Chapter 772

Old Master Sheng reached out and tapped the glue on his forehead, full of thoughts in his mind.

His taking this risky step today is also a test for Gu Nanyan. If she is willing to compromise, he still has a chance to persuade her to join forces with him.

Right now it seems that it will not work.

It's a pity for him to give up such a good helper, but he has been an official for decades, and he has seen a lot of people of all kinds. He can still see who can control and who can't provoke.

Gu Nanyan looks lazy and doesn't care about things, but in fact he is definitely not a good stubble.

If she is really offended, who knows what she will do.


Gu Nanyan, who received the 150 million taels of silver, did not look very happy, and returned to the palace with Fu Jingqi after the city guards withdrew.

On the way back to the palace, Fu Jingqi tried to share the money from Gu Nanyan, the reason being that he had contributed a lot today.

Gu Nanyan refused without even thinking about it, holding the box where the bank notes were placed and not letting go, guarding him like a thief.

Under the jealous eyes of him scolding his unfilial daughter, he returned to Weiyang Palace without looking back.

Then he turned around and asked Yunxi to give the banknote to Fu Tuo.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

The son really hates it the most, he shouldn't have released him from the cold palace, he should have locked him up for the rest of his life!

Fu Tuo was even more surprised when he received a huge sum of money, and insisted on refusing to accept it.

"The master said that the day to go to Yangguo is not far away. I want you to take this money and buy more artillery and weapons."

Yangguo has firecrackers, and Gu Nanyan can't buy ready-made ones from the mall and distribute them to every soldier, otherwise too many things appearing out of thin air will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Therefore, people have long been developing weapons that are more advanced than Yangguo firecrackers-the continuous-fire rifle.

Of course, she only drew a general blueprint, and told the craftsmen away from the production. The ones made must not be as powerful as modern rifles.

A few days ago, she just received a letter from Mingshan, and she has already made a rifle that is loaded once every ten bursts, and it will be mass-produced only after she goes back to inspect it herself.

Since Fu Tuo came to the throne, he reorganized the naval battalion, bought warships, and encountered a snowstorm, and the money in the treasury had already bottomed out.

It's not easy for her to give him the newly developed weapon for nothing.

After all, she married into the Jianan royal family, and that guy Li Mi will definitely marry her and let her give it away for nothing.

Then wouldn't she be out of luck!
She also points to this thing to make a fortune.

After hearing Yunxi's explanation, Fu Tuo put his hands on the box containing the bank notes and remained silent for a while.

"Thank you, Yan'er, for me. I accept the money, and I will treat it as a loan from her."

The national treasury of Anyang is really tight. He has already filled all his small coffers, and he has just filled the hole.

If he wanted to buy the new weapon developed by his sister, he might have to sell his property.

Fu Tuo felt ashamed.

"Tell your master, when the money in my hands turns over, I will return it to her with interest."

Yun Xi nodded solemnly.

"The master said that he must pay it back. After all, the master tricked it out of his ability. It's just that the master doesn't lack this little silver for now, so you don't have to rush to pay it back. We'll talk about it when you have it."

The corner of Fu Tuo's mouth twitched, he touched the silver box and was speechless.

150 million taels is broken silver?

I'm afraid only his rich and powerful sister would say that.

Fu Tuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hand to let Yun Xi back down.

After Yunxi left, his smiling face immediately darkened.

"The Sheng family is really getting more and more arrogant, even daring to move the smoke!" The anger he suppressed for a long time seemed to come out of his eyes.

Since the downfall of the Ning family, the Sheng family has become like a beast without shackles, and has become more and more carefree in doing things, and now it is even reaching out to the princess of a country.

Unlike Fu Jingqi, Fu Tuo was quite afraid of Old Master Sheng.

Maybe he is younger and more energetic, and acts more openly, not at all afraid of the turmoil that will be caused by confronting Mr. Sheng.

"Go and call Sun Ying to me, and tell her that I have something to do... Forget it, let me go there myself."

Originally, he wanted to delay dealing with the Sheng family's affairs for a while, so as not to leave any excuses, and make people who don't know that he dealt with Mrs. Sheng because of Yan'er.

To cause unnecessary trouble for my sister.

But he can't care about that much now.

Today, Grand Master Sheng can let the guards in the mansion do something to Yan'er without any shyness, but tomorrow he will dare to kill her.

He will never, and will not let his most important relatives be hurt.

Fu Tuo didn't wait for Sanjin's reaction behind him after he finished speaking, he immediately threw the vermilion pen and went to Yufu Palace.

At the same time, Li Yi, who had returned to Jianan Kingdom, was talking with Gu Yunge in the palace.

"Although there were several storms and waves along the way, fortunately there was no danger. Needless to say, the Cangyun has been very stable, and there were no casualties on board."

"It's just that the ship of the Yang Kingdom was really near misses. It almost sailed a few times. Nearly half of the soldiers died in the sea near the Yang Kingdom."

Fortunately, the wind and waves encountered were not too big, otherwise everyone in that boat would have fallen into the sea.

He also had to risk his men into the water to save them.

What should I do if I don't save it?
Without them, I would have to find the specific location of Yangguo somewhere on the sea.

Gu Yunge sighed and was proud.

He sighed that he had finally completed the task assigned to him by his sister, and only then did he have the face to come back to see her.

What they are proud of is that the Cangyun is worthy of being the Cangyun, even the Yangguo ship that they would have been amazed by when they saw it before, it is not as good as the Cangyun in case.

Most importantly, he is the captain of the Cangyun!
Gu Yunge originally thought that he could only be shrouded in his grandfather's achievements in this life and could not surpass them.

But he didn't expect his sister Nan to give him such a big surprise!
He is the first commander of a naval battalion who can be regarded as serious in the history of Jianan Kingdom.

And according to Sister Nan's plan, maybe he will leave a strong mark in the history books, and even surpass his grandfather's achievements!

Gu Yunge was very excited, wishing that Gu Nanyan would come back immediately and take the navy battalion to Yangguo.

Li Yi smiled and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Brother has suffered a lot. It is extremely difficult to think about this journey. Fortunately, he came back safely, just in time to rest for a few days before Yanyan returns home."

Although the Gu family was born big, they have a good face.

Before Gu Yunge went to sea, he was considered a heroic and extraordinary general.

Look again now.

Dark and thin, not to mention rough skin, it has been exposed to the wind and sun all day and it has peeled off.

If he came across this inadvertently on the street, he might not even recognize it.

Gu Yunge waved his hand.

"I don't have time to rest. I have to record what I saw and heard in Yangguo, so that Sister Nan can check it when she comes back."

What he saw and heard during this trip really made him amazed, he never thought that there would be a place like Yangguo in the world.

A group of them followed the Yangguo ship to the shore, disembarked from a remote place, and walked around the area pretending to be locals.

"My lord doesn't know, the customs and customs of Yang Kingdom are really weird." Gu Yunge clicked his tongue twice.

They once encountered a family holding a wedding, and the wedding decorations were all white, as if they were holding a funeral, which was really not very auspicious.

There was also the bride's attire. She was dressed in white and wore white decorations on her head. Her face was also painted white, but her lips were blood red.

If it wasn't for the sun in broad daylight, he would have seen a ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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