Chapter 748
Sun Qi knew that Grand Master Sheng wanted to deal with Gu Nanyan, but he didn't want people to know that he did it and deliberately used himself as a shield.

If you leave this matter to him, even if something happens one day, you can still claim to the outside world that Wu Zhi didn't want his concubine to enter the palace to overwhelm him, so he was obsessed with spreading rumors.

In this way, it will not have much impact on Mrs. Sheng. At most, Mrs. Sheng will be said to be bad at teaching daughters.

Because Wuzhi is a woman, and just because of jealousy, she doesn't get involved in the affairs of the court, and she won't be punished too much by the palace.

Moreover, he has long been known to be fearful of internal affairs, so Wu Zhi's move will not surprise anyone.

Everything seemed to be done out of the jealousy of a jealous woman.

Sun Qi narrowed his eyes, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Although this method is good, it can only fool ordinary people.

Any minister with a little brain in the court can understand the key points, including the emperor.

It's just that Grand Master Sheng knows that the emperor won't point it out, so that both parties can't get off the stage, and it will just end hastily, so he used the means without scruple.

Others did not expect that Gu Nanyan would not play the cards according to the rules.

The surrounding students booed and raised their hands in protest.

Don't hang around in front of Laozi.

As he thought, Gu Nanyan is naturally a person who doesn't give anyone face.

So he curled his lips and muttered in a low voice.

In his opinion, these people are powerless, weak and easy to push down, and only know how to moan without illness and cynical sissies every day.

A one-meter-square wooden plaque stands on each side of the high platform.

After a few days, the effect is quite obvious, at least his awkwardness has improved a lot.

Students: "..."

"Are these students so full that they don't even care about other people's marriages?"

Gu Nanyan didn't know how many times she looked back, but this guy always likes to run to her when he has nothing to do.

Student C really wanted to say that he didn't mind being bribed. After all, there were only a few people who passed the scientific examination and went on to official careers every year, and they didn't know which corner they would be assigned to in the end.

The ultimate purpose of their trip is to let the emperor punish Princess Anyang for abusing her power.

Gu Nanyan looked at this cousin who was pinching the orchid finger, with an indescribable expression.

Are you responsible for being blind?

"Have you completed the task that the emperor entrusted to you?"

Gu Nanyan said as she got up and walked out.

"No, she must give us an explanation today!"

I heard that many students in the capital gathered at the gate of the palace to sit quietly. When she was asked to give an explanation, Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes calmly.

"It's not okay to give an official position. We are all people who read sage books. Isn't she insulting our personality by doing this!" Student B was ashamed and indignant.


I also thought that my identity had not been disclosed to the outside world, and showing up in front of everyone at this time might cause unnecessary trouble.

But he forgot that Princess Anyang Gu Nanyan is a master who doesn't give anyone face!
If this matter got to her ears, whether she would give face to the old grand master and turn the big thing into a small one is another matter.

Fei Qiang felt Gu Nanyan's dislike, and wanted to follow up because of his grievances.

This person was dressed as a scholar, staring at Gu Nanyan with his head held high, his raised chin looked like a fighting cock ready to attack.

Standing on the high platform, Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, indifferent to the loud shout in front of her, lifted her robe and sat down on the chair, raised her legs and held a cup of tea in a leisurely manner.

"I don't know, maybe you want to test us?" Student B replied uncertainly.

He is indeed trying to control, and his words and deeds have become more positive.

Some students couldn't hold on, and wanted to moisten their throats but didn't even have any water.

If it was a real man, it would be more refreshing to point the gun at the foreign enemy and go to the battlefield in a hurry.

"We're not here for the scientific examination, why is she testing us?" Student A was dissatisfied.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Sun Qi couldn't help but burst out laughing with his hands on his forehead, and the low and hearty laughter filled the whole room.

Students: "..."

If you want him to say that these people are simply too full to eat, they should be starved for ten days and a half months, and one starved to death counts as one.

And when the Sheng family announced that Sheng Rui was the only one who answered all the test questions correctly, she expected that something bad would happen to this family.

"What did Ben Gong say?" She said flatly.

Fei Qiang: "It's just two sets of boxing. I've already finished practicing."

If they remember correctly, the original saying of the ancients is "only women and villains are difficult to raise"!

He who can't starve to death is a hero and a real man!
Fei Qiang complained for a long time.

Fei Qiang frowned, very dissatisfied with these students who care about others all day long.

Hurry back if you haven't finished, I'm afraid I can't help poking my eyes!

Look at Gu Nanyan on the stage, there is everything from tea, snacks, and even a plate of freshly cut fruits.

That's why he said that Mrs. Sheng is old after all.

Gu Nanyan still lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea slowly.

Gu Nanyan squinted: "Then practice twice."

Even though the people below yelled and broke their throats, she couldn't move her eyelids.

I can hear it.

Then let Yunxi post the ten test questions and the correct answers that she had prepared a long time ago at the gate of the palace.

On one side of the wooden plaque were pasted the ten test questions given by Gu Nanyan, and on the other side were the answers to the test questions.

Hundreds of students sat cross-legged in front of the high platform, talking among themselves.

"Princess, what do you mean by this?" Student A asked his friends around him suspiciously.

"Confession! Confession!"

If you tamper with the words of the ancients at will, the ancients will jump out of the coffin and beat you and tell you.

Fei Qiang has been playing the role of a woman for decades, and it will be very difficult for him to correct these little problems in a short while.

Gu Nanyan stood on the high platform, and there was a burst of uproar when he just appeared on the stage.

It hinders the pace of Lao Tzu's eradication of evil and rape.

"Yes, give us an explanation!"

"Aren't you the ones talking all the time? Bengong alone can't outshine all of you."

"Could it be that you want to bribe us, and whoever gets the answer right will be appointed as an official?" Student C's eyes lit up.

"Only men and villains are difficult to raise. The ancients never deceived me..."

If you can get the eyes of the princess today, at least ten years of struggle will be saved!
But the crowd around him was so angry that student C had no choice but to put away his petty thoughts, and protested with everyone in a dejected manner.

As time passed, the shouting gradually weakened.

He didn't even see what kind of person Princess Anyang was, so he dared to throw a pot of shit on her head.

But why does this scene seem to punish themselves?
Finally someone couldn't help but stood up, stared at Gu Nanyan in an atmosphere and said loudly: "What is the meaning of the princess, why hasn't she said anything?"

Mom asked Lao Tzu to explain and didn't give Lao Tzu a chance to speak, and blamed Lao Tzu for not speaking!
Who is used to your problems!
Gu Nanyan pouted.

Coupled with his five big and three thick figure, it is really eye-catching.


The student who asked Gu Nanyan why he didn't speak was so choked that he didn't know how to answer for a moment, and his originally fair face flushed red.

However, he inadvertently always exposes some small movements of women.

He even made accusations about other people's affairs, either protesting or going on hunger strike, making it like who cares if they eat or not.

A high platform was built at the gate of the palace.

In order to guide him into the "right path", Fu Tuo specially invited the most masculine guard in the palace to teach Fei Qiang to punch.

According to her usual experience, she should apologize first in the face of accusations from so many of them.

How could he be so calm, as if...

Like in the theater?
All the students looked at the table full of food in front of her, and were speechless.

The scene instantly quieted down.

(End of this chapter)

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