be low-key and restrained.

Sour and refreshing.

This was the only way Sun Ying could think of to make her mother feel at ease for the rest of her life.

Hearing Fu Tuo's refusal at this time, she felt lost for a moment, and the pitiful and bewildered look in her eyes really made people feel pity.

Sun Ying bit her lip, and suddenly raised her head to look directly into Fu Tuo's eyes.

"Why?" Sun Ying asked anxiously, "But because I'm afraid that my concubine will go against my word?"

"The concubine doesn't know." Sun Ying replied in a low voice.

However, Fu Tuo showed no sign of softening his heart, and slowly picked up the teacup and waited for her answer.

"Your father came to see me just now, do you know why?"

Although she is not like her mother, who locked herself in the yard all day long, she is not so free.

But he didn't intend to tell Sun Ying the truth, after all, the more resentment she felt towards Sun Qi, the more beneficial the next thing would be for him.

And her father's attitude towards her, as if she was just an insignificant person.

She laughed at herself, her father would never have thought that she would be granted a position right after she entered the palace, and she is currently the highest-ranked one in the emperor's harem.

Then he looked at Sun Ying who was waiting there with her head bowed.

If she is really willing to cooperate, it is not impossible to agree if the request is not excessive.

"Do you know why?"

In her opinion, Fu Tuo being an emperor is nothing to worry about.

And even though she was able to move freely in the mansion, the contemptuous gazes of those servants made her very sad.

Who can be canonized and who is not canonized is not something he can say.

Rather than annoy father and aunt because of these trivial matters and make them tamper with their own marriage, it is better to learn to be patient and coax aunt to find a better marriage for him, so that the future life will be easier.

At least not like her sister-in-law, who can go wherever she wants and do whatever she wants.

"The concubine can swear that as long as you can save the concubine and mother from the sea of ​​suffering, the concubine will definitely cooperate with all the plans of the emperor."

In other words, Sun Ying was not so important that he was willing to be blamed.

In the words of her mother, she will marry someone sooner or later, and her in-law's house is the place where she lives the longest.

Fu Tuo wiped the corners of his mouth, lowered his eyes and casually threw the handkerchief in his hand on the table in front of him.

After a long time like this, she gradually got used to it, and also understood that her father's indifference was because her aunt didn't like her mother.

It's just that my mother is poor, she still has to stay in that small courtyard and suffer.

Sure enough, as Fu Tuo expected, when she heard that her father made such a request, although she couldn't see it on the face, she had mixed feelings in her heart.

It's just that his attitude is not sincere enough, it seems that he is just pretending in front of him.

"I cannot grant your request."

Although he sympathizes with Sun Ying's experience similar to his own, it is impossible to break the principle because of this, and let interested people seize the opportunity to attack him.

Moreover, Sun Qi really didn't treat this concubine very well, including her biological mother Zhao, the life of the mother and daughter in the Sun's residence was no different from being in prison.

His move can also be regarded as helping the other party out of trouble.

"To tell you the truth, even if you refuse to cooperate with me, I still have a way to achieve what I want. This matter cannot threaten me, so you might as well make another request." Fu Tuo said coldly.

The mother is a concubine in person. To put it mildly, she is half the master, but in reality she is similar to a servant who has signed a contract of sale. Unless the master's family allows her, she cannot leave her father's side.

When she thought she would ask him for gold, silver, jewelry or a higher status, she heard Sun Ying pursed her lips and said: "I hope that after the matter is completed, the emperor will issue a decree to allow my mother to leave the Sun's mansion." , and have nothing to do with my father ever since."

Fu Tuo looked at her curiously.

As for the promotion of Concubine Dun, that is, Sheng Rui, it was Fu Tuo's nonsense.

The imperial study room became quiet again, only the crisp sound of Fu Tuo fiddled with the cups.

This is why she promised her father to participate in the draft instead of her sister.

"But because of the concubine's background?" Sun Ying replied without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Fu Tuo slowly shook his head.

Although he is the emperor, he has no right to intervene in the family affairs of the ministers. At most, he will give some pressure secretly, but it is impossible to make an order.

"Then, can the emperor agree to help my concubine if you don't make it difficult for me..." She mumbled.

But my mother was not happy living with her father.

Sun Qi did come to see him, and he did say that he should be demoted to Sun Ying's position.

After the sour taste in his mouth subsided, he wiped away the sour tears with the handkerchief he had prepared earlier.

Just like now, when he is tired from work, he will eat one, the taste...

Fu Tuo was not to be outdone.

The tone is a little humble.

Except when sleeping and going to the toilet, you should take a few pills with you at all times.

"The concubine knows that the emperor has your deep intentions in making the concubine a concubine. No matter what you want to do, the concubine will do her best to cooperate. I only hope that you can agree to one request of the concubine."

After all, Sun Qi has been in the court for so many years, but it is impossible for anyone who is not crazy to meddle in the affairs of the emperor's harem.

Sun Ying's appearance is very similar to Zhao's, with a small face the size of a palm, with exquisite and small features, and a petite and exquisite figure.

She was sad and lost because of this, and tried to please her father, but it was futile after all.

As for who to pretend for, that's a matter of opinion.

She looked at Fu Tuo persistently, hoping that he would agree to her request.

"He talked to me about making you a concubine, and wanted me to lower you to the position of concubine, and to mention the status of concubine." Fu Tuo raised his eyelids, and couldn't see it in his red eyes that were so sour. mood.

Although Fu Tuo was amazed at how simple her request was, he still refused.

Fu Tuo raised his eyebrows: "What request, you can tell me."

This woman is smart enough to see that he has another purpose.

It seems that he is afraid of being rejected by the tall man on the opposite side again.

However, she gritted her teeth and took a deep breath when she thought of her mother who had been humiliating for more than ten years.

"Since you can't make an order directly, then help the concubine to let the mother occupy a place in the Sun's residence."

"If you promise, as long as you can save the life of the concubine, you can let the concubine do anything."

If it wasn't because of an accident that she was pregnant with her, how could he be wronged to be his father's concubine with his mother's character and the strength of his grandfather's family.

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