Chapter 776
Wu Shi thought very clearly, she was adopted by Mrs. Sheng, and she has no blood relationship with Mrs. Sheng, so how could they make a big fuss over her.

It's better to wait obediently, and her Zhao family will suffer one day.

Having figured this out, Wushi no longer quarreled with Sun Qi.

Instead, she took the matter lightly by reasoning that she was not feeling well and that it would be reassuring for her to have one more person to take care of him.

And successfully stuffed the two maids around him into Zhao's house, under the pretense of helping her serve Sun Qi.

But she herself patted her buttocks and went to Zhuangzi to live for a while. The reason was naturally that Zhuangzi was clean and conducive to recuperating.

This made Sun Qi feel surprised, and didn't think about anything else, just thought she had figured it out.

When the mistress was not at home, Zhao, the only woman in the back house, temporarily took over the power of the house.

She originally came from a merchant, and she is extremely sensitive to numbers, and she is also very handy in handling the application of Fuchu.

Although she doesn't bother with these.

"Miss, those two girls started to bully the people in our yard again, and today they beat Xiao Tao who was in charge of cleaning!"

The woman serving Mrs. Zhao——Dongxia came angrily from outside the house.

"Xiaotao's forehead was broken by them, and she is currently bandaging it in the medical clinic!"

It seemed that because she was too angry, her volume was unconsciously higher, making Zhao's ears hurt.

Mrs. Zhao rubbed her forehead and raised her head from a pile of ledgers.

"Is it serious?"

Her voice was a little hoarse, her face was not as rosy as usual, and she looked very tired.

Although Wu Shi was raised in Sheng's family, she hadn't learned much about housekeeping, and kept the accounts in the house in a mess, even she herself might not be able to understand them.

Mrs. Zhao has been tidying up day and night since she took over Zhongfeed.

However, some accounts are really confusing, and I have to check them one by one with the people below to sort them out. I haven't read them until today.

Dongxia was already so angry that she was smoking, but seeing her like that, she became very worried.

"Miss, don't worry, the servants have been arranged. The doctor said that she only has a superficial injury, and she will be fine after a few days of rest."

As she spoke, she poured a cup of tea and brought it to her hand.

Mrs. Zhao happened to be very thirsty, and the temperature of the tea was just right, so she picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp.

The dry feeling in her throat eased, and her complexion looked much better.

"I told you not to call Miss again, if you let the master hear it, be careful, he will not be happy."

"Your servant is not a fool, how could you shout in front of the master." Dongxia curled her lips, but the empty tea cup was filled again.

"Besides, so what if I heard it. The slaves have called him this way all these years. Why haven't I seen him unhappy before?" She asked with dissatisfaction in her tone.

For so many years, the master has not stepped into the lady's yard, so he has never heard her call, so how can he be unhappy.

Besides, she was her miss.

Deep down in Dongxia's heart, she doesn't recognize Sun Qi as a son-in-law.

Zhao gave her a helpless look.

"Anyway, be careful, don't let people catch you, I won't be able to save you then."

Mrs. Zhao couldn't bear to blame her, so she could only scare her.

She knew that Dongxia was dissatisfied with the master, and also knew that the reason why she rejected him so much was because of herself.

But they depend on others, even if they are dissatisfied, they can't show it.

Mrs. Zhao sighed, and continued talking about Xiaotao.

"You go to the account to withdraw 50 taels of silver, tell the doctor in the medical center to take whatever medicine you need, and give the rest of the silver to Xiaotao."

It's just a trauma, even with the best medicine, it's only three or five taels, and the rest is a huge sum of money for Xiaotao!

"Will it be too much..." Dongxia hesitated.

Xiaotao is in charge of sanitation, and she only pays a little more than one or two taels a month for food and housing, and 45 taels is her income for several years.

"What's the matter, she was implicated by me and suffered an unreasonable disaster, and this money should be regarded as my compensation for her."

Those two servant girls were domineering and domineering in her place, and she didn't need to guess who was ordering them.

Afraid that Wu Zhi would not be reconciled, before leaving, he would find two people to come to her place to make a fuss.

The smoky atmosphere in her yard will make the master feel uncomfortable, so he won't come here often.

The corner of Zhao's mouth curled into a sarcastic smile.

He hadn't seen her for more than ten years before, she didn't live well as usual.

It's just that Wu Zhi cares about him, and she wishes she could be clean by herself!
"It's not a problem if it goes on like this." Dongxia didn't worry about the money, the lady gave it as she said, and she just listened to her orders.

But those two maids were really upset.

I don't know where Wu Zhi found it, but the air of dust all over his body is so fierce that he would die.

It's only been a few days since I've been here, and the courtyard is full of people who are not pleasing to their eyes, they either point at this one and scold them, or grab that one and beat them.

The tossing chickens and dogs jumped and complained.

But they were sent by the lady, and the lady is not easy to deal with the two of them.

Otherwise, some people should say that the young lady is arrogant because of being favored, and will not take the mistress seriously.

Dongxia was so depressed, seeing that Mrs. Zhao was still looking through the account book with her head down, she couldn't help but said anxiously: "You should think of a way, they dare to beat people now, and I don't know what bullying thing they will do next. "

"What can I do." Zhao did not raise her head, "I am just a concubine, I have no right to deal with the wife of the housewife."

"Then you just look at it like this?" Dongxia was not reconciled.

"I've heard that these two sluts are talking bad things about our empress everywhere, saying that our empress serves others with sex, and I don't know what kind of kung fu they have practiced to seduce men. That's why the emperor fell in love with them..."

She gritted her teeth and cursed like a little bitch, obviously very angry.

Mrs. Zhao paused for a while while holding the pen, and frowned slightly.

But in an instant, he returned to his indifferent appearance.

"Let them say that, the emperor can judge Yinger's character."

No matter what they said, they were only expressing their tongues quickly, and they couldn't change the fact that her daughter had become one of the four concubines.

Why should she degrade her identity and argue with them.

"Go and see if the master is back to the mansion. If he is in the mansion, let him go to the small pond in front of the yard, and say that I have raised two koi there, and I want to invite him to enjoy it together."

The corner of Zhao's mouth curled up into a bewitching smile, and his brows and eyes were full of tenderness.

Dongxia's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her family's young lady has always loved the empress, it was just when people were soft-spoken in the past, but now that she has mastered Zhongfu, why is she still in such a peaceful manner.

The empress is said to be as low as the little girl in the brothel, won't the lady feel distressed?

He still has the mind to invite the master to enjoy the fish!
Could it be that because of regaining the favor of the master, the young lady only remembers the master and forgets about the empress who brought her up with her own hands?
But Miss is clearly not such a person!
Dong Xia clenched her lower lip, and reluctantly went to the main courtyard to invite Sun Qi over.

When her figure disappeared at the door, Mrs. Zhao threw down the vermilion pen and looked out of the window at the plum blossom branches that had begun to wither.

(End of this chapter)

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