Sheng Zhixin's clothes are not only not cheap, but also very precious and rare.

It was the goods from the mall that Gu Nanyan gave her.

Although Gu Nanyan's clothes are similar in style, the materials must be comfortable. Ever since she discovered this fabric in the mall, all her clothes are made of it.

The one on Sheng Zhixin's body is a gift from the mall for buying three and getting one free...

The material is the same as Gu Nanyan's, only the color is different.

Hers is a light peach shade with peach blossoms printed on it.

If you look closely, under the light, the peach blossoms will also shine white with the walking of the wearer.

Good-looking is good-looking, but Gu Nanyan didn't like such a fancy color scheme, so he turned around and gave it to Sheng Zhixin.

To reward her for her hard work, she gave herself snacks three times a day.

Sheng Zhixin only got this horse from Gu Nanyan, made a small coat and this outer robe, and cherished it very much.

"Besides, it's not like you don't know that my father is the head of the household department on the surface, but in fact the power is in the hands of your elder brother, and he can't be the master at all."

…Then happily asked someone to buy a carload of alcohol and came back, saying that it was to celebrate that he was about to regain his freedom.

"Don't talk about it with me. Will your father, the household secretary, be short of money?"

"And this color is the only one."

Just like when the treasury was empty before, there were rumors that all the money in the treasury was moved back to her home by her father.

Fortunately, the material of this dress is not stained, and it can be worn after washing.

If you accidentally use too much clothes, you have to take them off.

His vision is quite good, in the entire Anyang country, apart from the current sage, this is the only one who dares to sing against the Sheng family.

Let alone a piece of clothing, she couldn't even afford to pay for the thread!
The coquettish woman was so regretful that her intestines turned green.

How can it be!

Cheng Qian, Cheng Xinxin...

"How can your younger sister afford to pay for this dress." She said as she went to pull Sheng Zhixin and tugged at her own hand.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense. Although my father is greedy for money, he never dared to take advantage of the national treasury."

Sheng Zhixin's silence was actually acquiescing.

She glanced at Gu Nanyan.

With the courage of her father, she dared to take a kickback, so that she would not appear so unique among her colleagues.

Cheng Xinxin glanced at Sheng Zhixin: "Let Mr. Sheng get ready to take over."

Now that the Ning family has been overthrown, and the new emperor also intends to make an example of others, if her father does not retreat, he may be implicated.

Cheng Xinxin told Sheng Zhixin about Mr. Cheng's plan to retire, and wanted her to tell Sheng Dexian the news, which would be a good sale of the Sheng family.

Going to work every day is to clock in. After signing in, I will leave everything to Shengde to deal with first, and I will go to the teahouse to listen to the opera.

It made her mother almost think that she was going to be a widow!

She curled her lips in displeasure, and let out a soft hum from the tip of her nose.

"It's not that my sister doesn't know about my sister's situation. Although she is richer than other sisters, she is not much better."

"However, my sister is willing to promise her body and serve her before and after her as a repayment."

She still thought those rumors were false, but she didn't expect them to be true.

Regarding the disagreement between Sheng Zhixin and the Sheng family, there have been rumors in the palace recently.

"I can't afford it." The coquettish woman flatly refused.

"My father said that in a few days, he will apply for sick leave on the booklet. Whoever likes this book should go."

Let your hands be quick!

A few years ago, because he was afraid of the power of the Ning family in the court, the Supreme Emperor did not want to offend the royalist Grand Master Sheng, so as to prevent the two from working together to overthrow the imperial power.

Well, she admits that her mother is not a reliable master either.

Who would have thought that Sheng Zhixin's face immediately collapsed upon hearing this.

Sheng Zhixin grabbed her by the back collar with quick eyes and hands.

Even though Master Cheng gritted his teeth in hatred, he still had to drag his weak body to pour wine for Mrs. Cheng and laugh with him, without daring to say "no".

Even if some things are not in his hands, there must be a crime of dereliction of duty.

Named "Xinxin" to his own daughter, regardless of whether it is suitable for the daughter's family or not, it can be seen how much money the Minister of the Household Department has.

No wonder she has been running to Weiyang Palace recently, she is looking for a new backer for her relationship!

She smiled and said: "Gu Nanyan gave the clothes, and it is said that she is the only one in the entire Anyang country."

For some reason, Cheng Xinxin suddenly felt envious and jealous.

"You can say it or not, anyway, I can't afford to pay for your clothes."

She snorted: "A few years ago, when the national treasury was empty, I heard that the treasury in your house was full."

Cheng Xinxin was surprised: "My sister really fell out with the Sheng family?"

His father just doesn't care about things, but he is responsible for whatever happens to the household department.

After she finished speaking, she straightened her sleeves and turned her head calmly to slip away.

But who let the Cheng family's economic power be in her mother's hands.

Fortunately, Emperor Anyang at that time and now the Supreme Emperor Fu Jingqi was not confused. After receiving the report, he only asked her father a few symbolic words and it was over.

She squinted at the coquettish woman in a leisurely manner, as if I'd like to see what you can do.

What's wrong with a dead woman wiping her hands on other people's clothes!

"I don't get involved in the Sheng family's affairs, so I can't pass on this letter."

Just like this, her father was still very frightened. After returning home, she fell ill and lay on the bed for a full month before recovering.

Cheng Xinxin was very wronged when he heard the words.

Not to mention that his own name is Cheng Qian.

Cheng Xinxin: "..."

In case I can't die, I have to live a life of frugality.

No, maybe he didn't spend as much time at home as in the teahouse!
Cheng Xinxin was almost depressed.

Besides, the emperor is not a fool, if his father was really so confident, he might have moved his head a long time ago.

Knowing that this woman has been with Gu Nanyan every day these days, she doesn't know how many benefits she has gained from her, so she should ask clearly before making a move!
She pinched herself secretly.

I'm afraid that others don't know that their family loves money like their lives!

Sheng Zhixin spread her hands as she said, "Pay it."

Picking a name has to evolve, it's just dumbfounding.

However, the enemy is behind and I am in front. This posture is really difficult to perform.

Otherwise, she will be useless after wearing it for a day!

It has been like a day for decades, and the day has never been broken. It is almost like a teahouse as home!

"Why are you running, pay for your clothes first."

Falling out with her natal family means losing her backing, and Sheng Zhixin's eldest lady has offended many people before, if she really has no one to support her, how can she live a good life in this harem.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare!

Speaking of this, Cheng Xinxin was very depressed.

The coquettish woman: "...hehe, the concubine suddenly remembered that there are important matters waiting to be dealt with in the palace, so I will visit my sister next time."

Who doesn't know that the things in Princess Anyang's hands are extremely rare.

Sheng Zhixin rolled his eyes towards the sky, and let go of his hand.

Sheng Zhixin: "..."

Just because of her father's timid and fearful temperament, she didn't know how to become the Minister of the Household Department.

Seeing this, Cheng Xinxin didn't say anything.

Her somewhat charming eyes twitched, her eyeballs rolled, she stepped forward to take Sheng Zhixin's arm, and winked at her.

What's wrong with this woman, who wants her to serve.

"No need, it is enough for me to have a bright moon."

You are a master who can’t serve yourself well, yet you still want to serve others.

Sheng Zhixin really wanted to spit on her face.

If so, her Yilan Palace might become "Yilan Palace"!
Thinking of her act of wiping her hands on her body just now, Sheng Zhixin wanted to pull her arm back in disgust.

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