The farmer has a mall

Chapter 759 Weird

Chapter 759 Weird

Leaving the Imperial Garden, Sheng Rui went straight to Weiyang Palace.

Chun Gui followed closely behind her, seeing that this was the road leading to Weiyang Palace, he couldn't help asking: "Are you going to find the Empress Dowager Chen?"

Sheng Rui didn't say anything, Chungui just took it as her acquiescence.

She couldn't help but said anxiously: "If your empress wants to find Concubine Chen, I will accompany you to Yilan Palace later."

"The old man said that you should not come into contact with Princess Anyang recently, so as not to cause trouble again." She looked to Weiyang Palace not far ahead to remind Sheng Rui.

The Sheng family closed their doors to thank guests recently, and even she couldn't enter the Sheng family's gate, so someone brought a sentence, asking her to tell the master to keep a low profile and stay away from Princess Anyang.

Chungui grew up in Sheng's family, and this is the first time he saw the old man guarding against someone so cautiously.

Although she is not as intelligent as her master, she can see that the person who can make the old man nervous is definitely not a good person to be with.

Now that the relationship between the Sheng family and Princess Anyang is so tense, isn't the master sending them to the door to be bullied?

"If you have something to ask, just ask directly, and the slave will definitely tell you what he knows."

Even though the princess doesn't talk much on weekdays, she is broad-minded and never loses her temper with servants like them. The food she gives is also good, and the daily meals are not repeated, but she still manages to be full.

Thinking of Fu Tuo's eyes full of love, and feeling the surging jealousy in his heart, Sheng Rui pursed his lips tightly and walked more and more eagerly.

Before he was assigned to Weiyang Palace, he had to starve a lot.

How could she not understand what Chungui thought of.

After he was relieved, he immediately stepped back a dozen steps, stood three meters away from Sheng Rui's master and servant, and shouted at them.

Not only Concubine Chen, but also Concubine Zhang, Concubine Li, and Concubine Wang all came.

Only she deserves that position.

Sheng Ruixin winked at Chun Gui behind him.

Weiyang Palace is a good place where other people can't even get in if they squeeze their heads.

The little eunuch was startled, and threw the purse back like a landmine.

It's about to die, this is Weiyang Palace, who dares to blindly cash the money.

Under the astonished eyes of the two, the little eunuch retreated a meter away again.

Of course, during the time he has been here, I haven't heard of anyone who dares to provoke Weiyang Palace who is blind.

The reason is that the princess has a strong deterrent effect.

If I hadn't seen the scene of Fu Tuo and Sun Ying kissing each other just now, she definitely wouldn't have appeared here.

But even so, she could have calmed down as usual, and went to look for Sheng Zhixin after she returned to Yilan Palace.

Sheng Rui's ability to be supported by students in the capital for many years was not entirely due to hype, but also a bit of wisdom.

Unexpectedly, the further you go, the more wrong it will be.

Sheng Rui was puzzled, and took his right foot back as soon as it stepped over the threshold.

And the nanny in charge will seek justice for them in person after asking what happened.

"Doesn't this empress know that the princess invited people to the garden, and the toffees are also there?"

The little eunuch had never seen Sheng Rui before, and only thought that she was with those people, and even stepped forward to help her lead the way.

Is there really a trap? Why does she feel that she is getting further and further away?

This season is not the time to enjoy flowers.

Not to mention the daily work, the key is that the master is easy to serve.

Otherwise, if she loses the opportunity, no matter how powerful she is, it will be difficult to recover.

She knew that her purpose of entering the palace was to raise the Sheng family to a higher level and make herself the most honorable woman in the world.

These two masters and servants are too dangerous, he has to stay away.

Could it be a trap?
But how did Gu Nanyan know that she was coming, and prepared a trap in advance.

She doesn't love Fu Tuo, and she doesn't care whether Fu Tuo loves her or not, it has nothing to do with love.

The most important thing is that Weiyang Palace has an unwritten rule.

"Today, it looks like it's going to rain. Why did the princess meet guests in the garden?" She asked with a smile.

It is said that this is the order of the princess.

Can that bag of money be worth half a year's wages?
But pull it down, half a year's salary is nothing.

"I don't know if this father-in-law can tell you that if you stay in the garden for a long time, the servants can prepare rain gear for our mother in advance."

The fact that my aunt has gotten close to Gu Nanyan recently is known to everyone, and it's normal to bring one or two familiar sisters here to visit, so there's nothing strange about it.

The little eunuch looked around anxiously, and was relieved to see that Yunxi was not around.

It seems to be too smooth.

As she spoke, she took out a heavy purse from her sleeve pocket and stuffed it into the little eunuch's arms.

Now that they were all here, Sheng Rui didn't intend to back down, so he simply gritted his teeth and followed.

But she couldn't tolerate Fu Tuo falling in love with other women.

It can only be said that Sheng Rui was greatly stimulated, and coupled with the fact that things have not gone well recently, his mentality has become unbalanced.

Although he was just a janitor, no one in the entire palace dared to look down on him, let alone bully him.

Everyone's life is easier than when they were outside the palace.

Otherwise, even if old master Sheng has the ability to reach the sky, she can only be a dou who cannot be supported.

If anyone was bullied by people from other palaces outside, and it was not his fault, he could go to the nanny in charge to complain.

Especially for a young eunuch like him who has just entered the palace, his hands and feet are not as quick as others, and he can only grab a living every time.

Are there other concubines besides aunt?
Sheng Rui immediately heard the problem, but she didn't think much about it.

The little eunuch didn't know her doubts, so he laughed cheerfully and said, "I'm here, I'm here."

No one will stop you until you are full!
He has only been here for a long time, look at the flesh on his body, he has gained more than two rounds of fat.

That would make her fall into a passive situation and make the road under her feet more difficult, which she would never allow.

There is no such good thing in other palaces, but anyone who runs a little slower will be robbed of the food.

If someone saw her, she might be beaten to death by the elusive girl Yun Xi!

"Is Concubine Chen in there?" She asked defensively.

Sheng Rui thought it would be difficult to enter the gate of Weiyang Palace, so she was ready to be rejected.

Spring returned to the meeting, and went forward to walk with the little eunuch.

Fortunately, Eunuch Xu saw that he was honest and he was from his hometown, so he sent him to Weiyang Palace to watch the gate.

But she couldn't care so much at this time, she just wanted to see her aunt as soon as possible, and let her find a way to arrange her bedtime as soon as possible.

The little eunuch did not stop.

The situation made her feel uneasy.

"This is not the way to the inner courtyard." Sheng Rui frowned.

"What is this sister doing, the slave dare not accept it."

Weiyang Palace is really lively today.

There is no need to be nervous enough to go to Weiyang Palace to find someone.

Anyway, he was just a gatekeeper, all he could know was what was on the surface, and there was nothing he couldn't say.

The little eunuch puffed out his chest proudly.

Who would have thought that when she approached, the front door of Weiyang Palace was wide open, only a little eunuch was guarding the door, and when he saw her, he invited her in without asking.

What puzzled her was why she went to the garden.

The friends who entered the palace around the same time as him did not know how much they envied him.

Could it be that she has eyeliner all the way?

So no one would do something like cash register betraying a princess.

Weiyang Palace is heavily guarded, and the gate is closed all year round, regardless of whether its owner is present or not.

Otherwise, being beaten up by Miss Yunxi is not a big deal, but losing the job is a bad thing.

"I don't know why the princess asked you to go to the garden, but a shed was built in the garden today, maybe it has something to do with it."

Anyway, she will be able to see it when she arrives later, so it's okay if he tells her in advance.

Chungui felt that the little eunuch was really weird, his expression changed from time to time, quite rich.

But thinking that Concubine Chen was also in the garden, and that there were other people present, Chun Gui didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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