The farmer has a mall

Chapter 757 Fu Tuo and Sun Rui

Liuyun Palace in the palace.

Sheng Rui's face was gloomy, holding a pair of small golden scissors in his hand.

In front of her was a pot of pink camellias.

"Which palace did the emperor rest in yesterday?" She cut off a dead branch and asked the maid behind her.

The palace maid glanced at her cautiously, her expression a little nervous.

"Go back to your empress, the emperor... rested in Yufu Palace last night."

Yufu Palace is Sun Ying's residence, and Fu Tuo has stayed there almost every night since she was awarded the title.

Sheng Rui's face became even darker when he heard this, and he cut off one of the best camellia flowers with a click of the scissors.

It's Yufu Palace again, that bitch Sun Ying!

Sheng Rui gritted her molars, holding back the anger in her heart.


Whoever thought about it was in vain.

Sure enough, the maid said hesitantly: "The old man didn't send any news."

Standing beside Sun Ying was a man in bright yellow.

The other hand pushed aside the willow branches in front of her for her.

From housework to appearance, how can she be better than herself, why is she a head taller than her!
Sheng Rui hated it so much that he almost couldn't help throwing the scissors out.

The willow branch had long since withered, and it broke off the ground as soon as he touched it, and a small section was hung on Sun Ying's finely crafted gauze skirt, and the gauze skirt was hooked.

Sheng Rui thought well, and immediately took Chungui to Yilan Hall.

"The concubine has seen the emperor, but I don't know that the emperor is here, Rui'er has bothered me, please forgive me."

The little eunuch didn't understand what "labor reform" meant, but it shouldn't be a bad thing... right?

Fu Tuo softly coaxed her, and squatted down, carefully picking off the dead branches hanging on the skirt for her.


She was already in a bad mood, but when she passed the imperial garden, she happened to meet Sun Ying who was walking.

"Who's there!" Fu Tuo asked sharply, keeping Sun Ying behind him vigilantly.

"Ah, this is just made by my concubine."

Delicate and agile.

With a "click", the dead branch under her feet was broken by her.

Sheng Rui frowned: "Go to Gu... what are you doing at the princess's place?"

All of this should belong to her, but this bitch not only took her position, but also wanted to take over the emperor's favor.

"Chungui, go to the box and get the ginseng that my grandfather gave me before entering the palace. I'm going to visit my aunt in Yilan Palace." Sheng Rui said decisively.

Almost all the beautiful women who entered the palace with their own concubines had family members come to visit them, but Liuyun Palace did not.

"If you can't wear it, you can't wear it. I will ask someone to make you a few new boxes later. Don't be angry, my concubine."

Sheng Rui lived in the palace like a year, and wrote several letters back, asking his great-grandfather to think of a solution, but he didn't get any response.

The two who were looking at each other affectionately looked at each other.

Sheng Rui tightly squeezed the handkerchief in his hand, and looked at Sun Ying with stern eyes.

Sheng Rui was silent.

His condescending behavior, as well as the tender affection he showed, immediately stimulated Sheng Rui who was hiding in the dark.

But this matter is very important, if other concubines are the first to conceive the dragon son, then the eldest son of the emperor who is regarded as her possession will be gone.

Sun Ying looked regretful, and after she finished speaking, she gave Fu Tuo a reproachful look.

"I don't know this slave, but it's a letter from Miss Yunxi, who is beside the princess, asking my mistress and all the concubines to go to Weiyang Palace, saying that they want all the empresses to...reform through labor."

Xu Shi yelled smoothly, but he almost yelled wrongly in front of these palace people.

Although everyone knew well that the Sheng family didn't want to attract too much attention at this time, so they didn't come to the palace, but it still made people feel a little unsympathetic.

In the past few days since she entered the palace, the emperor has never been to her place, but he runs to Yufu Palace every day.

She's just a humble concubine.

Many people think that she is the candidate for queen.

Even if the child dies in the womb in the future, as long as there are enough months to identify the gender, the position of the eldest son of the emperor can only belong to this child.

Obviously only answered nine questions correctly, but boasted that he was the only one who answered all ten questions correctly.

It was undoubtedly Fu Tuo.

There are already rumors in the harem that she "has fallen out of favor before she received grace".

"Your Majesty went to Weiyang Palace with all the concubines, and the servants will be back soon." The little eunuch guarding the gate said respectfully.

Fu Tuo supported Sun Rui's back with one hand.

And Sun Yingye Chengen won the divine favor alone, and she can be regarded as a model of flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.

Sheng Rui took a deep breath.

"Ma'am, wait a minute. Mrs. Sheng is not in good health recently, and the Sheng family has a lot of gossip. Maybe it's Mrs. and Mrs. who are afraid that you will be hurt."

Although it was said that the incident of the students making trouble was caused by her, the Sheng family is now the real center of rumors, and there are all kinds of rumors outside. If the influence is not so great, the Sheng family will not lose sight of customers.

Sheng Rui tensed her body, raised her foot and subconsciously took half a step forward.

Although she and her aunt had some misunderstandings a few days ago, they are still uncles and nephews. She believed that as long as she bowed her head first, her aunt would calm down.

Sheng Rui became even more jealous, seeing that she had nowhere to hide, so she had to emerge from behind a tree.

Sheng Zhixin was not in the Yilan Palace.

The two stood side by side under a row of willow trees that had lost all their leaves.

If the natal family wants to visit the palace, they must hand in a sign one day in advance, and they can only enter the palace after obtaining permission.

On weekdays, she really doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

At that time, let her take herself to the emperor for a few laps as an elder...

Due to Gu Nanyan's reasons, Sheng Rui's talented woman set up over the years collapsed, coupled with the Sheng family's inconsistent explanations, many people in the capital said that she was not worthy of her name.

"In another month and a half, after the rumors subside, Mrs. Madam will come to see you in the palace." Although the maid was a little afraid of Sheng Rui, she still couldn't help comforting her.

Fortunately, she still has reason and knows that she is in a bad situation. If it is reported that she lost her temper in her palace, it will be even more detrimental to her.

Sheng Rui stood by the window trimming the branches and leaves silently, thinking about the solution in his heart.

"Returning to your mother, the servants have never heard of it..."

"Any news from the Sheng family?"

Fu Tuo smiled lightly from the tip of his nose, his expression was surprisingly gentle, and he looked at Sun Ying with eyes full of affection.

"Then someone handed a sign to Liuyun Palace?"

Sheng Rui had no choice but to walk back unwillingly after thinking about it.

She believed that with her own conditions, she would definitely attract the emperor's attention.

If she really got the favor because of this, it is not impossible for her to forgive her aunt.

"That means it's gone." Sheng Rui interrupted her with no emotion in her tone.

Forgive her for robbing the imperial doctor from herself, so that she couldn't take care of her body on time.

The Sheng family definitely can't count on it. The only one who can help her now is Concubine Chen who lives in the harem with her.

It's also thanks to her being good at forbearance since she was a child, and she has already developed the ability to hide her emotions and anger.

It's like a newlywed wife is acting like a baby with her husband.

Since the student sit-in incident a few days ago, the Sheng family closed their doors to thank guests. The great-grandfather stayed in the mansion on the grounds of recuperating from illness. Even the grandfather took sick leave and hadn't gone to court for several days.

The maid gave Sheng Rui a sympathetic look.

Her aunt.

Therefore, Sheng Rui had a deep resentment towards Gu Nanyan, and always called him by his first name when no one was around.

She was brought into the palace by Sheng Rui, so she naturally had a different feeling for the Sheng family from ordinary court ladies.

She sorted out her emotions, put on a decent smile, and walked slowly in front of Fu Tuo.

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Sun Yingying again.

"I have met my sister personally, I don't know how my sister is doing well recently."

She straightened up and said apologetically, "My sister got caught up in trivial matters, and I haven't had time to greet you in the future. I hope my sister will not blame you."

Seeing that it was her, Sun Ying seemed a little surprised, and then hurriedly came out from behind Fu Tuo to help her up.

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