Not to mention swallowing her aunt's difficulties.

The reason why my mother endured these things was because she was afraid that she would be tolerated by the world after she was born.

She didn't understand this when she was a child, but only after she grew up did she realize that her mother could have aborted her child secretly, and the love of her ancestors would definitely cover everything for her.

Her mother can still find a good son-in-law and live a good life like an ordinary woman.

But she did not do this, but insisted on giving birth to her.

Mother willingly went into the cage for her, how could she escape alone.

Sun Ying's eyes became more and more determined, and she looked directly into Fu Tuo's eyes.

Fu Tuo neither dodged nor avoided, but also looked back at her.

After a while, he sighed: "I can promise you."

However, according to Sun Qi's personality, as long as Grand Master Sheng is still alive, he will always be partial to Wu Zhi.

Not to mention that Mrs. Sheng agreed to help only because of his old wife's face, so how could she take the risk of offending Gu Nanyan because of Wu Zhi, and made her whole body feel bloody.

Old Mrs. Sheng also knew that Wu Shi was raised by her too pampered and displeased her husband, so she couldn't help rubbing her forehead with a headache.

Wu Zhi somewhat complained to Mrs. Sheng.

She stretched out her wrinkled hands and patted Wu Zhi's back soothingly.

In the imperial study room, Fu Tuo was so envious of his younger sister.

But now, he has a tone that he has come to this point for the sake of the Sheng family.

Old Master Sheng entered the room with his hands behind his back, with a sullen face and a cold snort.

In Grand Master Sheng's mansion, Wushi cried uncontrollably.

Madam Sheng's face suddenly darkened.

Mrs. Sheng comforted her for a while, asking her to understand the difficulties of the Sheng family, and promised that the old master would find a way, even if she couldn't drive Sun Ying out of the harem, she would find a way to lower her status.

This temperament of attacking at any disagreement has frightened many court ministers, for fear of being beaten up by her, they will lose face, and their whole body will not hurt for ten days and a half months.

"It can be done." Grand Master Sheng narrowed his eyes and said.

Mrs. Sheng looked distressed and helpless.

Fu Tuo was amused in his heart, and secretly thought that his sister's methods were powerful.

At the beginning, she listened to Mrs. Sheng's words because she was thinking of herself.

Fu Tuo lamented, hating that he was trapped by his identity and could not be as free and easy as his sister.

"It's not like you don't know how your aunt has treated you these years. After you found your aunt, I mentioned this matter to your uncle."

Otherwise, once it gets to the ears of outsiders, the consequences can be big or small.

Wushi cried even more as he spoke, tears streaming down his face.

"The emperor has ordered that child to be concubine Jin, what can I do?"

Even Jiananguo said together, he had never heard of anyone who dared to criticize her in public.

The more Mrs. Sheng looked at her, the more upset she became, but she couldn't bear to drive her away.

He had no choice but to continue to appease her patiently, but the hand on her back was retracted.

She kept wiping away her tears with a handkerchief, and her slightly bloated body trembled slightly with the sound of crying.

Even if Mrs. Zhao has the right to speak in the mansion, life may not be much better than it is now.

"It's about Ying'er's child entering the palace. She came here to ask me to find a solution."

Sun Ying immediately beamed with joy, and thanked Fu Tuo Yingying.

Wu Shi could see clearly that the Sheng family was her only backer, and it was because of the Sheng family that she was able to win the wind in front of Sun Qi.

"What does she want to do, is she going to turn the world upside down or the earth upside down?"

Now that she thinks about it again, it's not too unsuitable for her.

"At the beginning, I listened to you and let that bitch Zhao enter the house, and gave birth to a little bitch."

As long as Mrs. Zhao is in hand, even if Sun Ying is the emperor's woman, she would not dare to make trouble in front of her. Wouldn't she want to be humble in front of her as before, begging her to treat Mrs. Zhao better?
The more Wushi thought about it, the more relieved he became, and he returned immediately, wiped away his tears, and returned to the Sun Mansion in high spirits.

I thought that as soon as these words came out, the master would definitely reprimand Wu Zhi for being obsessive and ignorant.

Unless the Zhao family can subdue Sun Qi.

"I don't care, I told you last time, let uncle think of a way to cross that little bitch off the list, but you didn't listen."

She knew that Sun Ying was very filial to Zhao's own mother.

"Your niece is gone?"

"It's not that serious."

In the eyes of Mrs. Sheng, this is nothing. With her and Mrs. Sheng around, not to mention the Zhao family, even Sun Qi, the head of the family, would not dare to make a mistake.

With that heartbroken look, those who didn't know it thought her husband was dead.

Fu Tuo waved his hand, "You might as well go to the princess's place more recently."

How could Wu Zhi, who was proud and arrogant, bear it.

Mrs. Sheng looked over suspiciously, but saw that he was stroking his beard and wondering what he was thinking.

Otherwise, those censors who heard the wind and played it might be "beaten up" by the wind.

At the beginning, she didn't want to accept Mrs. Zhao, but Mrs. Sheng said that she was pregnant with Sun Qi's child. If she did too much, it would inevitably be said by others. Not only would it damage her own reputation, but it would also cause the Sheng family to be said.

It's better to bring Mrs. Zhao back to the mansion, at least put people under my nose, and also prevent her from secretly using means to seduce her master.

"This is great. A concubine has become one of the four concubines, but my daughter is just an ordinary courtier. How do you let her meet people in the future?"

"Besides, this concubine should belong to my daughter originally, and she was changed to make way for Rui'er. You and uncle can't ignore this kind of thing now."

What else could Wu Zhi do, although she was not satisfied with the result, she could only listen.

"One bite at a time, little bitch, who taught you to be so vulgar, that is the concubine Jin personally appointed by the emperor, how can you insult him at will!"

If the Sheng family is accidentally affected by her reputation and offends the most prestigious Grand Master Sheng, then her life will be even more difficult in the future.

She also personally interviewed each of them one by one.

But Wu Shi didn't think so, she felt that Sun Ying was a head taller than her own daughter, so she was stepping on her face!
If we meet her again in the future, we will respectfully salute and say hello in front of her.

If she becomes the wife of Gaoming, Mrs. Zhao will be completely crushed by her and unable to turn over.

Otherwise, many things would be much simpler, and he would not need to scratch his head every day to think about countermeasures.

However, she waited for a while but did not hear him speak.

"Auntie, you must think of a way, otherwise that bitch will climb on top of my head."

Fortunately, she knew the temper of this niece, so she dismissed all the servants early in the morning.

It's not that Mrs. Sheng didn't help her, but who knew that the list was in Gu Nanyan's hands.

Grand Master Sheng was very annoyed with Wu Zhi who had no blood relationship with him.

"Relax, that child will call you aunt at least. Even if Zhao is her biological mother, she is just a concubine. No matter how powerful her daughter is, she can't go past you."

At that time, Wu Zhi will be asked for the title of Mrs. Gaoming, and the status of the two will not differ much.

Yan'er has much more face than his elder brother, like Old Master Sheng and his like, they dare to raise opinions in front of themselves, dare to join forces with Yushitai to impeach him as the emperor, but they never dare to point fingers at Yan'er.

Even if he wanted to make a move, he had to have that chance.

"It just needs the cooperation of your niece and son-in-law."

Mrs. Sheng was surprised: "Didn't you say yesterday that you didn't want to offend the emperor because of this matter? Did you change your mind?"

The couple hadn't blushed for decades, and because of this, he even got angry at himself and ordered her to see her niece Wu Zhi less often in the future.

It's been less than a day, and you changed your mind?
Mrs. Sheng was speechless.

The old man became more capricious as he got older, and he was even more elusive than their women.

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