The farmer has a mall

Chapter 771 Don't Splash Blood

Chapter 771
Grand Master Sheng frowned: "What is a discount?"

Gu Nanyan: "The discount means that 50 is just a fraction. If you insist on buying only this one, then I can only restore the original price."

Gu Nanyan stretched out a finger with his right hand and slapped his left hand.

Put this sum of money first...

No, it should be the first to ask for this sum with normal and reasonable reasons, and you can ask for the mental damage fee next time.

"Exactly 150 million taels of silver."

Grand Master Sheng said angrily, "It's unreasonable, what's the difference between this and just now!"

Of course there is a difference, I can cheat you 100 million more.

Gu Nanyan withdrew her claws and solemnly shook her head.

"There is no difference, so I also offered a second plan."

Old Madam Sheng's face was livid, but she didn't explode on the spot, and wanted to hear what she had to say.

"I can give you a discount."

After doing it for a long time, the discount was still there, but Mrs. Sheng dismissed it, secretly thinking that Gu Nanyan was probably just trying to cheat her out of money.

Thinking about what happened today, it might not be a trap she dug.

"What if the old man doesn't give it?"

What he did was broken. Although the Supreme Emperor is here, as long as he takes out the money, even if Gu Nanyan doesn't want to, he has to keep his promise, and will not pursue today's matter afterwards.

But Mrs. Sheng felt that it was too uneconomical to spend so much money, so it was better to find another opportunity...

He looked at Gu Nanyan with cloudy eyes, as if he was considering whether to believe her or not.

Gu Nanyan let him scrutinize, without changing his expression, he said: "Didn't I tell you that I will give you a discount..."

She paused, "If you don't give it, your legs will be broken."

What is said is what is splashed, she will be a person who will do what she says...

Even if it costs 150 million yuan, it will not work!

Mrs. Sheng felt that she had been tricked, and when she regained a little sanity, she was instantly overwhelmed by embarrassment.

"Huangkou's tone is not small. The Empress Wei of the year was also a model of a family lady. How could she give birth to such a rampant son as you!"

He pointed at Gu Nanyan's nose and cursed.

"I'm not afraid of ruining the reputation of the Wei family!"

Gu Nanyan didn't respond. In her eyes, Mrs. Sheng was the grasshopper after autumn, and no matter how happy she was bouncing around, it would not prevent her from drinking him.

But Fu Jingqi didn't do it anymore. Hearing this, his originally calm face instantly pulled down, and he came up while pinching his waist.

"Speak as you speak, what are you old bastard trying to do to Wei Lan!"

His family, Lan'er, is virtuous, virtuous and considerate, so how can she cause trouble like this girl.

The old man is screwing!
Speaking of Wei Lan, Fu Jingqi, who originally wanted to persuade Gu Nanyan to make peace, was furious.

With a big wave of his hand, the shadow guard went straight up, and happily started the battle first, and fought with the guards of the other side.

Mrs. Sheng was still hesitating, and didn't have time to think too much when she saw this, so she immediately retreated to the corner of the wall on crutches.

"The old minister has no intention of offending the Supreme Emperor, and please ask the Supreme Emperor to express his advice."

He is just a reasonable self-defense, as long as he does not hurt the Supreme Emperor, no one can do anything to him even if it spreads to other people's ears.

And Fu Jingqi also pulled Gu Nanyan back in an instant.

Hearing Mr. Sheng's shameless statement, he didn't want to pay any attention to it.

"Old master, don't worry, as long as you pay all the money, I will just treat today as just a sparring session and will not pursue it."

Incompleteness is another way of saying it.

Seeing Gu Nanyan squinting at him with her big black eyes, Fu Jingqi's face was full of anger.

"It's simply too much. I think he doesn't want to be as familiar with him because of his age. He really thinks I'm afraid."

It's unreasonable, he has only abdicated for a long time, and he dares to bully his daughter in front of him.

If you don't teach him a lesson today, he might forget what he did before.

"Girl stand back, don't splash blood all over."

Fu Jingqi bit his back molars and said while rolling up his sleeves: "Look at how the father will deal with him!"

Looking at this posture, it seems that he wants to go on stage to compete with Mrs. Sheng himself.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Come on, bullying an old man doesn't make you feel ashamed, but I feel disgusted.

If you accidentally beat someone disabled, not only will you not be able to earn any money, you may even have to provide for the elderly.

Only a fool can do this kind of money-losing business!
"Calm down." She grabbed Fu Jingqi, who was about to charge forward, and staggered him.

"It's not ashamed to lose."

He is an old man with white hair and beard, you are disgraceful if you win, and you will lose face if you lose, doing this thankless thing...

"That won't work." Fu Jingqi poked his neck and said.

"This old guy has been crazy since I abdicated, and no one cares about his high self-esteem. If it wasn't for preventing the court from being turbulent, I would let go!"

I heard that two days ago, he united with a group of courtiers to put pressure on that brat Fu Tuo to promote Sheng Rui's position, otherwise he would be dismissed for the reason of the emperor's injustice.

Who are you scaring?

That Nizi was his own after all, and his designated successor, it depends on the owner to beat the dog!
Of course, Grand Master Sheng didn't come forward to do this, but asked a few of his followers to do it.

Gu Nanyan tugged on his sleeve, looking very helpless.

He naturally knew in his heart that he didn't want her to do it.

The few students and the censor over there were dumbfounded. No one thought that they would fight as soon as they said it, without any warning in advance.

The censor looked at the old master on the right, and ran to Fu Jingqi in a hurry.

"The Supreme Emperor, my ministers come to escort you."

After finishing speaking, he opened his arms awe-inspiringly, and stood in front of Fu Jingqi like a hen protecting its chicks.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

I use you to protect me!

But meeting the wind makes the rudder...


There are many opponents, and the strength of the shadow guard should not be underestimated.

The two sides only fought hand-to-hand and never used weapons, so the fight was indistinguishable.

Gu Nanyan had seen enough of the excitement, and seeing the bodyguards of the Sheng family with bruised noses and swollen faces after being beaten, he knew that these people hadn't exerted their full strength.

It seems that although Mrs. Sheng was tormented a lot by her, she still cared about Fu Jingqi's presence and did not dare to be serious.

That's right, his goal wasn't Fu Jingqi in the first place.

Although he was a bit more ambitious and malicious, in the final analysis he was a staunch royalist.

Otherwise, according to Fu Jingqi's small belly, I'm afraid the city guards would have rushed in to take people.

Gu Nanyan felt that it was boring, and he couldn't tell the result of such a style of play until dark.

So regardless of Fu Jingqi's obstruction, he went up and punched all the opponent's people down.

At this time, the gate of the courtyard was already full of people, except for Mr. Sheng De who was still working in the household department, almost the whole house had arrived.

When they saw their old man clashing with Fu Jingqi's people, their faces turned pale with fright, but the old master Sheng had accumulated power for a long time, and no one dared to go forward to persuade them.

He could only observe the situation, and at the same time let people rush to call Shengde, the only man in the mansion who could speak in front of the old man, back to the mansion first.

But the city guards outside blocked the Sheng family so tightly that no one could get out.

But the people in the Sheng family were anxious.

In the courtyard, Gu Nanyan put everyone down, patted the dusty hem of his clothes, and walked straight to the dark-faced Old Master Sheng, regardless of everyone's gaze.

"It's over, will you give me the money or not?"

If you don't give it to her, you can move it yourself!
She still has a lot of things to do, so she has no time to waste time with this.

Old Master Sheng didn't speak, and stared at Gu Nanyan with a sullen face for a while.

Then with a cold snort, he turned cleanly and walked towards the warehouse.

The emperor's behavior of protecting the calf in this way was beyond his expectation.

Today he has lost the opportunity, and it will be difficult to use this method to deal with Gu Nanyan in the future.

However, he could see her character because of this, and he really must take revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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