Chapter 762
But no matter what she did, someone would protect her.

She just publicized it to the outside world, so what's wrong!
Sheng Rui gritted her molars, feeling very angry.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her, and said indifferently, "Just pass it on. If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I don't care."

If she had to act cautiously because of a little gossip, she would have died of aggrieved long ago.

"Besides, I have never done anything harmful to nature, nor have I been poked through in public for bragging, so that everyone betrayed their relatives and lost face, and the affected family was also affected. There is nothing to be afraid of." She said sarcastically. .

"More importantly, I have just said that the competition is entirely up to one's own will, and those who don't want to participate can not participate. When will you be embarrassed?"

"But you used the bedtime as bait to force them to participate, don't you think it's too despicable!"

Having his scars exposed, Sheng Rui felt embarrassment surge in his heart.

Why is Gu Nanyan's mouth so poisonous!
Can you not mention this? !
"The concubine has not had the opportunity to serve the bed since she entered the palace. I feel empathy for all the empresses. You are clearly using other people's weaknesses to force them." Concubine, concubine.

"You are all elders, it's against the norm for her to treat you like this, you can go to the emperor and sue her!"

"At the same time, it will also let the Supreme Emperor know that your difficulties are difficult, and I will definitely visit the harem often in the future..."

"how is this possible."

Sheng Rui originally thought that if she put herself in their shoes and spoke for them, she would definitely win everyone's favor, so she would fight against Gu Nanyan together with her.

But what he didn't want to face was the contemptuous eyes of all the women.

"We know better than you what kind of person the Supreme Emperor is. To expect him to take the initiative to come to see us is simply a dream."

Not to mention that he cared so much about the princess, if they went to sue him about his precious daughter, it would only be counterproductive and annoying.

It is rare for a group of women to agree and disagree with Sheng Rui's statement.

"But... won't you be unwilling?" Sheng Rui asked eagerly.

Not reconciled to being played in the hands of others, not reconciled to being inferior to others, no matter what the other party does, I can't resist.

They are all of average age, why should she look at Gu Nanyan's face!
Is it because she is a royal princess?

But she is also the apple of the eye of the Sheng family, even if she is a princess, she shouldn't treat her like this!
He also wrote an unheard of test question to frame her...

What the answer is is not up to Gu Nanyan himself, it is clearly aimed at it.

The more Sheng Rui thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Regardless of Chungui's obstruction, he raised his chin and said proudly, "Just do as I say."

"As long as you dare to go to the emperor to complain, I will persuade my great-grandfather to speak to the Supreme Emperor and ask him to visit the harem often."


As soon as Sheng Rui finished speaking, Sheng Zhixin frowned.

"What are you talking nonsense here? How can you decide what grandfather should or should not do." She scolded.

"With this time, you might as well reflect on your mistakes and try to make the emperor change his opinion of you, instead of sowing right and wrong here!"

Sheng Zhixin stared at her niece with hatred.

The Sheng family had already been at loggerheads with Gu Nanyan. Not only did she not know how to make peace between the two sides, but she even sowed discord in front of the rightful owner.

And he also carried his grandfather out!
Do you think there are not enough conflicts between the two sides? !
If she hadn't mentioned her grandfather, the current situation could at best be regarded as an ignorant child.

This time dragged the entire Sheng family into trouble.

Facing Sheng Zhixin's reprimanding tone, Sheng Rui's face was full of disbelief.

"How can Auntie say that about Rui'er, Rui'er is just fighting for the injustice of the ladies, who has ever provoked anyone?"

Her voice started to choke as she spoke, and tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

"Besides, my great-grandfather had already told the Supreme Emperor about this, and Rui'er wasn't talking nonsense." She wiped away her tears, looking extremely aggrieved.

The audience in the audience stared dumbfounded, and when they heard her calling Aunt Sheng Zhixin, they began to discuss.

"Huh? Why did she call Aunt Chen Taifei? Could it be that this girl is a child of the Sheng family?" A woman in a green coat asked her good sister who was also sitting on a small bench watching a play.

"It must be. People say that nephews are like uncles and nieces are like aunts. I think she is indeed somewhat similar to Concubine Chen." The good sister replied.

"I also noticed when you said that, it seems really similar, especially the eyebrows and eyes, as if they were carved out of the same mold..." The green-coated woman was stunned.

"By the way, does the Sheng family have a girl who participated in this year's draft? The one who only got a concubine..."

"I remember!" The young woman sitting in front of the two clapped her hands, "I saw her last year, when I was visiting Concubine Chen who had just given birth in Yilan Palace, this little girl also went, Mrs. Sheng personally brought it."

No wonder the little girl looked so proud, she turned out to be the great-granddaughter of the old grand master.

"That's right..." The green-coated woman suddenly realized.

"I said how she seemed to have a grudge against the princess, and every word she spoke was stinging, and her feelings were really grudges."

The Sheng family advocated Sheng Rui, and suspected that the princess had tampered with the draft, so that the whole city's student protests spread all over the place.

Later, the princess proved her innocence, and they all knew about the fact that she dragged Sheng Rui down from the cloud instead.

"She's using us as a pawn." The green-coated woman curled her lips.

If you want to take revenge yourself, what will you do by dragging them into the water.

"Concubine Yun's kindness is appreciated by us elders, but I can't wait for a concubine, so how dare I bother the old grand master to worry about it."

None of them were fools, they just didn't know Sheng Rui's identity just now.

Knowing who she is at this time, how can I not understand the key.

whispering sound!
The woman in the green coat sneered contemptuously.

"What's more, the old grand master is doing great things for the country and the people, and I'm afraid he doesn't have time to take care of other people's house affairs."

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing Liaozhai with me?

The harem is the epitome of the imperial court. Her natal family disagreed with Mrs. Sheng's political views, and she was often suppressed by their faction. Naturally, she would not let go of this opportunity for revenge.

Although it can only show the quickness of the tongue, it can be regarded as a round.

The other concubines of the Taizi generation agreed one after another, and began to criticize the single-handed Sheng Rui.

It's not that all of them disagree with the Sheng family.

On the contrary, many of them were in the same boat as the Sheng family.

They would attack Sheng Rui so aggressively only because the old master Sheng once said something in the court.

He said that the women in the harem are just tools for the emperor to spread their branches and leaves, and should not participate in the education of the princes and princesses. Once found, they should be severely punished or sent back to their natal families.

To serve as a warning to others.

This immediately angered the concubine.

Although Fu Jingqi, who was still the emperor at that time, did not listen to his words and set up this rule, it still made these women in the harem very angry.

It would be fine if Sheng Rui didn't mention Mrs. Sheng.

Not only did she mention it, but she also wanted to take advantage of everyone, which immediately aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

Not to mention the competition that Gu Nanyan mentioned, although they were reluctant, they were very happy to have this opportunity.

As I said just now, they know better what the Supreme Emperor is like, and the possibility of expecting him to take the initiative to enter the harem is very small.

It's no use even if they deliver it to your door.

But the princess is different.

Who doesn't know that the Supreme Emperor is not afraid of heaven and earth, but he is afraid of his daughter!

As long as she sends a message, are you afraid that that smelly man won't come to your door obediently?
(End of this chapter)

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