Chapter 756
"Nan Yan has a kind heart, and cannot bear to see your mother and daughter being bullied. I will do as she wishes."

"It's just that you have to remember that in my heart, there is only one daughter, Nanyan."

Fu Jingqi's voice was low and serious.

People often say that the emperor's family is ruthless, and he thinks this sentence is quite right.

At least he himself didn't take those children in the harem seriously.

In addition to Gu Nanyan, Wei Lan's own flesh and blood, at most, he would bring along Fu Tuo's rebellious son...

He admits that he is a cold hearted person, in this world only the three of them, mother and son, are the only ones he cares about.

Even so, he owed them a great deal.

Fortunately, he is no longer an emperor, and he will not accidentally hurt some people because of their dirty thoughts.

He will try his best to make up for it, and when his soul returns to the underworld one day, he only hopes to have the opportunity to take a look at his Lan'er from afar.

I don't know who I look like when I pick and search.

It turned out that all she had been waiting for for so many years was an answer.

However, Gu Nanyan himself has been living a lively life these past few days. The women in Fu Jingqi's harem crowded their heads to visit, just to catch up with Sheng Zhixin's good luck and see their men.

He also didn't dare to confront Gu Nanyan casually.

The sleeping hall is divided into two rooms inside and outside.

If this wasn't what Nanyan meant, he wouldn't come here even if he was beaten to death.

Others might care, but she doesn't.

"Your Majesty, you really don't want to invite the Supreme Emperor into the palace?"

But Sheng Zhixin, the person involved and the beneficiary of this incident, was miserable.

She didn't blame Fu Jingqi, nor did she blame him for being cruel.

Seeing that there was no way for Gu Nanyan to ask for a visit, the concubines and concubines turned their attention to Yilan Hall.

"I promised Nan Yan that I will do it, and I'll rest in Yilan Hall tonight."

She slowly bent her knees and kissed his back.

Seeing only one side is not the ultimate goal, but a prerequisite for achieving the goal.


Concubines of the Taizi generation rushed to visit Weiyang Palace one after another.

Seeing Sheng Zhixin go far away, Eunuch Xu came up behind Fu Jingqi and asked tentatively.

Fu Jingqi slandered endlessly.

Still live happily every day.

Weiyang Palace seems to be a check-in place for Internet celebrities. From time to time, people can be seen at the door swaying and refusing to leave.

Even if her daughter does not have the love of her father, she will do her best to make her happy.

Although it was different from the news released by the Sheng family back then, the rumors were suppressed a bit.

At least, although his status is a bit low, his future is boundless, not to mention that the current emperor has no heirs, whoever is the first to give birth to a child will be the eldest son of this generation, and no one can compare to it except the empress.

However, something happened to her natal family, so she went back to her hometown to visit relatives in the first few days.

"No need." Sheng Zhixin shook her head with a smile, "You're still afraid that I'll get lost in such a small way."

She doesn't have time, so it's okay to invite Mingyue's sister-in-law into the palace to do it.

So you are selling your body for two jars of bubbling wine?
Eunuch Xu's expression was extremely complicated.

The second is about Sheng Rui.

Don't look at them as being of the older generation, without the support of Fu Jingqi, they would not be as popular as the little girls who just entered the palace.

Unless you rebel.

Said that his granddaughter did not answer all the test questions correctly as rumored, but only answered the first nine questions correctly.

Thinking of Gu Nanyan's domineering appearance, Sheng Zhixin covered her lips and smiled lightly.

But this is Fu Jingqi's own decision, he can't control so much as a slave.

Eunuch Xu's abacus was flapping, but he didn't know that his master didn't plan to sleep in the same room with Sheng Zhixin.

"Does the Supreme Emperor want to go back to the sleeping hall for bed?"

Sheng Rui's reputation is getting worse and worse, to the point where everyone despises her.

Even if there are no dragon heirs, their lives will be much easier if the Supreme Emperor walks around the palace.

She has already joined Gu Nanyan's camp, in her opinion, this is much more useful than the Supreme Emperor staying overnight in her palace.

Fu Jingqi closed her eyes and clenched her hands behind her back.

Even if the rebellion is more than ten years later, they still don't care about the long-term.

Although the palace people are not negligent in their duties, they are not as dedicated as they used to be.

When something like this happened, the Sheng family went into hibernation and kept a low profile. They continued to close their doors to thank guests on the grounds that Mrs. Sheng's health hadn't recovered.

Younger concubines and concubines all want to regain the favor of the Supreme Emperor, even if it's just a dewy marriage, who knows if they will accidentally get a dragon heir, and they will be able to rely on one more in the future.

One is about the harem. The story of Fu Jingqi's overnight stay in the Yilan Palace has spread throughout the palace. This is the first time he has looked for a woman since he came back.

Sheng Zhixin didn't say anything, which was exactly what she wanted.

Sheng Zhixin said seriously: "I don't need it."

Mingyue, who had been waiting in front of her, hastened to meet her and support her.

After all, she still prefers to share a bed with her daughter than Fu Jingqi.

At least next time he will bargain with the princess in person, asking her to give him an extra jug of wine as a reward...

Come in the morning, come at noon, come at noon, come again in the evening.

Gu Nanyan would save her worry, so she simply locked herself in Weiyang Palace, and told the gatekeepers that no one should report to her, and just drive them away.

Now that I have it, I have no regrets.

"To save the dead girl from turning around and taking away my wine." Fu Jingqi laughed.

The harem is a place where the high and the low are stepped on. Ever since Sheng Rui entered the palace, most of the prosperity of the Yilan Palace has been taken away.

"I know what you mean, but it really doesn't have to be."

So much so that Sheng Zhixin has been very busy recently, receiving these "good sisters" from morning till night.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Slaves don't mean that." Mingyue was impatient, looked back and hesitated to speak.

Early the next morning, two news came from the capital.

And the concubine who gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor will definitely mention her status, no matter what, a concubine cannot escape.

"The concubine just wants to take good care of the princess. Although you don't want to love her, the concubine will never let her feel lonely. You can rest assured about that."

Fu Jingqi shook his head.

Fu Jingqi kicked out all the serving palace servants on the grounds that he had been sleeping lightly recently.

"Don't worry, the Supreme Emperor, Zhixin is not such an ignorant person."

"Thank you, the Supreme Emperor, for sending my concubines back. You don't have to send them to the door, just return here."

Rejected again and again but still not discouraged.

That's why Eunuch Xu went to find a new quilt to spread on the couch in the outer room, and slept in a separate room with Sheng Zhixin.

After finishing speaking, he passed Fu Jingqi and left directly.

Under the shocked eyes of His Royal Highness Yilan, Fu Jingqi first went to see the little princess, and then went to Sheng Zhixin's bedroom.

But those of their Taizi generation are different, even if they give birth to a child, they will not be destined for the throne.

The Supreme Emperor takes a lot of care into everything, but Gu Nanyan is a reckless person. If you really want to protect someone, even if you are the king of heaven, I will not be able to do it.

He didn't even have time to cook for Gu Nanyan.

She smiled, and the bitterness just now was gone in her smile.

This time it was different.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

"She doesn't give me things easily."

Sheng Zhixin looked at the broad shoulders of the man in front of him, with a flash of relief in his eyes.

Therefore, when she knew that the princess asked the Supreme Emperor to send her own mother, she didn't know how happy she was.

Gu Nanyan rarely sees guests, and everyone in the palace knows that she likes to be quiet, and they are very sensible not to disturb her.

Mrs. Sheng was afraid that the news would spread to Fu Tuo and put Sheng Rui in limbo later, so she had no choice but to come forward to clarify in person.

Maybe it was because she was still a little drunk, but she looked more relaxed than before.

As a result, Gu Nanyan's morning tea, afternoon tea and supper were all out of stock.

Is this still available?

Gu Nanyan, who hadn't eaten snacks for several days, deeply felt that her survival was seriously threatened.

So he locked himself in the dormitory, knocking on melon seeds to think about the solution.

(End of this chapter)

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