The farmer has a mall

Chapter 766 Mental Damage Fee

Unexpectedly, she was hugged tightly by Cheng Xinxin.

"Sister, don't look down on others, I still have a lot of abilities."

After that, she exerted a little more strength with one arm, pulled out the other arm and began to snap her fingers, counting her usefulness.

"For example, my concubine can dance for you, match clothes for you, drink tea and play chess with you..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and continued, seemingly unintentionally, "I can also carry the food box for you when you deliver food to the princess."

What a clever little ghost she is!
In such a short period of time, he thought of a good way to grab the princess's thigh.

Cheng Xinxin was triumphant, staring at Sheng Zhixin with a pair of charming eyes.

Sheng Zhixin: Feelings are waiting here...

"No need, I don't like singing and dancing, and I don't like playing chess... Can you let go of your hand first?"

Your arms are numb from pinching, how can you be so strong!

Gu Nanyan doesn't have many hobbies, and food is the easiest thing to capture her.

Thinking about it this way, she couldn't help but give a few words to Cheng Xinxin who was glowing again in front of her eyes.

"Everyone here can testify."

Then he pouted his chin around.

Besides, things have not gone well in the Sheng family recently, if great-grandfather knew that she had offended Gu Nanyan again, he wouldn't know how much he would be angry with her.

This master and servant are too insignificant!

Gu Nanyan was overjoyed.

Sheng Zhixin didn't want the only person he could count as a friend to live in misery in the future, so help him if he can.

Everyone knows who did the student's work, even if she didn't do it herself, the Sheng family did it for her.

Opening your mouth is 100 million taels of silver.

"Do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with your Sheng family?" Gu Nanyan asked back.

This is also the purpose of her entering the harem.

"Is the princess threatening the concubine?"

She judged others by herself, Sheng Zhixin did not have any doubts about her cooking skills.

All the imperial concubines looked at each other and nodded without hesitation.

Sheng Rui gritted his silver teeth.

Don't you just want to tarnish the reputation of the princess?

It's not that she doesn't want to make progress, but that she just wants to live a stable life in this palace just like herself, and it's best to help her mother's family a little bit.

It's not that she doesn't know the affiliation relationship between Mr. Cheng and his elder brother. It was originally a shield. If the emperor really wants to take the Ministry of Households as a knife, he won't be able to escape from prison.

"How did the concubine ever say that she wanted to ruin your reputation!"

Sure enough, blessed people don't need to be busy!
One by one, the catchers gave her silver flowers.

If she categorically denies it, she will be inferior.

Sheng Rui was full of grievances, but he couldn't betray his great-grandfather, let alone complain about being wronged.

Are you so confident?
Haven't heard of her being good at cooking before?
But cooking is not difficult at all, just look at yourself and you will know.

After speaking, he drove her out of Weiyang Palace like a fly.

"Go back and send a message to Mrs. Sheng, saying that my palace will visit tomorrow, please make preparations."

Seeing that the other party's eyes dimmed, Sheng Zhixin couldn't help but sighed.

"Sister, don't worry, sister knows!"

It's just that the two knees are scratched.

However, every time his arm was about to touch the ground, Yun Xi quickly helped him up...

Of course, money is ready!
that's nice!

Cheng Xinxin seemed a little embarrassed when he heard the words, after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and agreed.

If you want to help, you can't do it earlier, you have to wait for her to kneel on the ground before doing it.

With a dark face, Sheng Zhixin pulled out her arm forcefully, and shook her numb arm.

Are you crazy?

As for preparations...

She absolutely cannot disappoint her great-grandfather again!
Sheng Rui stiffened her neck and refused to admit it.

Sheng Rui flung his sleeves out of Weiyang Palace.

"But next time you come back to deliver snacks to the princess, you can follow. If the princess is not angry, you can come with me in the future."

If she can make something that suits Gu Nanyan's taste, this trip will be close.

The hateful Gu Nanyan suddenly accused her of framing her, and even said that she would need some mental damage fees to go to the Sheng family.

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction and gave them an appreciative look.

Cheng Xinxin entered the palace in the same year as her, and her status has always been one level lower than hers. It was not until the Supreme Emperor abdicated that she was raised one level according to the system, and now she is also a concubine.

Seeing her originally raised eyebrows drooping in an instant, with a listless look, I couldn't bear it.

She wouldn't give that girl's favor to others!
Sheng Zhixin snorted and squinted at her.

In Gu Nanyan's words, it doesn't matter if she breaks her leg, but it's inhumane to delay her fortune if she breaks her arm.

She can't guarantee that Gu Nanyan is willing to protect her.

"And you not only said it, but you also did it. Forgot about the students making trouble a few days ago?"

Sheng Rui: "..."

He also urged Sheng Rui to be careful and pay attention to safety all the way, and to be careful not to trip over anything under his feet.

Why put the crime on her head!

She said confidently: "I will definitely make something that the princess likes!"

"Do you have any special dishes?"

There are some things among these people that don't need to be said at all, they just need to understand.

After all, she is the only person in the palace who can still talk to her. Wouldn't she be too ruthless for such a straightforward rejection?
Sheng Zhixin glanced at Gu Nanyan who was confronting Sheng Rui, gritted his teeth and said reluctantly: "It's fine to serve me, you and I are in the same position now, how decent it is."

"As for the food box, Mingyue will make it."

I don't know if it was because I was pretending to have something in my heart, but I really fell twice along the way.

For a moment, his little face turned purple.

She has never cooked before, but under the guidance of Mingyue's sister-in-law, the taste of the cooking is not much worse than the original one.


Sheng Zhixin glanced at her suspiciously.

Having said so many twists and turns, I just want to take her light and go to Weiyang Palace, so I think she is stupid!

She had planned to settle the debt with Mrs. Sheng in a few days, but if Sheng Rui committed a crime in her hands today, she would have to suffer and go to the Sheng's house to collect some interest in person.

As for Gu Nanyan...

really about...

Gu Nanyan smiled wickedly.

Sheng Rui was dumbfounded.

When people sit at home, money automatically flies into their arms.

You can hate her.

I don't know what Gu Nanyan said, but Sheng Rui's expression was very ugly.

Cheng Xinxin is not like the others, hoping to get a chance to serve the bed from Gu Nanyan, and today she is just bored to accompany her for a walk, so she probably won't participate in the competition.

It's just that she gave the opportunity, whether she can grasp it is her own business.

The little girl of the Sheng family opened her mouth to accuse the princess of being disrespectful to them as elders, and said that if it got out, it would be bad for the princess' reputation.

"If you have one, you might as well make a dish and give it to the princess to taste together."

After hesitating for a few words of encouragement, he refocused on Gu Nanyan's situation.

Do it on purpose!

Thank you for the curse, I feel really good now! !

She also stopped keeping a straight face, and asked Yunxi to personally escort Sheng Rui back to her residence to write a letter with a smile.

But that was her great-grandfather's idea, she was just waiting to gain a good reputation, and she didn't get involved in it herself.

"That's what you mean." Gu Nanyan stood up with her arms folded.

Let her wait.

When she becomes the queen, let's see how she handles this lowly servant girl!
Facing the enemy's knife-like gaze, Yun Xi helped her up expressionlessly.

Then he remained motionless, looking down at her to wipe the dust off her body.

The master only told her not to knock her arms, but didn't say that she couldn't break her legs.

She's just following her master's orders...

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