The farmer has a mall

Chapter 777 Keep it in my heart

Chapter 777 Keep it in my heart
As soon as Sun Qi returned to the mansion, he heard from a servant that Mrs. Zhao invited him over.

He changed into a more comfortable robe and went to the small pond she mentioned.

At that time, Mrs. Zhao had already been waiting there.

She was wearing a yellow jacket with floral patterns and a delicate cloud bun, holding a small emerald bowl in her hand, and she was sitting quietly by the pond feeding the fish.

Two red and white koi came out of the water and played in her hands. The surrounding was as quiet as the night, except for the sound of the wind blowing on the treetops.

A small brown wooden table was placed on the stone edge of the pond, and there was a teapot and two teacups on the wooden table.

There are also three small plates of small and exquisite pastries, and a carved incense burner that has been lit and is emitting wisps of green smoke.

Everything is so quiet and peaceful.

It seems that the years are quiet and good.

Sun Qi looked at her back and took a deep breath, inhaling a faint scent into his nostrils, all the unpleasantness disappeared in an instant, leaving only peace.

Zhao Shi pursed her lips and smiled lightly, then stood up with him.

But Mrs. Zhao raised two at a time.

And keep it firmly in my heart...

Sun Qi nodded slowly, still focusing on wiping her fingertips lightly.

Zhao's expression was slightly flustered, and he touched his empty right ear with one hand.

Sun Qi, who had been oppressed by Wuzhi for many years, had long forgotten the gentle looks of those women he had seen when he was young and frivolous, and he heard Wuzhi's fierce face every day.

"I remember my master once said when I was young that when I get a prosperous official position and a successful career in the future, I must raise a pond of koi in the yard."

When he was young, he really liked raising koi, but as his official position got higher and higher, he had to deal with more and more things, so he didn't have time to think about it.

The weather has begun to warm up, but the water in the pool is still freezing cold.

"If you don't know, you will think that I, Sun Qi, have treated you badly, and you have to do things like feeding the fish yourself."

"It's actually a precious red and white carp. No wonder you cherish it so much and feed it yourself." Sun Qi was a little surprised.

When they walked halfway, Zhao's hair was blown tousled by the wind, and he touched his temples subconsciously.

After wiping off the water stains on her hands, he held them back in his wide and warm palm.

Mrs. Zhao didn't know how long she sat here, but her palms were cold.

"I personally feed this koi not because it is precious, but because of the master."

"That's not necessary, just pay more attention next time." His voice lowered unconsciously, and his eyes fell on the two koi.

All the sprites have become for him, and this woman doesn't have to be so far-fetched if she wants to please him.

He also raised koi when he was young, but at that time his official position was not obvious, and he didn't have much money in his hands, so he only raised ordinary red carp.

With a smile on her face, she said softly: "It's my concubine who didn't think carefully, master must not get angry and hurt himself."

Still expressionless, he took the initiative to sit beside Zhao Shi, squeezed her cold hand, and took out a pure white handkerchief from his bosom.

"The weather is still cold, so wear more clothes when you go out in the future."

"When did this officer say such a thing?" Sun Qi was surprised.

Such red and white carp are unaffordable.

But she heard Zhao shi smiled softly.

After she came in, Wushi lost his temper all day long, and he was stimulated by some kind of stimulus that day, so he called Zhaoshi to him and beat and scolded her, almost killing the child in her stomach.

Sun Qi asked indifferently.

Perhaps after the incident was over, he hugged the still young and beautiful Wu Shi and said some nonsense, which must have been heard by the Zhao family outside.

It is enough to show that the Zhao family has really risen.

There are all kinds of flowers and trees on both sides of the road. In this season, most of them are only dead branches, and only a few pines and cypresses are evergreen.

Sun Qi's thoughts were interrupted, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

None of them spoke, they just walked silently, their backs looked very good.

Suddenly he stopped.

It seems that there was one time.

"Let the servants do these things, why do you need to do it yourself."

Mrs. Zhao didn't get up when she heard his footsteps, but turned her head slowly, looking up at him with her small chin raised.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Keep vigil for him and Wuzhi...

"What's wrong?" Sun Qi looked back at her suspiciously.

The two were tall and the other short, one was strong and the other was swaying, walking side by side on the path paved with gravel.

Not only can't afford it, but if you don't have some contacts, ordinary people will never see it.

That was the only time they were in the same room together.

But she was already so scarred at that time that she still had the heart to listen to what she said.

Xu Shi saw that he didn't fight and didn't have the slightest affection for Zhao Shi, Wu Zhi felt much relieved, so he stopped beating and scolding, and drove Zhao Shi outside to watch the night.

"When you feed the fish yourself every day, drink tea and watch them play in the pool, this is the life you want to live."

"You have a different status now. Ying'er is the concubine Jin. Wouldn't it make people gossip about her biological mother doing this?"

"Let's go, go sit in your room for a while." Sun Qi took her hand and got up.

He walked to Zhao's side in a very good mood, and frowned dissatisfiedly as he watched her left fingertips soaked in water and red from the cold.

Sun Qi was thinking about whether to set up a banquet in the mansion and invite the old man of the Zhao family to sit down.

Sun Qi paused when he heard the words, frowned and thought for a moment.

And a relaxation that I haven't had in many years.

Her eyes were shining brightly under the sunlight, and she looked at Sun Qi tenderly.

"I accidentally overheard it on the day when I was keeping vigil for you and your wife not long after I entered the university."

Zhao shi blushed and lowered her head.

At this moment, under the influence of this atmosphere, my heart suddenly softened.

Even the pool of red carp raised before has died long ago.

The corners of Sun Qi's mouth were pulled down, and he stared at Zhao Shi with a pair of not-so-bright eyes.

He had already forgotten what he said that night, he only remembered that Wu Zhi stalked him like revenge and tossed with him all night.

Carefully wipe off the water stains from feeding the fish.

At the time when he was being promoted, he still needed the help of Mr. Sheng, and he didn't dare to disobey Wu Zhi's wishes, so he didn't dissuade him.

"I know it myself, I just went out in a hurry today, and usually wear a cloak." Zhao smiled softly.

After Mrs. Zhao entered the door, he was put in the most remote courtyard by him. The chances of showing up over the years can be counted on one hand.

After all, without Wu Zhi making trouble, he can still have a good talk with him.

"One of my concubine's ears is missing..." She looked around at her feet.

"Perhaps it fell near the pond. Can the master wait for this concubine for a while, and allow the concubine to go back and look for it?"

"It's just an earring, why bother, I'll ask someone to find some better ones and send them to you later."

Sun Qi looked at the earring of her left ear, the golden rim was wrapped with green jadeite, the style was a little old, and it didn't look worth much.

Mrs. Zhao refused: "This pair of earrings was put on by my mother for me before I entered the mansion. It is a relic of my grandmother, and it means a lot to me."

(End of this chapter)

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