Chapter 775
After Gu Nanyan initiated the farmland competition in Weiyang Palace.

The concubines of the Taizi generation all tried their best to prepare in order to get good results in the competition.

This is not just about an opportunity to serve as a bed attendant, but also a matter of face.

These women have been at the center of power all year round, and no one wants to be left behind.

Even if you can't rank among the best, you can't be the bottom of the crane.

Even if it is farming, which seems inappropriate to them.

Those who are more lazy will ask the people around them to help them collect information, and then record the key points and relay them to themselves.

Those who were more diligent went to Zangshuge to borrow books, and read a lot of farmland knowledge in just a few days.

He even spared no expense to ask the gardener in the imperial garden for advice.

As a result, those little gardener eunuchs who have been neglected all year round and can only serve flowers and plants have received unprecedented attention, wandering non-stop in various palaces in the harem.

Therefore, this kind of profession that can not only be rewarded with silver, but also be a teacher for the superior master, suddenly became the most popular in the palace, and was flocked to by many people.

It can be said that Gu Nanyan saved an industry by himself.

Three days later, the competition officially started. With full confidence, the seniors went to Weiyang Palace early in the morning, ready to show their strengths.

However, the reality is always so cruel.

They have learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, but they have never practiced it.

In addition, Gu Nanyan asked himself to do it himself, and could not ask the palace people around him to help.

So various problems arose.

As a result, half a month has passed, and none of the seeds in the entire greenhouse have germinated.

It's pure at first glance, but once it's done, it's useless.

Gu Nanyan didn't help them either, the melons and fruits and snacks were placed on the table, and Sheng Zhixin and Cheng Xinxin watched the fun together.

It wasn't until everyone was frustrated and wanted to give up that she ended up teaching in person.

Gu Nanyan spoke in detail, full of patience and fun.

Soon these women, who were used to the boring life in the harem, gradually became interested in farming.

From the beginning of the competition for Fu Jingqi, to seeing the seeds he planted with his own hands germinate at the end, the sense of accomplishment instantly conquered the hearts of these women.

In the end, the winner doesn't care whether he sleeps or not.

With the help of Gu Nanyan, she carefully transplanted the germinated strawberry seeds into her palace, cleaned up all the flowers and plants that had been planted before, and planted a few more strawberries.

Seeing this, the others followed suit and set up a miniature greenhouse in their own palace. After asking Gu Nanyan, they all planted strawberry seeds.

It wasn't that Gu Nanyan was reluctant to give them the seeds of other crops.

It's because the growth cycle of strawberries is not too long, each tree occupies a small area, and the small red fruits that grow out are really gratifying.

It is easier to keep people interested while satisfying their appetite.

This sense of accomplishment of eating the fruit grown by oneself immediately captured most of the people of the Taizi generation, leaving Fu Jingqi behind for the time being.

Gu Nanyan's ears were finally clean, and no one came to bother her anymore.

At the same time, she also had a big event.

Signed more than a dozen Guose Tianxiang franchise authorization letters covering most of the main towns in Anyang country.

The franchisee was recommended by Fu Tuo, who was Sun Ying's grandfather.

Like Daliang Country, all the fruit and vegetable transportation of the Anyang Country Franchise Store is undertaken by the Guose Tianxiang Main Store.

And according to the sales and weather conditions, the goods will be delivered once every three to five days.

Since Gu Nanyan has equipped the planting base in Jianan with several steam vehicles, it is enough to deliver perishable fruits and vegetables within a day, ensuring freshness.

Therefore, as soon as the news of her seeking to join came out, countless people flocked to her.

Including the Sheng family.

Don't look at Mrs. Sheng who hates Gu Nanyan, but she is an extremely rational old man, how could she give up such a big piece of fat because of a little personal grievance.

That's fruity and heavenly!
Not to mention the things that are not found in other places in Fruit Color Tianxiang, even ordinary melons and fruits, as long as they come from Fruit Color Heaven Fragrance, they are much better than those from other places.

Naturally, the selling price is also extremely high.

But even if the price is high, there is never a shortage of customers.

Tianxiang Fruit can be called a luxury brand in the fruit and vegetable industry.

Those who go there are either rich or expensive, and even the palace is full of fruity guests.

Once you open a franchise store, you will gain not only wealth, but also personal connections that others can't see.

How can it not be exciting!

It's just that with the current scale of the planting base, it is obviously unrealistic to supply too many areas.

Gu Nanyan only chose a dozen or so prosperous towns.

And the power of attorney for these more than a dozen towns are all in Sun Ying's maternal grandfather's house.

Really disappointing and envious.

This move is obviously promoting the Sun family and suppressing the Sheng family.

Or in other words, promote the concubine daughter of the Sun family and suppress the concubine daughter of the Sheng family.

As the mistress of the house, Wushi, who is also inextricably linked with the Sheng family, learned that the emperor valued Sun Ying so much, even if she was allowed to live like a tiger, she couldn't bear such a big blow, even if she fell ill.

And her always obedient husband, Sun Qi, took advantage of the few days when she was too sick to get out of bed, and moved the Zhao family's courtyard, which lived in a corner, to a place not far from the main courtyard.

And let someone rearrange the yard again. Compared with Zhao's previous residence, the new residence is as gorgeous as heaven and earth.

Of course, he still doesn't dare to completely fall out with the Sheng family. Compared with Wuzhi's room full of antique jades, he is much more low-key.

Sun Qi would also visit Zhao Shi from time to time, chatting with her, talking about her last resort over the years, and expressing his heartfelt feelings for Zhao Shi.

Every time, Mrs. Zhao laughed it off.

She knew very well in her heart that if her daughter hadn't been favored in the palace, she would have benefited along with her natal family, and had jumped from a wealthy family in a small place to a wealthy family in the capital.

Based on what she knew about Sun Qi, he would never look at her.

Sun Qi didn't say anything about Zhao's seemingly close but actually distant attitude.

He doesn't care how Mrs. Zhao treats him, as long as she stays obediently in Sun's house and he treats her well, it's enough to save face.

Sun Ying and the Zhao family who stayed in the palace would also respond to his requests because they were afraid of the Zhao family.

As for Wushi...

When Wu Zhi learned that he kept Zhao Shi by his side, he only made a few symbolic quarrels and then subsided.

She dared not speak out, but she didn't really accept Zhao Shi.

When she went to the Sheng family last time, Mrs. Sheng's attitude let her know that once her actions had a bad influence on the Sheng family, she would be abandoned by the Sheng family.

She didn't dare to make too much trouble, if Sun Qi was bored, she really had no room for change.

And this matter is not only a grievance between her and the Zhao family.

She believed that the old grand master Sheng who had been strong for a lifetime would definitely make a move, even if it was for Sheng Rui to gain a firm foothold in the palace, she would not allow the power behind Sun Ying to grow.

(End of this chapter)

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