Chapter 774
Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes towards the sky to express his dissatisfaction.

But she didn't let anyone find her.

These Taizi generations are of high seniority, each of them lives in a palace, and they are scattered in various parts of the harem.

If someone were to search for them, it wouldn't take long just to walk through them one by one.

It's better for her to wait here, eat and drink, and save wasting manpower.

Gu Nanyan immediately jumped up from the chair when he smelled the aroma, drooling over the plates.

Seeing her favorite crispy crisps in front of her, she hurriedly took one and put it in her mouth.

"What did you bring?" She looked behind Cheng Xinxin while eating.

Cheng Xinxin sat a little stiffly, not at all relaxed like that day.

Although she said that Sheng Zhixin would bring her with her, she became nervous when she reached the gate of Weiyang Palace.

The rumored Gu Nanyan was an extremely difficult person to get along with, and she was afraid that her rash visit would annoy her.

At that time, not only would she not be able to please herself, but she would also implicate Sheng Zhixin who was willing to help her.

Sheng Zhixin knew that she was uneasy, so she hurriedly smiled to smooth things over.

"Today was a coincidence. Knowing that I like to mess around in the kitchen recently, sister Xin stewed a cup of Yanzhan dessert and brought it to me early in the morning, thinking of sharing it with me."

She took the initiative to greet Cheng Xinxin, put the food box on the table, and lifted the lid.

"I came to you in a hurry, and I didn't want to waste her time, so I brought her along."

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly, but said nothing.

Sheng Zhixin brought out a blue and white porcelain cup, and someone sent three small bowls over.

He opened the lid of the stewing pot.

The palace has a fixed share every month, but not every palace can get such precious things as bird's nest.

Moreover, each concubine's rank is different, and the quality of the bird's nest is also different.

According to Cheng Xinxin's level, the amount she can get at the beginning of each month is enough for one person to eat.

Just not high quality.

But what was placed in the stew pot was the best blood swallow.

The bright red blood swallow has distinct roots, perhaps because of the red dates and rock sugar, it has a sweet taste.

Sheng Zhixin filled a bowl full for her.

Gu Nanyan seldom eats these, not because she can't afford them, but because she dislikes the swallow's saliva in them, so thinking about it makes her sick.

She glanced at Cheng Xinxin, and seeing this charming woman gave her a timid look, the anxiety in her eyes was very obvious.

Gu Nanyan thought that he was just a guest, so he had to take a bite no matter what, so as not to embarrass others.

So I squeezed the handle of the spoon and dug a spoonful.

It froze as soon as it was put in the mouth.

Cheng Xinxin didn't notice her stiff expression, and most of the uneasiness in her heart dissipated when she saw that she was willing to eat.

"This is from my brother in the concubine's family. It is the best of the blood swallows. If the princess likes it, I will send you a box...or I can cook it for you every day and send it to you."

Cheng Xinxin is well versed in the principle of climbing up the ladder, and Gu Nanyan didn't mean to reject her, so she boldly stated her purpose.

Her personality is somewhat similar to Gu Nanyan's, and she also doesn't like to beat around the bush. Although sometimes her words are a bit choking and her mannerisms are a bit artificial, she is an out-and-out straight-hearted person.

Sheng Zhixin gave her a helpless look, feeling that she was acting too hastily, she seemed too eager.

Thinking about the time she spent with Gu Nanyan, she is not the kind of person who loses her temper at will...

She hadn't even seen her lose her temper in such a long time.

Sheng Zhixin didn't help explain.

But he didn't know that Gu Nanyan couldn't listen to what they said now.

She looked at Cheng Xinxin faintly, with disbelief, suspicion, relief, and distortion in her eyes.

Obediently, did these two women commit suicide for money?

Whose bird's nest dessert is salty!

It's okay to be salty, the key is to be salty...

She just took a bite, and she couldn't feel her tongue anymore.

It's numb!
Gu Nanyan wanted to cry but had no tears, she shook her mouth and didn't know whether to spit or swallow.

Considering that the owner of the bird's nest was still present, in order to save face for others and herself, she held back her breath and swallowed it with a grin.

"Thank you, it's delicious. Don't make it next time." She said hoarsely to Cheng Xinxin.

The look is very sincere.

Cheng Xinxin was taken aback: "Princess doesn't like eating bird's nest?"

Gu Nanyan nodded.

I don’t like to eat, mainly because I don’t like to eat what you made.

Others need money for cooking, but you need to cook for your life!

"Then... Chenqie will burn you a fish lip next time. It was also given to Chenqie by my brothers in my family. It was caught from the depths of the sea..."

"No need." Gu Nanyan refused seriously.

She doesn't like to eat bird's nest, and she doesn't like to eat fish mouth, especially if this woman made it.

"What's wrong with you?" Sheng Zhixin sensitively sensed that Gu Nanyan was wrong, and only thought that she didn't like bringing outsiders to Weiyang Palace privately.

"If you don't want to..." She glanced at Cheng Xinxin and couldn't bear it and said, "I won't bring her here next time."

She really wanted to help her. Although the two were not very close sisters, they were destined to enter the palace together, and they still got along.

But that doesn't mean she has to do her best to help her.

The most important thing in her heart is her daughter, followed by herself.

She couldn't offend Gu Nanyan for her sake.

Then their mother and daughter are really hopeless.

However, Gu Nanyan waved his hand, and slowly opened his mouth amid Cheng Xinxin's expression of disappointment with his lips tightly pressed together.

"I mean, people can come, but don't give away food."

I want a kiss.

She took a spoon to poke in the bird's nest a few times, and sure enough, she found a lump of undissolved salt in it.

There was still a layer of it on the bottom of the bowl.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Good cooking, she is ashamed of herself!
Liu Zhenzhen should really...

No, it's Wei Zhenzhen.

She should have had a taste of this.

After tasting it, let's see how she still has the nerve to complain about her poor cooking skills.

Compared with this, the ones she made are simply delicious!

... Well, at most one day's toilet.

That's better than dying, right?
Tsk tsk, fortunately, Cheng Xinxin was lucky enough to vote for a good family.

Otherwise, in this era when women are in charge of the kitchen and gentlemen stay away from the kitchen, she might be a widow even if she gets married.

Gu Nanyan held the teapot and drank for a while, trying to dilute the salty taste in his mouth.

"The princess is willing to let the concubine come to you with my sister?"

Cheng Xinxin seemed to be very happy, and there was a tiny light in his upturned eyes.

Who in the noble family of the Anyang Kingdom doesn't know how powerful Gu Nanyan is, even high-ranking court officials want to make friends with him.

Reluctantly, he couldn't get in.

She didn't have much hope today, she just wanted to give it a try for the sake of her natal family.

But she didn't expect her to agree so easily.

She didn't even have time to say something nice to please her.

Cheng Xinxin was grateful, and Sheng Zhixin also looked relieved.

The reason why Gu Nanyan agreed without thinking was because of Sheng Zhixin.

It is impossible for her to stay in the Anyang Palace forever. After she leaves, it is better for multiple people in this palace to support each other than to fight alone.

(End of this chapter)

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