Students read thousands of books, the most powerful thing is that mouth.

Not only can he chew on words, but he is also good at talking about people's right and wrong.

As for Yu Shi, it goes without saying that he is also equally open-minded.

It's just that the former spread rumors among the people, while the latter spread rumors in the court.

With so many clues in front of him, Fu Jingqi felt that if he still couldn't see what kind of medicine was sold in Mrs. Sheng's gourd, he would be more stupid than his own daughter.

He was able to discover all of this thanks to his own wisdom and clever mind.

But how did his daughter discover that both were inherited?
Fu Jingqi expressed doubts.

And looked at Gu Nanyan with the relief of seeing a fool finally enlightened.

Facing the scumbag's questioning gaze, Gu Nanyan bared his big white teeth at him.

Lao Tzu is called deep-seated, wise as foolish!
you know shit...

Fortunately, Gu Nanyan just proposed a cancellation fee of 50 yuan.

Sure enough, the next moment, she heard her voice leisurely.

Grand Master Sheng: "..."

"Why is this?" Aren't you afraid that he will continue his plan?
Gu Nanyan: "Because I am a kind-hearted girl..."

He didn't expect these people to be so knowledgeable about current affairs, what arrogance of their literati!
Was it broken so easily by Gu Nanyan?

Not only did he teach Gu Nanyan a lesson, but he was able to get away with it.

The old man repeated his old tricks, thinking he would hurt her, but he didn't know that she didn't care at all.

"Isn't it because the people you invited didn't dare to do anything without being present, so I will take a step back for the sake of your painstaking efforts and planning, how about inviting those students and Doctor Yushi to be witnesses?"

She crossed her arms and pushed her chin behind him.

Knowing that it was a trap, she took the initiative to jump into it. She was either confident or stupid.

Some of them had met Gu Nanyan as early as the day she was solving the problem, and her serious and calm image of nothing to do with her from the beginning to the end was deeply rooted in their hearts.

At that time, there is no need for him to say more, these people will naturally fight for him, and spread everything they see to the streets and alleys, and the court officials will also know.

He was dubious, until Gu Nanyan ordered someone to bring those students to him before he believed her words.

How easy!
Bandits are not as ruthless as you! !
Old Master Sheng seemed very angry, panting heavily.

"Is that the person you were looking for?"

Mrs. Sheng had mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know whether to praise her for being smart or call her stupid.

"Didn't you retreat just now because you were afraid that the emperor's brother would settle accounts in the autumn and cause trouble for you afterwards, so you called these cannon fodder to be witnesses."

This was chosen by the helper, even if she didn't discover Mrs. Sheng's plot today, it might be difficult for her to succeed.

In this way, even if he is suspected of offending the royal family or even deceiving the emperor, the current emperor would not dare to touch him easily.

But if she really wanted to, the situation would be on his side.

Why don't you take a closer look to see if I've made the wrong person.

Looking at the censor again, he was an ordinary and thin old man, his eyelids were drooping at this time, and his eyes, nose, nose, nose, and heart were unmoved.

Both sides spoke in unison, and the voices were uniform, as if they had been rehearsed.

"Student leader."

Ever since the students appeared, Mrs. Sheng's brows have not been loosened, and she has been thinking about what tricks Gu Nanyan is going to play.


Those who don't know should be arranged by her!

"It's up to you whether it's literary or martial. Let them go to the literary ones, and I'll come personally to the martial ones!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

You want money for any excuse?

Old Master Sheng frowned, his eyelids drooped a little, covering most of the emotions in his eyes.

This made him look at Gu Nanyan differently.

Besides, he didn't promise her about it.

"Naturally." Gu Nanyan nodded sincerely.

But such a crucial move has already fallen into the opponent's hands, and it would be inappropriate for him to continue with his original plan.

"The old minister promised you, but only the 50 taels, and the one million old minister refused."

Strength is the last word. Apart from being "poor", she has never been afraid of anything.

But not at full strength.

Lao Tzu's face is on the ground!
"Cough!" Gu Nanyan cleared his throat loudly, almost coughing up his throat.

Among other things, even as a spectator, none of them are qualified.

She asked Mrs. Sheng in confusion.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's draw a path today, and how I want to play, I will accompany you to the end!"

Is the princess out of her mouth?

But it is rumored after all, the old grand master Sheng who always believes that seeing is believing has never seen her true strength with her own eyes.

Thirty or forty guards came to their side one after another, and they still have a good chance of winning.

"What's the meaning of a write-off fee?"

"If you are all right, is it okay to be a witness for me and the old grand master?"

What is the most important thing as a spectator?
yes look!

Let’s not talk about the loss fee, how did the 50 taels later come from!
It's either 100 million or 50, you think these two are the names of your puppy, open your mouth and call.

He felt bad for giving 50!
If it wasn't for teaching Gu Nanyan a good lesson today, he wouldn't be taken advantage of.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"The princess is joking, how dare the old minister."

It should be Wen's princess, and Wu's, let's go!
I have never heard of any shadow guard who competes with others...

He had never heard of mental damage fees.

Let Gu Nanyan knock them down one by one, it is best to kill a few.

Even if they don't spread Gu Nanyan's rumors everywhere as he imagined, he can get out without losing anything.

His original plan was to irritate Gu Nanyan so that she couldn't help but attack him, and then his guards stepped forward to stop him in order to protect him.

He had long heard that Gu Nanyan was so powerful that ordinary people couldn't get close to her, even the Ning brothers were no match for her.

The problem is that he doesn't want to do it now.

Grand Master Sheng: "...the old minister came here."

"Wei Chen obeys."

Mrs. Sheng seemed to want to take down her side alone after hearing what she meant, so she couldn't help hesitating.

You should look up, you are asked to catch the current ones, not to catch ants, and you always keep your head down to do something.

And this scene will be seen by the students and censors he arranged in advance.

It seems that he is not interested in the scene in front of him that may involve treason.

Mrs. Sheng was a little skeptical about life.

And Gu Nanyan doesn't look like a fool.

"This palace has a condition. If I win this competition, you will not only have to pay off the 100 million taels of mental damage, but also an additional 50 taels as a write-off fee afterwards."

Grand Master Sheng has her own plans, and Gu Nanyan also has her own plans.

The wealth of their Sheng family was accumulated little by little through hard work.

When several students saw her looking over, they immediately lowered their heads in fear.

Shadow Guard: "..."

so obedient...

Gu Nanyan nodded to the shadow guard in front of her, full of pride.

When they faced her, it was as if they had met a husband, respecting and panicking at the same time.

Before meeting this old man with bangs, he considered for a long time and said nothing. She was afraid that the other party would shrink back and ruin her fortune, so she hurriedly let go.

"The princess is willing to let them go?" Grand Master Sheng was stunned.

One advantage of Gu Nanyan is that the cooked duck will never let it fly.

"No, I have to." She shook her index finger and flatly refused.

"These two conditions are bound and will not be sold separately."

If you want to bargain with me, there are no windows, let alone doors.

"It's not impossible if you insist on buying individually, but the price I just said is a discounted price for package purchases, and the individual price is calculated separately."

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