Seeing Gu Nanyan leisurely hiding behind Fu Jingqi, Old Master Sheng's eyes flashed.

He snorted coldly and said, "The Supreme Emperor thinks that a misunderstanding can lightly expose this matter?"

Gu Nanyan was lawless and went to Sheng's house to make trouble.

If he stops here, how will he gain a foothold in the court in the future.

Just resign and go back to the countryside to farm!
"The Supreme Emperor is too contemptuous of the old minister. The old minister still said that this matter is a personal grievance between me and the princess. I also ask the Supreme Emperor to return to the palace immediately and don't get involved in it."

He looked like he didn't intend to compromise, and he didn't give any room for negotiation, and his tone was even tougher than ever.

I don't know what to rely on, but facing this former emperor, he actually looked confident.

Fu Jingqi stared at him with deep eyes, and slowly put away the kindness on his face.

"Maybe the old grand master forgot that I am the father of this girl."

His body was cold, and he looked back at Gu Nanyan, whose mouth was full of oil.

When he heard from his subordinates that the Sheng family had secretly invited a few students, he had a hunch that the other party was going to make trouble.

Eunuch Xu stood on one side with a flat face, bowing his head to Fu Jingqi.

She nodded nodding.

Gu Nanyan couldn't hold back a snort, and slapped her thighs and leaned back laughingly, interrupting the other party's self-pity and self-pity.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand calmly, and immediately a dozen black shadows appeared behind him.


He seemed to be quite sighing, raised his head and closed his eyes...

It's better to point at his nose and curse!
He wants to see how she can stay in Anyang Country after today!
He looked like he was waiting for Gu Nanyan to speak freely, and Fu Jingqi frowned as he watched, subconsciously wanting to stop the fast-talking girl.

So he asked him to move the rescuers, and he entered the gate of the Sheng family alone.

As expected, where there is a princess, there will definitely be conflicts. Thanks to the master's careful consideration, otherwise, although a dozen hidden guards alone can escape the danger, it will be difficult to retreat completely.

"Ai Qing is too worried. The city guards are only here to protect me. I never thought of taking action against the Sheng family."

It looked like she already knew her plan.

It was discovered by Gu Nanyan, who usually looks reckless...

A group of men in black brocade clothes quickly blocked him behind.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

After all, even though he has abdicated, he is still the Supreme Emperor of Anyang Kingdom, and if he confronts him, he might be justified and make things worse.

Is he asking her for buns?
Four not four silly! !
Fu Jingqi immediately put away his loving expression, turned his head with a stiff face.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"There's nothing..." she said inarticulately with puffy cheeks.

"The emperor has already surrounded my Sheng family, this explanation is too perfunctory." The old master Sheng stepped forward leaning on a cane, stroking his white beard with his old hands.

"Could it be possible to imagine that the old officials and the whole family will be killed like they did with the Ning family?"

The mood was interrupted, and Mrs. Sheng couldn't pretend anymore, and looked straight at Gu Nanyan with a pair of scheming eyes.

He never thought that it was impossible, he had long wanted to frustrate this old minister's spirit.

"In short, there is no place on the whole body that is not a joke."

Hearing that the Sheng family has been surrounded, and it seems that Fu Jingqi has already made preparations, Grand Master Sheng's expression is gloomy.

He didn't think about what to do to Fu Jingqi at all today.

Just now when he met the princess at the gate of the mansion, the master had a premonition that he might not be kind today.

The eyes of the father and daughter collided, Fu Jingqi raised the corners of his lips slightly, and his eyes were extremely soft.

He winked at the person behind him, and the person turned around knowingly and ran out of the courtyard.

She patted the dust off her back, and flicked her sleeves.

Speak up, speak out as much as you want, and express your dissatisfaction and disdain for him in front of everyone.

At the same time, he glanced behind him.

But in this situation, I'm afraid it won't work if it doesn't make a big fuss.

Or just ignore it.

Eunuch Xu, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared out of nowhere.

He let out a sigh.

"Anyway, I won't leave. The old grand master doesn't need to say much, just let the horse come over."

Gu Nanyan raised the corners of his mouth evilly.

Without raising his head, he said: "Everything is funny, you look funny, your clothes are funny, and your actions are even more funny."

The originally sad expression instantly changed into a very funny one.

...But don't expect him to admit it.

"The old minister has spent his whole life as his family and country, so he will end up in the same fate as those villains of the Ning family..."

The two sisters Yunxi and Yunchu were also selected from among them, and were given to Gu Nanyan by Fu Tuo.

Gu Nanyan: "Well, it's funny!"

However, Gu Nanyan's mouth is not just as simple as being quick, it doesn't listen to persuasion!
Before Fu Jingqi could finish telling her to calm down, Gu Nanyan had already stood up from the stone.

"Sure enough, the birds do their best to hide their bows, and the cunning rabbits are cooked to their death."

Mrs. Sheng didn't react uncharacteristically when she heard the words, as if she was waiting for her to say more.

These people are Fu Jingqi's shadow guards, specially bred by the royal family, and generally only serve the emperor or the prince.

He was very careful when he invited those people, even Yu Shi didn't dare to let him go through the main entrance, but he didn't want to be discovered.

"The princess thinks the old minister is funny?"

"There's no need to wait. Those students and the censor have already been controlled by the people of this palace. Unless I speak, they will not appear here."

"Even the city guards were invited, could it be that you wanted to attack my Sheng family from the very beginning?"

"The son does not teach his father's faults. Even if the child has made mistakes, he can only be taught by my father. There is no reason to teach the son for others." His tone was not harsh but firm.

Fu Jingqi didn't let anyone stop him, his confident appearance seemed to have seen through something.

She looked at the scumbag father, then at the remaining half of the meat bun in her hand, and suddenly realized...

At such a sensitive moment, it stands to reason that the Sheng family, who are closing their doors to thank guests, would not invite anyone into the mansion.

But there was a student sitting in meditation just before, and today there was news that Mrs. Sheng was shaved bald.

The loose bag on the wig fell back, and only the thick bangs that were cut across the board were still covering his forehead firmly.

"I don't know what makes you feel funny, the old minister, can the princess tell me?"

Normally, he might not think much about it.

"You!" Mrs. Sheng was shocked, she didn't understand how she knew those people were in his house.

Not to mention that there is also a imperial historian in the court.

He looked outside the courtyard gate, but he did not see the person who was ordered to go out just now came back.

Gu Nanyan paused when he heard the words, and looked up at him in surprise.

"The servant has ordered the city guards to surround the Sheng Mansion, and will rush in to rescue you as soon as you give an order."

Compared to Mrs. Sheng, Fu Jingqi was even more surprised.

The old man thought she was stupid, and she didn't even bring anyone with her hands when she came out, how decent!

Grand Master Sheng: "...The princess is so calculating, she even has a clear idea of ​​the situation of the old man's mansion."

It was a disaster for the girl to stay.

Quickly stuffed the messy buns into his mouth.

Eunuch Xu wiped off his sweat, and thought to himself that it was a good thing he ran fast, otherwise he would be to blame for the loss of a hair of the master.

"What does the Supreme Emperor mean?" He glanced at Eunuch Xu.

Although he abdicated, he still held some power in his hands.

So he deliberately ran to see what the Sheng family wanted to do under the pretext of watching the excitement.

Unexpectedly, his unfilial daughter also followed.

It also stimulated that old thing fiercely.

Fu Jingqi has been an emperor for more than twenty years at least, and some things can be seen clearly with just a few hints.

He immediately knew that those students were probably targeting Gu Nanyan again.

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