Chapter 767

Sheng Rui rubbed her knees all the way, and grinned back to her residence.

Under Yun Xi's covetous threat, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Sheng with her pen shaking.

She thought that since the Sheng family thanked guests behind closed doors, this letter would not be delivered to Mrs. Sheng at all.

As long as she is given a few days to find a way to resolve this matter, great-grandfather will not blame her too much.

So he handed the letter to Yun Xi without any burden in his heart, and Sheng Rui raised the corners of his lips with a little pride.

Ran goose!

Little did they know that Yun Xi was not a woman who took an ordinary path.

She set off from Sheng Rui's Liuyun Palace, did not take any means of transportation, and did not enter or exit through the gate of the palace...

Speed ​​along the roof all the way to the Shengfu Mansion!
Yun Xi: Take a shortcut, go early and return early.

This is not what I am depressed about.

"I also came to condolences to the old master, and brought a gift."

Yun Xi looked at his wrinkled face and frowned.

As she spoke, she threw the torn sack in her hand in front of her, and raised her chin at the scumbag quite proudly.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand, "No need, I will come back as soon as I go."

The master said that he would celebrate her success.

Even so, what happened in Mrs. Sheng's room still spread...

Gu Nanyan sighed, waved his hand feebly, and then gave her a thumbs up.

Although Grand Master Sheng was a royalist, he had the attitude of being a master of meritorious deeds. At first, he watched the Ning family grow but watched from the other side, trying in vain to increase his importance in the court with the existence of the Ning family.

From the looks of it now, maybe he caused trouble for his master?

"It's a pity not to see such a grand sight."

Fu Jingqi: "Yes, yes, you didn't do it, you definitely didn't do it!"

Without thinking too much, he shaved off his white hair and put it on the letter as a reminder.

No, don't talk nonsense.

Plus the sound of falling and beating.

Why did you learn from Lao Tzu?

"Where are you going, can you follow me?" Yun Xi asked her cautiously like a child who has made a mistake.

Fu Jingqi hurriedly trotted in the door, and almost bumped into Gu Nanyan.


Not atmospheric at all!
Fu Jingqi: "..."

Yun Xi raised her head and chest, and nodded vigorously.

In Mrs. Sheng's room, Fu Jingqi and Gu Nanyan stared at each other.

Gu Nanyan: "What are you doing!"

"Aren't you here too?" Gu Nanyan asked back.

Go and prove the crime!

Does it mean that the master didn't blame her?

But who knows, what if he uses his old eyesight as a snot paper?
Didn't it cause my mission to fail, and I couldn't explain to my master!
Yun Xi stroked her chin and moved her brain, which was not very hardworking like her master's.

Gu Nanyan pawed around in the shopping mall while walking, hid in an unoccupied corner, took out a bunch of black things from the space, and put them into the tattered sacks he picked up at random.

When did I shave my baldness!

She was wronged...

Eating is not so active!

"Father understands, this kind of thing must be low-key, you can rest assured that father will not tell anyone!" Fu Jingqi swears and pats his chest.

Even because of this, the guards of the mansion were mobilized to guard the gate of the courtyard.

Gu Nanyan was depressed and slumped on the chair listlessly.

She seems to have found a way to please her master...

"No, well done!"

I heard that the old man's eyesight is not good, how does this old master look like he should be in the coffin, maybe...

Seeing her listless, Yun Xi suddenly questioned her behavior.

It's not like you came with a big head on your shoulders and came empty-handed.

I think should not be……

She paused, then turned to look at Yun Xi with a dejected face.


And do your people know that you gossip like this?
Gu Nanyan cleared her throat, sneered and slowly paced towards the door.

She said that she was definitely not as conscientious as Fu Jingqi, who made a special trip to watch other people's excitement.

At that time, the old man was playing chess with old man Zhou in his sleep.

Like a general waiting for a reward...

No matter what, he had to shave his two eyebrows, otherwise she would be lucky.

"What did you do?" She asked Yun Xi inexplicably.

"But the servant did something wrong?" She hesitated.

Gu Nanyan: ...I don't think you understand.

"Haha, well done, you are worthy of being my daughter, I have long since disliked that old thing!"

Her tone was resonant, her expression serious and serious.

Gu Nanyan went straight to Sheng's house after leaving the house.

Before Gu Nanyan could react, Fu Jingqi took Eunuch Xu and ran away again in a hurry.

At that time, she was just afraid that Mrs. Sheng would not see the letter, and she was thinking about what she would do if the person who came was the master.

Without disturbing anyone, Yun Xi quietly put the letter on the head of Old Master Sheng's big bed made of golden nanmu.

very nice.

"Let the stove prepare a banquet, and I'll celebrate your success with your master in the evening!" After finishing speaking, she walked away in a hurry.

No matter how you look at your steps, how brisk.

"Yes, learn from the master!"

In the early morning of the second day, there was a burst of exclamation and roars in the old master Sheng's courtyard.

Then the main courtyard was sealed off.

Can't see the letter from her!
Even though it's right next to his head.

What makes her depressed is that she is obviously a good banker, why is she the first thing the big guy suspects every time something like this happens!
If you doubt it, just doubt it. The key is that she didn't do it.

Can you listen to what people have to say before running away!
"Go to Sheng's house!" Fu Jingqi said without looking back.

He heheed twice, and blinked meaningfully.

And it is expressly prohibited that no one is allowed to approach the main courtyard half a step.

Gu Nanyan's move can be regarded as a sigh of relief for him.

Gu Nanyan did what he said, got up and walked out the door.

After this village, there is no such shop!

Yun Xi was surprised, and after standing there for a moment, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes, then she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Why are you here?" Fu Jingqi asked curiously.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Fu Jingqi didn't care about the fact that he almost fell, and grabbed Gu Nanyan with his backhand, his eyes gleamed happily.

Gu Nanyan explained for a long time before sending Fu Tuo away with "I don't believe it".

Suddenly it shines!
Without hesitation, he took out a dagger from his waist, squinted his eyes, and slashed towards the old master's neck...

At this time, she felt that she was more wronged than that Dou E.


The master is still waiting for her to serve!

Fu Jingqi firmly believed that the mastermind behind the scenes must be his own daughter, and he was very comforted by pulling her to smile, as if the baby had finally grown up.

Only a few old people in the mansion stayed inside to wait on them, and the rest were all driven out.

Yun Xi suddenly panicked.

Fu Jingqi had long wanted to clean up the Sheng family, but before the time came, doing it rashly might destabilize the court.

I'm not, I'm not, don't be blind!
Be careful I sue you for defamation!
"I didn't do it." Gu Nanyan explained.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan was heartbroken, learned from the pain, and decided to go to Sheng's house right away.

Gu Nanyan had a cold face.

"Girl, did you really shave that old thing's hair?"

After doing such a horrible thing, he dared to send it to his door. This girl in his family is really a tiger.

He expressed his surprise at the appearance of his daughter.

Gu Nanyan quickly dodged to the side, and quickly grabbed the scumbag who almost made close contact with the floor.

She was just making up for Yunxi's mistakes.

"I'm here to condolence to Mrs. Sheng, what are you doing here!"

Are you sure you're not here to collect junk?

He held his nose and looked down at the ground.

Look at how dirty the sack is, and it smells so bad...

Don't let Mrs. Sheng faint...

(End of this chapter)

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