Chapter 773

Not only are they dressed strangely, but white sails and white lanterns are hung everywhere.

What is this wedding...

That posture clearly wanted to send the newcomer to the crematorium!
In Gu Yunge's eyes, Yangguo's customs and theirs are like two extremes.

Like the existence of one yin and one yang.

Simply creepy.

At that time, he suspected that he had already been buried in the sea, and he came to the underworld to report!
Gu Yunge talked about his experience with lingering fear, Li Yi listened silently, and asked a few questions with interest from time to time.

Hearing that he intends to go to Yangguo with Gu Nanyan, Gu Yunge expressed surprise and felt normal at the same time.

He and his sister have always been chasing after each other.

My younger sister is restless, although she always stays in the mansion and does not go out on weekdays, she often runs out of town.

It's been several months since I left.

As for his brother-in-law, he also tried his best to chase after his wife.

No matter what others think of him, as long as he has free time, he will chase him all over the place.

In this regard, even the second uncle who always told him that his nose is not his nose and his face is not his face has nothing to say.

It's just that the journey is far away and the road ahead is dangerous, yet he is willing to accompany his sister on the adventure, which shows that he really likes Miss Nan very much.

A gratified smile appeared on Gu Yunge's much thinner face.

"My sister has a good vision, and the prince is indeed a good man."

When they got married, the second uncle regretted it before the bridal sedan chair went out.

I am afraid that my daughter will be wronged when she marries into the royal family.

At that time, it was necessary to stop the sedan chair and snatch sister Nan back.

Fortunately, the grandfather was present, and a heart-piercing kick directly kicked the second uncle into a daze, and almost sent him to see the old ancestor, so there was no joke.

In fact, my grandfather was not willing to let Sister Nan get married, but the marriage was a foregone conclusion, and Sister Nan did not object. No matter how much they tossed about, it would only make the young couple feel bad, which would not be conducive to the harmony of the couple.

The grandfather is more sensible than the second uncle, although he is reluctant to give up, he will not embarrass his granddaughter on the wedding day.

And the second uncle didn't have bad intentions, after all, he was afraid that his daughter would have a bad life in her husband's house.

Li Yi was speechless.

So is he good? Is it Yan'er's good vision?
I have never seen anyone who protects the calf like this.


His daughter-in-law has a good vision, otherwise she wouldn't have married him.

Li Yi raised his chin triumphantly, never felt that his waist was so straight before.

"Before the king set off, Yan'er specifically asked the eldest brother to rest for a while and restore his body to the best condition before he can set sail again."

Going to sea is hard work, let alone a long voyage.

Gu Nanyan probably expected that Gu Yunge would not rest well, so he gave the order to die.

"Yan'er said that when she comes back, she will personally check on your condition. If she finds that you are not resting well, she will not take you with you when you go to Yangguo."

This kind of threat like a three-year-old child is the most effective for Gu Yunge.

Hearing this, he was a little embarrassed: "But I have to go to Mingshan. I heard that Sister Nan specially developed a weapon to ensure the safety of the next voyage. I want to see it."

After the weapons are made, the first batch of equipment must be their navy battalion.

As the master general this time, how could he not be curious.

He had seen the firecrackers of Yangguo before, and although they were thousands of miles away from those of the Shenfeng Camp, they were still extremely powerful weapons.

He knew that the equipment owned by the Kamikaze Battalion was very precious, and even Sister Nan, who was not short of money, would not be able to equip it to the Navy Battalion.

Therefore, at the beginning, he was still worried that relying solely on the power of the sword to fight against the firecrackers, damage would be unavoidable.

Unexpectedly, Nan Jieer directly asked people to develop weapons that were more powerful than firecrackers.

He had heard that the blunderbuss could only be shot single-shot, and its power was average. Even wearing ordinary armor, it could only hurt a little flesh.

The one developed by Sister Nan can fire continuously, and can even punch a deep hole in the steel armor. Although it has not penetrated, the power is not trivial.

Gu Yunge was so curious, if his mother hadn't stopped him, he would have gone to Mingshan to supervise the work on the day he came back.

He lowered his voice and leaned forward to discuss with Li Yi.

"I'll just take a look and come back after reading it. It only takes a day. As long as you don't tell Yan'er, she won't know."

The Gu family has a steam car, so it's very convenient to go back and forth.

"Brother, forgive me, I'm sorry that I can't do anything." Li Yi resolutely refused.

Without the slightest hesitation.

His expression was extremely serious.

It's up to you to obey the law and disobey it, so don't drag me into the water.

That was confessed by the king's daughter-in-law herself!
You will bear the consequences if you fail to do so!
Li Yi expressed that he did not dare to disobey his wife's order.

"Besides, if the musket is not made yet, it's useless for you to go." Li Yi added.

The research and development of muskets not only requires making muskets, but also the ammunition in them is a big problem.

No matter how much he doesn't understand these things, he also knows that it is almost impossible to see the finished product for a while.

More importantly, for the sake of secrecy, the development of muskets was carried out in the arsenal.

And outsiders are not allowed to enter the arsenal without Yan'er's permission.

Not to mention Gu Yunge, even Yan'er's husband and prince can't get in!

Gu Yunge thought about it too, and couldn't help being a little disappointed.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be rushed, so he had to give up his plan to go to Mingshan.


In addition, Gu Nanyan didn't go out after returning to Weiyang Palace from Sheng's house, and fell asleep after eating supper at night.

The next day was the time she had agreed with those Taizi generations.

She got up early in the morning, drank a large bowl of beef vermicelli soup with the baked crispy mille-feuille, and went to wait in the garden refreshed.

Unexpectedly, it was more than half of the morning, and even Sheng Zhixin, the cook, came over with "morning tea", but the group of seniors was still missing.

"What time is this? This place is no different from ordinary people. Women in the palace have to wash and dress up before going out, and only show up in front of people after tidying up."

"You just wait." Sheng Zhixin took out the things in the food box, and at the same time complained to her about how lazy the grandparents are.

Cheng Xinxin came with her, and the maid who followed her also carried a food box in her hand.

Gu Nanyan didn't pay much attention, and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Gu Nanyan woke up very early today, and it was still dark when she woke up, around five or six o'clock in the morning.

It's only been over an hour now.

According to Sheng Zhixin's intention, they might not come over for at least another hour.

Gu Nanyan choked speechlessly, stretched her waist and yawned.

Seeing the overflowing crystal water light.

She wiped her face, nestled in the back of the chair and gave Sheng Zhixin a sideways look.

"One hour, another hour and it's almost time for lunch. Bengong asked them to farm the land, not for them to eat."

It was hard for her to crawl out of the warm blanket, but these people were good, they had to make her wait even if they needed something from her.

(End of this chapter)

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