Chapter 750

"These people are all death row prisoners who have been personally selected by the palace, and each of them has more than one life in their hands." Gu Nanyan said flatly.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar, and the people in the audience were even more frightened and took a few steps back, moving away from the high platform.

They were all ordinary people. How could they have seen so many murderers? Some people who stood at the front even started to sneak into the crowd in fear.

What's more, Gu Nanyan even saw a fat black woman running away with her child in her arms.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible to see that she was carrying two hundred catties of meat on her back, and she ran away in a blink of an eye.

He even picked up a cucumber from a street stall.

The corner of Gu Nan's cigarette mouth twitched.

All are talents.

She cleared her throat, pointed to the ten people and continued: "The most important thing is that the person they killed didn't have a deep hatred with them, and they didn't even know each other. Maybe they just glanced at them inadvertently and were brutally killed. It's insane."

After speaking, let the officials take them away.

"Isn't it? If it were me, I wouldn't even give her a concubine, so I should drive her out of the palace as soon as possible. How dangerous it is to keep her by my side. Who knows if she is the same as those prisoners."

Many of them had admiration for Sheng Rui, and they also looked like they had eaten shit at this time.

It's like spending a lot of money on a box of exquisite pastries, and when they are salivating, the store tells them that the pastries are made of shit.

As she spoke, she tore off the white paper covering the correct answer, and tapped on the tenth question.

It can be regarded as helping her.

"Master, do you want slaves to chase after you?" Yun Xi asked.

Gu Nanyan explained it all, and only then did the people around him let go of their doubts about that elite student.

Most of the people in the audience were chatting with acquaintances around them. Only a middle-aged man in low-key clothes with a sullen face quickly walked out of the crowd and turned into a small alley, where he disappeared in an instant.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

Those students whose families were out of town ran back to the college dormitory.

Some insiders spread the news that Mingshan City provided a large amount of materials for the construction of the shelter.

She didn't mean to humiliate these prisoners in public, just to explain their identities.

The students were silent. Not only could they not refute Gu Nanyan's words, but they also thought so in their hearts.

Gu Nanyan glanced at the entrance of the alley, then shook her head indifferently.

This person also answered the tenth question correctly.

These few elite students answered the first nine questions very smoothly, but spent a lot of time on the tenth question, and even if they answered correctly, they were still inaccurate.

"I asked this question to test whether the show girls are people with a dark mind, and these prisoners who killed people without blinking an eye and even took it as fun all answered correctly, which is enough to show the accuracy of this question."

"The princess means that answering these ten questions correctly is actually not a good thing?"

Their mood at this time...

She looked at the noisy crowd, got up and went back to the palace leisurely.

Unless it is sick! !

A few students even walked away in public, their faces as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"In that case, the girl from the Sheng family is not a good person. No wonder the emperor didn't want to make her a concubine, and only gave her a concubine."

When the draft was just over, the Sheng family claimed that Sheng Rui had answered all the questions correctly, and they still thought that the girl from the Sheng family was extremely intelligent and lived up to the name of a talented woman.

And those prisoners just now wrote the answer almost without thinking.

"The only thing these people have in common is that their psychology is different from that of ordinary people. They think very darkly and have no reverence for life, so that when they think about problems, they always think about evil."

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and they saw that the words written on it were almost indistinguishable from the prisoner team's answer.

"That's why they got the question right."

How to describe it?
It's like counting nine cold days and being splashed with cold water.

Everyone denounced Sheng Rui in unison, and while talking, the topic turned to Gu Nanyan and Fu Tuo.

Facing the surprised and defensive gazes around him, his face paled instantly.

"I, I'm not..." He was eager to explain something, but didn't know where to start, and waved his hands anxiously.

Gu Nanyan smiled, but did not answer the man's question.

A group of students fled in despair, and ran to their homes one after another.

In the past, when ordinary people saw scholars like them, they were all ashamed of themselves, respected them, and even felt honored after talking to them a few words.

But according to the princess, isn't Miss Sheng...

The student glanced at Gu Nanyan gratefully, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then lowered his eyes and said nothing.

May I ask which parent can do such a crazy thing!

It started the road of admiration for their brothers and sisters.

Since the suspicion of abusing power during the draft was ruled out, the common people thought of Gu Nanyan's kindness one after another.

It's no different from seeing the official.

Some people were unwilling to refute Gu Nanyan, but after looking at the correct answer she announced, they felt that what she said was very reasonable.

If her prediction is correct, this person must have been sent by Mrs. Sheng to inquire about the news, so there is no need to make an effort to catch him.

"Oh, there is still this matter, the relationship is good, in the future..."

"No, let him go."

To know if a person is a psychopath requires answering at least three questions correctly and blurting them out without thinking.

Everyone was so choked up, their good impression of Sheng Rui fell off a cliff, directly falling below the lowest point.

She looked at one of the elite students. That person's white forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and he looked at a loss.

The students are also accustomed to it and feel superior to others.

"You are right, it must be like this. Our emperor is a benevolent monarch. Since he took office, he has done so many things to benefit the people. I heard that a while ago, he worked with the princess to build shelters in various places for natural disasters. to take in refugees."

The students looked at each other blankly, looking at the answer sheet of the prisoner team and doubting their lives.

"It must be that our emperor is kind and couldn't bear to hurt her reputation, so he knocked out his teeth and swallowed blood, and swallowed this dumb loss alone, in case she went out to scold others."

Miss Ruosheng really answered this question correctly, it is indeed a bit...not normal.

Miss Sheng is the goddess in their hearts, the most beautiful woman in the world, bar none!

My own child has no legs, so the parents will only treat them with care. How can they buy pants and shoes for the child? Isn't this sprinkling salt on the child's wound?

How could anyone look at him with such strange and contemptuous eyes?

The person who asked the question pondered for a moment, then frowned.

If you dare to give me a pot of shit, I will put it in the dung heap for you!

Although Gu Nanyan didn't tell Sheng Rui's answer that day, the Sheng family had too much confidence in Sheng Rui, and they tried their best to promote her, so that no one present didn't know that she answered all the test questions correctly. thing.

When he returned to the Sheng's house and told him what happened at the scene, Grand Master Sheng was afraid that he would vomit blood from anger.

So those students who made trouble felt for the first time the taste of being accused by the masses.

But Gu Nanyan continued: "Of course, the person who answered this question correctly is not necessarily a bad person. After all, this question alone doesn't explain anything."

"It's unreasonable!" Student A slammed down the bed board in the dormitory.

"Fortunately, we see her as the great-granddaughter of Mrs. Sheng. We respect her so much, but we never thought she was a femme fatale!"

"I'm also blind and can't see people clearly."

Student B sighed, "It's good to know her true face now, and don't mention her again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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