Chapter 761
Ever since Sheng Rui entered the door, Sheng Zhixin has been paying attention to this niece.

Seeing that she liked eating this little orange very much, she hesitated for a moment, then ordered the little maid waiting beside her to bring her this plate.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, but asked someone to serve her another plate.

"Princess, how come this little orange concubine has never seen it before, has it not been sold in Fruit Color and Heavenly Fragrance?"

A concubine couldn't help asking.

This concubine was probably only in her early twenties, and although her clothes were not luxurious, they were extremely exquisite.

It can be seen that the family conditions are good.

that's the truth.

Someone in her family was engaged in business. Since she entered the palace a few years ago, her natal family has become one of the imperial merchants in the capital, and there is no lack of her credit.

The elder brother in the family loved her since she was a child, fearing that she would not get used to it in the palace, so she would ask someone to give her money every month.

Since the opening of Guose Tianxiang, various fruits have been sent along with the money.

But she had never eaten this kind of orange.

"It was just delivered from Jianan country early this morning, and it should be on sale." She smiled slightly at the concubine who asked the question, showing her standard eight teeth.

"The number is limited, first come first served."

Gu Nanyan never forgets to promote her shop.

The concubine was taken aback for a moment, secretly thinking that Princess Anyang was so kind at times.

Realizing that she said that the quantity is limited, she hurriedly patted her thigh and asked the serving maid to go out of the palace to buy it, without even asking the price.

Immediately, a group of women greeted with envious and jealous eyes.

It really is a child of a rich family, Gu Nanyan sighed.

Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Gu Nanyan started talking about business.

"I have divided this greenhouse into small fields of one square meter, and I will distribute some seeds to you later." She looked at Yunxi.

Yun Xi understood, and stepped forward with a tray.

There were more than a dozen purses on the tray, and there were labels on the purses, which stated the seeds of what crops were contained in them.

"With a limit of ten days, whoever can germinate these seeds will have a chance to sleep."

"Of course, you can only farm by yourself. You can ask anyone for farming skills, but you can't ask others for help."

Gu Nanyan said it very plainly, as if it was a very common thing for these women who do not touch the sun to cultivate the fields.

However, it caused everyone to cry in surprise, and everyone suddenly changed their faces.

"Where did I wait to do these jobs, isn't the princess joking?"

"That's right, don't talk about farming, we haven't even seen the seeds, how can we do this?"

"We sisters are not the ones who should do this. Isn't the princess making things difficult for us..."

"Why don't you change the metaphor, singing, dancing, playing the piano, or reciting poems, I can do it all at my fingertips."

"Yes, yes, I can do this too..."

Protests came one after another, and Gu Nanyan picked out his ears.

"But I can't." She spread her hands.

"The ones you mentioned don't know how to sing... they can sing, but I never show off my beautiful singing voice."

Yun Xi: "..."

The master is too good at nonsense, you can say that you are beautiful even if you have a five-tone insufficiency...

It's really beautiful, you can lift the cover of heaven and earth when you open your mouth.

If we put you on the battlefield when we fight again someday, we don't need to send troops, and you can scare the opponent away with your voice.

Wouldn't it be nice for you to win such a battle without bloodshed?

I'm afraid it's going to be beautiful!
Thinking of the howling ghosts and wolves she heard in the middle of the night last time, Yun Xi trembled and almost slapped the tray in her hand on Gu Nan's cigarette butt.

Gu Nanyan looked back at her when she heard the noise.

His lips are pale, his face is blue, and his eyes are out of focus. Is this the devil?

Is Yun Xi acting a little weird recently...

She remembered that once she got excited in the middle of the night, she drank some wine and sang a song in the room.

This guy was fine, he fell directly from the beam, which frightened her and even cracked the floor.

She remembered that Yunxi also had this expression at the time, and she was staring in a daze in one direction, her eyes seemed to be a little dull besides...


Gu Nanyan wrapped her body in the cotton-padded coat, shrunk her neck and looked around with her big black eyes.

Could this guy really be able to see unclean things...

Never had this problem before.

Is it possible that, as the scriptures say, the magical powers were opened by chance?
"It doesn't matter if the princess doesn't know these things. You just need to help us decide the outcome, and you don't need to perform." A woman who was sitting in the corner of the front row and whose status was unknown said.

"That won't work." Gu Nanyan refused, and moved his buttocks on the chair, moving away from Yunxi.

"I don't know anything about how to decide the outcome for you. It's unfair. The bedtime matters are very important, so how can you be fooled like this." Gu Nanyan said with a serious face.

"But we really won't."

"If you don't know how to go to school."

"Would you like to learn?"

"Then you can only be eliminated."

Gu Nanyan said quite ruthlessly.

Xu Shi understood that she was not easy to mess with. Although the concubines of the Taizi generation present were somewhat dissatisfied, none of them dared to vent it. They looked at each other a few times, their faces full of bitterness.

They wanted to leave, but they were reluctant to part with this hard-won opportunity, so they could only endure it in the end.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good. This competition is mainly voluntary. Anyone who doesn't want to participate can withdraw now."

There was no sound in front of them, although everyone looked disheveled and crumbling like catkins floating in the wind, no one wanted to leave.

Gu Nanyan sighed again.

These women really deserved to be killed by the harem, their hearts were not ordinary tenacity, and unexpectedly they did not throw away their sleeves and leave.

"If there are no problems, go to Yunxi to get the seeds and the number plate. The number plate says the cultivated land you are responsible for."

"I'll give you two days to go back and study, and the competition will officially start the day after tomorrow."

Gu Nanyan stood up as he spoke, ready to retire.

"Wait a minute, princess!" A soft female voice came from the corner behind.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, her gaze fell directly on Sheng Rui without searching.

"What's the matter."

I knew you were going to be a moth, and I would be sorry for your surname if you didn't toss about it!

The Sheng family are all good at things.

Gu Nanyan looked at Sheng Zhixin beside him, with a bit of disgust in his eyes.

It wasn't a good thing before.

Sensing Gu Nanyan's disgusted look, Sheng Zhixin was baffled.

Why is my old lady messing with you again?

Didn't you give me oranges just now? It's only been a while before you changed your face?

It's so hard to serve!
Sheng Zhixin gave Gu Nanyan the back of her head, expressing that she didn't want to talk to her.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


Who likes to take care of you.

Gu Nanyan also turned her back and stood back to back with her.

The childish behavior of the two was noticed by Yunxi, and she couldn't bear to look directly at them, she turned her face away.

Later, she must remember to get more walnuts from the imperial dining room, these two must make up for it...

"Is there something wrong with the princess's move?" Sheng Rui pursed her lips and walked forward with an elegant and decent manner.

"All the ladies here are our elders, you make things difficult for them..."

She hesitated to speak and said: "If it gets out, I'm afraid someone will say that you disrespect your elders."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head to look at Gu Nanyan, and the corner of her mouth hooked slightly.

The provocation flashed in his eyes.

She just answered a question wrong in the draft, and Gu Nanyan made things difficult for her, and even came forward to tarnish her reputation.

So much so that her great-grandfather became quite cold towards her.

But what about herself?
Acting in a disorderly manner, without any scruples, which woman acts recklessly like her!

(End of this chapter)

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