The farmer has a mall

Chapter 763 Little Hoof Sheng Rui

Chapter 763 Little Hoof Sheng Rui

The women in the harem felt that only Gu Nanyan could restrain that scumbag Fu Jingqi.

So whether it is true or false, for the sake of his own interests, he stood on her side without exception.

The eldest lady who placed high hopes on Sheng Rui, the Sheng family, launched a group attack.

Their words were not harsh, but ironic.

It was the first time for Sheng Rui to experience this kind of "betrayal" situation. Even the last time those students turned against each other, they only went to Sheng's house to make trouble, and never came to her.

So although she knew the details, she had never experienced it.

Surrounded by a group of women, she talked for a long time in a strange manner, and then she was forced to a corner, her face turned from red to blue.

Fully experience how strong a woman who has been in the palace for many years is.

"The princess also said just now that the competition is voluntary, you don't want to participate or not, it doesn't matter what other people do." The green-coated woman curled her lips, her eyes almost rolled out of the sky.

"What are you? You are just a little concubine, and you dare to take care of our sisters' affairs."

A coquettish purple-clothed woman standing in the front flicked her nails.

She twitched the corners of her bright red lips mockingly, and took another step forward after speaking, straightening out her proud chest.

Who is Little Hoof!
You are the little hoof! !
"I am the emperor's woman, only the emperor has the right to control me, no one else!" She gave the alluring woman a hard look.

But she never expected that her kindness would be taken as a donkey's liver and lungs!
Sheng Rui was annoyed and annoyed, she shook her sleeves and wanted to leave their encirclement, but was blocked by other people intentionally or unintentionally.

They are just used to doing superficial kung fu, regardless of old and new grudges, they will get it back later.

It's just because she looks so coquettish, it looks like she is winking at her.

Since Fu Jingqi ascended the throne, the draft has been held every three years. The woman in the green jacket was the one who entered the palace in the last draft. In addition, it has been four years since Fu Jingqi abdicated.

Sheng Rui was so annoyed, her face was flushed red, as if she was about to ooze blood.

She almost bumped into Sheng Rui's raised hand.

"The concubine is just kindly reminding..." These women really don't know what to do. If it wasn't for dealing with Gu Nanyan, who would the grand lady of the Grand Master's Mansion know who they are?
Don't pay attention to these small families at all!

Her reverse operation made them embarrassed to continue to embarrass them, and their momentum suddenly weakened as they hesitated.

Her voice gradually lowered, with grievances in her tone that could not be ignored.

She seemed a little helpless, bent her knees and blessed her body.

But she couldn't close the game anymore, so she wanted to pull Sheng Zhixin into the battlefield to solve the current predicament first.

"This year's draft is guarded by the princess, why can't she intervene?" said the coquettish woman.

Although they are not good men and women, they can't bully a "weak" junior in public without changing their faces.

Just turn it over.

But not everyone thinks so.

"And don't forget..."

Of course, it's not because they are soft-hearted. In a place like the harem, whoever is soft-hearted will die first.

"It's Rui'er meddling in her own business. Rui'er just kindly reminded you, but I didn't expect you to misunderstand."

"Forget it, just let me meddle in other people's business, Rui'er will not dare again in the future, please make room for me, a junior." There was a bit of grievance in her tone, as if she was giving in.

The women standing opposite looked at each other in surprise, they really didn't expect her to be so flexible.

These women are really courageous, but they dared to call themselves elders in front of her after entering the palace a few years before her, it's ridiculous!

Sheng Rui gritted her teeth: "Auntie, do you still remember what you promised your great-grandmother?"

"Weiyang Palace also belongs to the scope of the harem, and it is where the former empress lived."

Although they look down on them in their hearts, but now that the other party has a large number of people, the only one who will continue to magnify the conflict will be the one who suffers.

Being passed gossip back to her natal family by them is not just as simple as embarrassing.

She looked in Gu Nanyan's direction sullenly, and clenched her fist unwillingly.

They are no better than those students.

"Concubine Yun should be more careful. It is disrespectful to touch the body of an elder at will, so don't break your own rules."

After she finished speaking, she snorted, turned around, twisted her hips and elbows, and twisted her seductively in front of Gu Nanyan.

"You need to remind me." The alluring woman in purple rolled her eyes, not hiding her contempt.

Gu Nanyan: No appointment.

She lowered her eyes and straightened her wide sleeves, and said mockingly with winking eyes: "The princess is responsible for the selection, and you were selected by the princess."

Immediately, it caused a group of women around to cover their lips and snigger, with puffing sounds one after another.

"The princess has to take good care of these little hooves, or the harem will be turned upside down."

Sheng Rui, who was nearly fainted by her "little hoof", turned black when he heard this.

"Besides, this is the business of our older generation. You, a child, are still in charge of the elders. How decent!"

Originally, he had a aggressive posture, but half of the fire was extinguished in an instant.

"Even if she's a princess, she can't meddle in the affairs of the harem at will."

"The emperor let the princess live there because he wanted the princess to watch over him, so as not to cause any trouble in the palace."

Sheng Rui realized that he was too impatient today, and shouldn't have conflicted with Gu Nanyan on the surface, so that he fell into a passive position.

Unable to find a reason to refute for a while, Sheng Rui muttered for a while.

What do I do, I am not her father, and the harem is not mine.

"You promised to take good care of Rui'er and not let Rui'er be bullied in the palace..."

She was obviously only a young girl in her early twenties, but she called herself an elder in front of Sheng Rui, who was not a few years younger than her, and even put on airs of an elder.

"Auntie, do you just watch Rui'er being bullied like this?"

Those who can enter the palace are not powerful in the family, and most of them are officials in the court.

Sheng Rui wanted to push it out, but when he saw this, he immediately withdrew his arms, froze and didn't dare to move.

"If you feel that the princess should not take care of the affairs of the harem, shouldn't you take the initiative to remove your concubine and invite you out of the palace?"

Moreover, the previous rumors have not subsided, and there must be no trouble at this time!
Sheng Rui tried hard to hold back the anger in his heart, a haze flashed in his eyes.

How could she have forgotten that there is someone here who is on the same front as her.

And her status is still the highest among these people.

However, Sheng Zhixin just looked at her when she heard the words, and still didn't say a word.

She kept saying that she was disrespectful to her elders to suppress Gu Nanyan. If she broke the rules instead, it would be another joke if it was spread by these women.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Then, he didn't know what to think of, and suddenly turned his eyes on Sheng Zhixin who had been silent for help.

She seemed to really hate Sheng Rui, the displeasure in her eyes almost overflowed, and every word she said pierced her heart.

It's not the same as Sheng Zhixin, a titled concubine.

Gu Nanyan opened her mouth, and was about to express her refusal to accept the task, when she saw the woman winking at her secretly.

Although there were several concubines present, they were all promoted by the emperor according to the rules after the emperor abdicated.

This is what most people think.

Tears fall as soon as they are said.

One moment she was a well-mannered lady, and the next she became a pitiful little girl who was bullied.

Gu Nanyan: Is this woman smart?
She looked back at Sheng Zhixin.

The acting skills of the Sheng family must have been passed down from generation to generation. She remembered that when she first met Sheng Zhixin, she was also so pretentious.

(End of this chapter)

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