The farmer has a mall

Chapter 781 Lost to Yinzi

Chapter 781 Lost to Yinzi

"I plan to announce the canonization of the Sun family as empress in the early morning of tomorrow." Fu Tuo said.

Only Gu Nanyan, Fu Tuo and Sun Ying were left in the room, and Fu Tuo revealed his plan without any concealment.

"At that time, many ministers will object, especially Mr. Sheng's faction, and I would like to trouble you to take care of Mrs. Sun."

Sun Qi is the best at protecting himself wisely. He can guarantee that tomorrow when he hears the news, his first reaction will not be to support his daughter, but he will still play careless eyes on the old grand master Sheng as before, and neither side will offend.

Until this matter becomes a foregone conclusion.

"It will take at least one month from the announcement of this matter to the canonization ceremony. I am worried that the old master will find someone to do something against Mrs. Sun in a hurry."

Gu Nanyan nodded, and asked straightforwardly, "What do I need to do?"

She agreed without hesitation without asking why, which surprised and moved Fu Tuo.

"You don't need to do anything, just let Mrs. Sun come and sit in your palace every day."

And she just happened to be used by him as a tool to control his father.

Sun Ying followed behind him cautiously.

Gu Nanyan learned from the painful experience, heartbroken, and happily chose the latter between Fu Tuo and Yin Zi.

Then Fu Tuo and Sun Ying were driven out of Weiyang Palace together.

Yeah, like he said, they're just collaborating.

For some reason, she was a little envious of Princess Anyang.

My mind is full of "My sister has changed, what should I do if my sister doesn't like him"...

Fu Tuo's hands were hot and powerful, imprinted on Sun Ying's heart like a branding iron.

But the words came to his lips and swallowed again.

"You think too much, I'm not angry." Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

Gu Nanyan declined to comment.

"You and my brothers and sisters don't need to thank you." Gu Nanyan waved his hands leisurely, looking at the sky.

Calculating over the past will cause trouble.

"The princess may have something urgent..."

She can also benefit from this, so that her mother will not be bullied by Wu Zhi in the future.

Sun Ying was surprised that Gu Nanyan dared to drive the emperor out of the house, seeing his sad look, she couldn't help but comfort her.

However, before she could figure out why she was like this, Fu Tuo let go of her hand when she saw that she was already standing still.

Moreover, their brothers and sisters are in different situations, so her method may not be suitable for Fu Tuo.

Let her taste the sweetness!
Fu Tuo looked up to the sky and sighed.

"I accept Brother Huang's wishes. The crab can be kept, so don't keep it."

"Be careful." Fu Tuo frowned and held her arm.

"That's natural." Fu Tuo cleared his throat and forced his respect back, "How could Yan'er refuse to eat with me because of an outsider? There must be other reasons."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Whoever dares to take care of her family affairs, she dares to disturb the family and make the house restless!
Let these people think carefully about what it means to not care about it, and never dare to stretch their claws at her again.

"If you don't have anything else to do, you can go first. I also have an appointment with Sheng Zhixin to play mahjong. It's time soon."

Kill two birds with one stone, right?

As long as he made a move that went against Mr. Sheng's ideas, then his plan would come true.

She must be very happy to be so cared about by others.

The key is to delay her winning money!
Although my brother is also very important, but I can eat at any time, so I am being taken advantage of...

"Then thank you sister."

After Sun Qi found out, he had to think about it carefully, whether he would still be vacillating as before.

If this is her...

It was the first time she had seen him who was so vivid.

She looked up in a daze, looking at Fu Tuo's delicate and charming handsome face, and suddenly felt an impulse in her heart, wanting to ask him why he chose to cooperate with him.

The emperor in Weiyang Palace was completely different from what he saw in ordinary times.

"I'll ask Yunxi to tell the doorkeeper in a while, so she doesn't need to notify her when she comes over, just come in."

She thought about it for a while, but couldn't find an excuse.

Sun Ying's mood was suddenly depressed, and she followed Fu Tuo step by step, staring at the shadow he cast under her feet in a daze.

Gu Nanyan was cold.

"Go back to Yufu Palace. I'm going to the Imperial Study to deal with political affairs, so I won't go to your place to act for others." Fu Tuo said coldly.

Fu Tuo in front of him stopped suddenly, and Sun Ying bumped her head into his chest before she had time to react.

Her face was blushing before she said: "It's definitely not because Concubine Chen is more important than you."

The corner of Fu Tuo's mouth twitched, "Brother specially ordered some fresh seafood to be shipped from the seaside. How about we have a meal together today."

If you want her to say that Fu Tuo is not tough enough, marrying a daughter-in-law depends on other people's opinions.

"I present my concubine to the emperor." She slightly bowed her knees and saluted.

The person Mr. Sheng feared the most was Yan'er. As long as Mrs. Sun showed that she had a close relationship with Yan'er, he would not dare to touch her at will.

Fu Tuo walked towards the imperial study with his head downcast.

After all, he seemed a little guilty and said: "Recently, I have been busy with state affairs and neglected you. It's my brother's fault. Don't be angry..."

"The concubine knows." She lowered her head, feeling his big hot hands, her expression was a little dazed.

Standing in front of the closed gate, Fu Tuo looked suspicious of life.

After she finished speaking, she started chasing people away.

"The road here has just been repaired, so be careful when it's wet and slippery."

In fact, you don't need to ask her to know that the emperor will choose her simply because her nominal father has a close relationship with the Sheng family.

His attitude is completely different from what he showed just now on the road to Weiyang Palace.

But everyone has his own way of doing things. Although Fu Tuo's method is a bit roundabout, he also has his last resort.

"I understand." Gu Nanyan nodded in response.

If his guess is correct, Concubine Chen must have lost a lot of money to her younger sister these few days...

I thank you!
The mood is even worse, is there any...

It's just for Sun Ying to come to Weiyang Palace every day, and there is no loss for her.

Although it wasn't because of someone that he rejected him, but losing to a little money is not necessarily good.

When she realizes that she doesn't want to play with her anymore, it will be difficult to steal money from her.

For some reason, Sun Ying's little heart started beating uncontrollably.

Sun Ying covered her chest, trying her best to calm down.

Seeing that she was fine, Fu Tuo didn't stay any longer, nodded, turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia.


She made an agreement with Sheng Zhixin's bully yesterday, if she is given a chance to make money today, it would be bad if she broke her promise.

Sun Ying was suddenly a little lost.

The intimacy the two deliberately showed in front of people was just for those who care.

Fu Tuo looked at Gu Nanyan's gentle smile, and thanked her softly.

Watching his firm back slowly disappear, Sun Ying stood there for a while, let out a breath slowly, and walked in the opposite direction.

After Gu Nanyan drove Fu Tuo away, she spent the whole afternoon with Sheng Zhixin and Cheng Xinxin.

He won a lot of money from the two of them.

In the evening, they encouraged the two of them to drink and play dice, and they won a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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