Chapter 782

The two concubines, who were blushing from drinking, expressed their dissatisfaction.

He was staggering and supported by the maid, and threatened to fight Gu Nanyan until dawn.

There is no reason for the God of Wealth who sent himself to the door to reject him.

Naturally, Gu Nanyan couldn't ask for more.

I wanted to make persistent efforts to win all the little private money left by the two of them.

However, the amount of alcohol they had was too much to describe in words, and before she could get drunk, the two of them had already got down under the table.

Gu Nanyan was so sorry that she had to ask someone to carry them back to their respective palaces.

Thinking about fighting again tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, news came from Sheng Zhixin's Yilan Hall.

I'm afraid you are looking forward to Fu Jingqi's early ascension to bliss!
Hehe, woman...

Of course, Wu Zhi was not notified of this matter in advance.

In addition, she herself had no interest in entering the palace, and she didn't care about Sun Ying's identity at all, so she didn't pay attention to these anymore.

Is this thing recited to living people!

Until two days ago, the emperor proposed to make Sun Ying the queen in the early court!

The final fatal blow made Sun Kening's mentality burst instantly.

The euphemistic name is to chant scriptures and pray for the Supreme Emperor.

And do not accept anyone's visit, especially a certain princess!

She felt that Sun Ying must have been favored by herself, not only persuading her father to straighten the Zhao family, but also putting on her own mother's head the title of imperial wife that should have belonged to her own mother.

I can go to yours.

Registered Mrs. Zhao as Yipin Gaoming's wife.

She must ask her good concubine why she treated her and her mother like this!
This time Sun Qi didn't object, on the contrary, he very much agreed with the elder daughter's entry into the palace, so as to enhance their relationship with the younger daughter.

Wu Shi told her before that Mrs. Sheng intends to ask the old grand master to help Wu Zhi get the title of Mrs. Yipin.

This way of getting along, on the contrary, made the two people who were not familiar with each other less awkward.

Sun Kening felt relieved.

Said that he would go to the palace to see Sun Ying.

She was angry and locked herself in the room for a whole day, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

But the fact is already like this, and she can't change it.

She thought this was the worst news, but she didn't know that worse was yet to come.

However, Fu Tuo announced in the early court that he would make Sun Ying his empress, which caused an uproar.

She didn't speak, and Gu Nanyan wouldn't forcefully pretend to be acquainted, holding a picture book that he didn't know where to find, and sat with her for a whole day.

The little Zhuangzi where Wushi was convalescing was a little far away. I'm afraid that by the time she got the news and came back, everything would have been a foregone conclusion.

Gu Nanyan was extremely contemptuous, so another person was added to the blacklist...

In the past, Sun Kening would never be threatened by him, because Zhongfu was in Wuzhi's hands, and Wuzhi had the final say on whether to give pocket money or not.

That is impossible!

Then somehow Fu Jingqi found out about it, and ran to Gu Nanyan in a frenzy, gloating and ridiculing her misfortune.

Sun Ying didn't say anything, she was an extremely quiet woman, when she came to Weiyang Palace, she just sat with her head down, talking less than Gu Nanyan.

Sun Kening was so shocked that he couldn't understand why his father's attitude changed so quickly.

Otherwise, there might be another human tragedy in this resplendent palace...

Every day, she would go to Weiyang Palace to stay at dawn, and she would not go back until the palace gate was unlocked.

In the end, all the faults were attributed to Sun Ying.

Sun Ke couldn't breathe, so he went to look for Sun Qi again.

Probing back and forth on the verge of death.

Who is this princess talking about, probably no one in the palace knows.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If it's just like this, Gu Nanyan can also live a quiet and peaceful life.

At least Wu Zhi didn't have to kneel down to salute when he saw her.

Now that Sheng Zhixin and Cheng Xinxin are not here, Weiyang Palace has returned to its former peace...

Then the mother and daughter could sit and wait for Sun Ying to fall from a high position, and in the end she was still the concubine who was nothing.

After Sun Qi announced that the Zhao family would be righted, an imperial decree followed immediately.

She also found her father, but her father, who used to obey her, gave her a scolding.

Including her sister-in-law, Wu's only daughter, Sun Kening.

It can be regarded as getting along well.

Said that as an elder sister, she didn't know how to love her younger sister, but instead wanted to trouble her all day long, so she was not worthy of being a first sister.

Although Sun Kening found out about this matter, although she was a little bit uncomfortable, she was unwilling to let that mediocre and incompetent concubine become the most honorable woman in the world, and thus put herself under the pressure.

Sun Kening went to the palace to find Sun Ying not only because she wanted to be a queen.

Fortunately, Eunuch Xu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and dragged Gu Nanyan away before he was about to explode.

Many concubines in the harem and female relatives from various mansions would not want to talk to Sun Ying about their lives.

As a result, Cheng Xinxin also closed the door to thank the guests.

It never occurred to her that this daughter, who was spoiled since she was a child, would actually find it difficult to find her in the palace.

Concubine Chen is not feeling well, so she closed the door to thank guests for a month of recuperation.

After all, Gu Nanyan is the only princess who hangs out with Sheng Zhixin all day.

That old man is stronger than you, do you need to pray?
Also chanting...

Dang even wanted to go out of the city to find Wuzhi.

In this way, even if Sun Ying is a concubine in the palace, her status will not be much higher than Wu Zhi.

But Sun Qi stopped her and told her to stay in the mansion and not run around, otherwise her pocket money for the whole year would be deducted.

Then, ignoring Sun Qi's dark complexion, he turned around and walked away.

What scripture did you recite?

However, reality does not want to give her a chance to recover.

It's different now, the other half of Zhongfu is in Zhao's hands!
Who knows if she will play tricks on purpose!
Under the threat of her father, Sun Kening had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​going out of the city. Anyway, when her mother knew the news, she would rush back, so why would she take such a risk.

Gu Nanyan: You still thank guests behind closed doors.I don't want to see you too often!
Heartbroken, Gu Nanyan asked Cheng Xinxin to invite her to play Mahjong for two.

In the early morning of the second day, her usually honest and trustworthy father called together the clansmen and announced in public that Aunt Zhao Fu would be his wife, and formally handed over to the two of them to take care of her on the grounds that Wushi was in poor health.

Fu Jingqi's beauties in the harem were busy farming and never came to harass Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She is already going to be a queen, yet she is still not satisfied, doing such a shameless thing!

Let the female relatives of each government run empty again and again.

How vicious!

It is a pity that the parties did not give them this opportunity.

Sun Kening was so angry that she lifted the tea table in front of Sun Qi, and the fruit plate and refreshments on the table were smashed on the floor.

He still has some sincerity towards this eldest daughter, and he agreed to her to go to Sun Ying because he wanted Sun Ying to take care of her in the future.

Lost in a hurry, this is it?
She didn't win much, the two of them added up to less than 1 taels, why are you so picky!
Someone expresses contempt.

And decided to blacklist this kind of people who lose money and run away, and have no morals at all, for a month, as a warning to others.

Sun Kening got his wish.

Probably because Sun Ying knew that Sun Ying, who had done something "torturing her heart", would not want to see her, and would probably call back the sign she handed in to the palace.

She deliberately found a good sister.

Ask the other party to pass a sign to her aunt who is a concubine in the palace, and bring her into the palace with her.

(End of this chapter)

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