The farmer has a mall

Chapter 749 Answers

Chapter 749 Answers
Gu Nanyan didn't bother to argue with these people, so she just waved her hand calmly, and a group of people dressed as officers and soldiers came from the stage.

Each of these people held a prisoner by two, and the prisoner's hands and feet were chained together.

These prisoners did not come to the stage like ordinary prisoners, who bowed their heads in shame or despair from being exposed to others.

Instead, they looked like beasts seeing their prey, their eyes full of excitement and prey.

There were ten prisoners in total. Gu Nanyan asked people to set up two rows of tables and chairs on the stage, and brought pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Then let those students recommend ten people to go up to the stage and answer the ten questions with the prisoners.

"I don't know what the princess's move is?" A student asked.

Gu Nanyan: "Don't you want to know why Sheng Rui is inferior to Sun Ying? Answer these ten questions and you will know the answer."

Except for the last psychological test question, the other nine questions were written by Fu Tuo himself.

Fu Tuo took into account the level of all beautiful women, so the questions he asked were all from the Four Books and Five Classics.

They held a skeptical attitude towards Gu Nanyan, so they were very cautious in reviewing each question and answered it from multiple aspects.

The students were puzzled, they didn't understand where Gu Nanyan was making a fuss.

Half an hour later, one member of the prisoner team finished answering the question and put down his pen and ink, and then a few more people finished answering the question one after another.

It made Wang Ermazi roll his eyes in the rear.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the elite student team finished answering all the questions in front of everyone's eager eyes.

I remember one time, when my mother saw that his clothes were frayed, she asked someone to borrow money to buy him a new one.

Although Gu Nanyan posted the answer, a layer of white paper was pasted on top of the answer.

Everyone gathered around the bulletin board.


But their answers are [-]% similar!
Looking at the elite student team, everyone's answer to the tenth question is different.

Sure enough, although the handwriting on the answer sheets was messy and most of them were blank, they all answered the tenth question by coincidence.

The mother was very sad after hearing this, but still returned the clothes according to his wishes.

Zhang San thinks this possibility is very high, because he is such a person, he never cares about the clothes he wears, and he will go to the bookstore to buy books if he has some money in his hand.

"Fortunately, you are still scholars." Wang Ermazi said contemptuously.

She didn't stop until she felt that Gu Nanyan couldn't find any omissions in it.

The students thought hard, but they didn't understand the purpose of this question.

The answers to the first nine questions are obvious.

Although the elite student team wrote a lot, it was not difficult for them.

"Are you stupid, didn't you see that these people are all wearing prison uniforms, and they have to sit in prison and take the exam?"

Although the question was simple, it was because it was too simple, which made these people feel uncertain, for fear that there might be a trap in it. Therefore, the ten people who were finally elected to the stage were the ten most knowledgeable among them.

That's not right, if you gave the answer, why did you only answer the tenth question? Even if someone answered one or two of the other nine questions, they were all wrong.

All the students speculated one after another, they had everything they wanted to say, and they waited impatiently for the elite student team to answer the questions and announce the answers.

But to everyone's surprise, all the people waiting for the prisoner team put down their pens, while the elite student team was still contemplating.

If only this is the case.

What was really difficult was Gu Nanyan's tenth question.

So after just a few moments of silence, these people began to choose people.

Although the writing by the elite student team is a bit long-winded, they are all written around the central idea.

How miserable that is!

However, these questions are not too difficult for students who take reading as their profession.

Gu Nanyan asked the officers and soldiers to post it.

"The so-called elders can't deny it, not to mention how can a child of a man dislike what his parents give, isn't it too uneducated."

The students whispered to each other.

And he gave him half of the money that the tailor shop had refunded to buy paper and pens.

"How do the students know, this question is not made by the students."

The student expressed that he could not accept it.

But the people around him looked at him with disdain.

"Hey, look." A suspicious voice sounded, interrupting the quiet atmosphere at the moment.

If it weren't for these people wearing prison uniforms instead of Taoist uniforms, it would be believed that they painted ghost symbols.

Nine out of ten questions on most of the answer sheets are empty, and the answer to the question is written like a dog's handwriting. If you don't look carefully, you don't know what is written.

"Could it be that they have done this question before?" Another person asked.

For those women who entered the palace draft, they usually read books such as "female virtue". Even though Fu Tuo's questions were easy for him, they still stumped most of the draftees.

The audience and students were amazed.

"These ten people actually answered the tenth question."

"In my opinion, the clothes and shoes are too cheap. As the only child in the family, he should dress appropriately."

Moreover, their literary talents are already extraordinary, so they have won unanimous praise from everyone.

Look at the prisoner team...

Zhang San: "Could it be because this son doesn't want clothes and shoes, but pens, inks and books?"

But when he saw the brand-new cotton Confucian gown, he didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart. Instead, he lost his temper at his mother and blamed her for being frugal and wasting money.

Showing off literary talent and reciting poems is what literati love to do most, and Gu Nanyan's request is not too much for them.

With his chin raised, Li Si stretched out his hand to straighten the satin Confucian robe on his body, with a haughty expression on his face.

His family is not rich, and he buys only one new dress a year.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a student or a prisoner, no one can see what is written on it.

"Could it be that the princess gave them the answer in advance?" Someone looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

All the students heard the words and looked at the answer sheets in the row of prisoners.

Li Si next to him didn't think so.

"Then what are you talking about?" the despised student asked back unconvinced.

The two sides began to answer the questions. Gu Nanyan sat in the middle of the two teams and ate fruit, occasionally peeling a few peanuts. When he was tired of eating, he rinsed his mouth with tea and ate other things.

As if they were really the audience watching a play in the theater garden.

It's just nothing special other than that.

It was obviously a simple dictation question, but let them write more than a dozen sheets of paper in a daze.

Ten students and ten prisoners occupied both sides of the high platform, sitting face to face at the desks, with Gu Nanyan sitting in the middle.

"In my opinion, it must be that the only son's family is poor, and the money in his hand is only enough to buy clothes for him alone. This son doesn't want his parents to spend so much money, so he will get angry when he is in a hurry..."

Zhang San felt that he was right.

She has been eating with her head down, looking up at the distant scenery from time to time, turning a blind eye to the surrounding discussions.

So much so that not only the elite students on the stage wanted to break their heads, but also those cheering and cheering off the stage were puzzled.

As the answering time began, other people in the audience also studied these questions one after another.

The original question of this question is: the year is approaching, a couple bought a pair of shoes for their only son in order to make him happy, but the only son was very angry, and the couple bought him a pair of pants again. But the only son was furious. May I ask why.

The question was posed by the princess, and she should know best why it happened.

All eyes were on Gu Nanyan.

The students stopped talking, and the scene became a lot quieter. More than 100 pairs of eyes stared at Gu Nanyan, each with a look of "thirsty for knowledge".

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied with their learning attitude, stood up and patted the peanut skin on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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