The farmer has a mall

Chapter 758 It doesn't matter

"My sister is serious, you and I are serving the emperor, so why talk about seeing him?"

She seemed a little embarrassed to look at Fu Tuo.

"What's more, both the emperor and I know about the recent rumors about my sister, knowing that you are in a bad mood, so how can you be so demanding on you at this time."

With no queen in the palace, Sun Ying is the No. 1 in the harem. It stands to reason that Sheng Rui should really go to her place to pay her respects every day.

It's just that Sheng Rui is high-minded, and he doesn't look down on her background, so how could he be willing to bow his head to her.

Sun Ying simply didn't make strict rules, so she went along with the flow and pretended not to know the rules in the palace, without even showing her face.

Hearing her mention of the rumor, Sheng Rui subconsciously glanced at Fu Tuo,
"It's just rumors, it can't be taken as true." She smiled awkwardly, and there was a dark tide under her drooping eyelids.

This bitch deliberately exposed her scars in front of the emperor, she is really vicious!

"My younger sister has been familiar with the books of sages and sages since she was a child. She often traveled with her great-grandfather. She met many ignorant people, so how could she care about them?"

"On the contrary, sister, although she is a concubine, she is like a lady of every family, she does not go out of the door all day long."

He decided that Sheng Rui did it on purpose, and she answered correctly the tenth question asked by Yan'er from his family.

Fu Tuo squinted his eyes, already seeing Sheng Rui as an extremely vicious person.

Things that can't be put on the table!

Sheng Rui couldn't believe it.

Watching her walking away, Fu Tuo hastily let go of Sun Ying's hand, causing her to stagger.

She suddenly became angry from her heart to the gallbladder.

Sheng Rui did it on purpose, but she wanted to vent her anger secretly, and never thought that Fu Tuo could see through her little tricks.

Personality really isn't a thing!
No matter how good-tempered Sun Ying is, it would be frustrating to be despised like this.

"Maybe my younger sister is usually strong..." Sun Ying continued to defend her.

A blush floated on her cheeks, and Sun Ying muttered softly.

Sheng Rui smiled shyly, and what he said was nothing more than a reminder of her identity as a concubine and her lack of knowledge.

Sun Ying choked, feeling a little annoyed for some reason.

Sheng Rui was contemptuous, and seeing that Fu Tuo had no intention of pursuing it after her persuasion, he didn't bother to stay here any longer, and after a very "sincere" apology, he resigned.

Suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"My sister must have never been bothered by those small people in the market. Although I can't go out to gain knowledge, my sister is really envious."

The emperor probably only has a pleasing appearance.

What she didn't know was that the current Anyang country has strong soldiers, strong horses, sufficient food and grass, and with the support of weapons provided by Gu Nanyan, Fu Tuo would not care to please anyone in order to win the support of the other party.

So after a few days, Sun Ying got along with him much more easily than at the beginning.

"My sister didn't do it on purpose." She looked complicatedly at Sheng Rui who was wondering what she was thinking.

"You and I have been friends since we were in our boudoir, how could my sister blame you for this?"

"I lost my life because I did something for the emperor, don't you feel guilty?"

Her great-grandfather was the grand teacher respected by everyone. Shouldn't the emperor protect her to gain the support of her great-grandfather and the court ministers?

She bit her lip, her eyes turned red instantly.

Most of the time they are driven to do this and that.

Just rarely speak.

Fu Tuo stopped in his tracks, turned his face and said expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter, I can cooperate with another person."

"Is it okay?" When Sheng Rui was shocked, Fu Tuo didn't even look at her, but asked Sun Ying distressedly.

As for what is different, even she herself does not know.

Sun Ying's heart skipped a beat, she even forgot the pain in her hand, and just stared at her blankly.

Sun Ying was also used to letting them go.

"She is the young lady of the Sheng family and the great-granddaughter of the old grand master. She doesn't need to do rough and heavy work, so how can she be so strong that she can scratch someone casually!" Fu Tuo obviously didn't believe it.

"What if I die?" She said stubbornly.

Otherwise, she would be stupid to do this kind of thing in front of Fu Tuo and make him unhappy.

He also speaks casually on weekdays, and won't haggle over every detail with her.

Holding the veil and crying, she said: "Although it was not intentional, it is a fact that I hurt my sister. If my sister refuses to forgive me, I am willing to be punished."

Seemed shocked at why she was looking at herself that way.

The strength not only pulled Sun Ying into her arms, but also staggered Sheng Rui, almost falling to the ground.

"I'm fine, don't be angry, the emperor."

Sun Ying was in pain and wanted to take back her hand, but she held her tightly and couldn't break free.

"The introduction has already been laid, you'd better be careful in the near future, Yi Shengrui's temperament cannot guarantee that he won't attack you."

Go in the opposite direction from when you came.

Fu Tuo snorted coldly.

Sun Ying: "..."

She looked up at Sheng Rui who was opposite.

Hearing her trying to excuse herself, Sheng Rui laughed sarcastically.

Every year when Mrs. Sheng celebrates her birthday, Wushi will bring her daughter to the Sheng family, and Sun Ying, who is a concubine, is no exception.

How could they hide Fu Tuo's tricks.

Frowning, he strode forward, walked behind Sun Ying and dragged her back to him.

After she finished speaking, tears flowed down her face, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Although Sun Ying was in pain, she saw Fu Tuo staring at her without blinking. The tension in it was beyond words, and anyone could see it.

"The concubine didn't dare, the concubine just suddenly saw the emperor was too nervous, so she accidentally hurt her sister."

It's like Sun Ying bullied her again.

Then he took out a veil from his pocket and wiped it carefully.

As he spoke, he grabbed Sun Ying's hand and squeezed it hard.

Now that he entered the palace, even though his status was higher than Sheng Rui's, he still felt humbled.

To say there is friendship is an exaggeration.

With her virtue, even if she is given the title of queen, she is still unworthy.

Although it was just a cooperative relationship, Fu Tuo kindly reminded him.

Sun Ying pursed her lips and looked at his side face carefully, intending to see something different from it.

Every time she was like a little maid, she quietly followed behind her sister-in-law, and naturally had a few encounters with Sheng Rui and other young ladies of the Sheng family.

Sun Ying got in touch with him for a few days and found that this aloof emperor was not as cold and ruthless as he appeared on the surface.

Seeing this, Sun Ying hurriedly said, "Sister, don't say that."

"If it's in her hands, don't blame me for not reminding you." Fu Tuo threw the handkerchief on the ground, and was about to walk back with his hands behind his back.

"I didn't make it like this on purpose. If it was on purpose, she would still want to break your hand!"

Why did he protect this woman instead of himself!
Sun Ying is just the concubine of the privy envoy's family! !
Seeing Fu Tuo rubbing Sun Ying's flushed little hand with a distressed face, Sheng Rui's eyes were tearing apart.

But her eyes were icy cold, like a wild beast that would bite her neck at any time.

"If I fall into her hands, won't it matter to the emperor?"

He took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve imitating the example, and followed Fu Tuo's example and wiped his hands carefully several times.

Fu Tuo squinted at her and didn't care about it.

However, Fu Tuo was destined to disappoint her, except for the slight frown that showed how impatient he was at the moment, there was no other emotion.

"You and I get what we need, and there are risks in this. Why should I feel guilty?"

"If you die, it can only mean that you are not as powerful as you imagined, and the wish to save mother from the fire and water is just a delusion." Fu Tuo said coldly.

"If you cooperate with me with this mentality, I advise you to quit now, at least you can save your life."

"Otherwise, please correct your attitude and don't tell me these things are useless."

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