Chapter 783
Sun Kening made enough preparations, but still missed.

The eunuch guarding the gate of Yufu Palace told her that her concubine sister has been staying in Weiyang Palace recently and will not come back until the palace gate is locked. If there is something urgent, you can go to Weiyang Palace to find her.

What is Weiyang Palace, everyone in the entire Anyang Kingdom must know, how dare she go there to find someone!

In the end, he had no choice but to return to the mansion.

Sun Ying was lucky enough to escape a fierce battle.

Apart from Sun Kening who returned disappointed, there were one or two who were not afraid of death and handed over signs to Weiyang Palace.

Unsurprisingly, they were all sent back.

They didn't even report to Gu Nanyan.

The rules of Weiyang Palace have always been like this, even if someone disagrees, they can only hold back.

No one had the guts to raise an objection.

"The boss said, don't ask why, it's because she looks down on you because of her arrogance, and doesn't want to do your business!"

"If someone hadn't asked me to help deliver a message, I wouldn't be looking for you."

Even those small characters who don't have much wealth, they all pre-ordered one.

She looked at the tossed and messed-up bed sheet, and could faintly see a few tiger hairs.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a familiar pink fur ball lying on my ten-meter bed stretched out.

In the end, Fu Tuo blocked him by saying "Weiyang Palace is not under my management".

Then turn around and make a small report with Gu Nanyan.

"But...will this embarrass the emperor?" Sun Ying reminded.

Hearing the disapproval in her tone, Gu Nanyan didn't speak.

"You think I want to come?"

"You don't want to stay in Wei's house, what are you doing in the palace?"

That minister is a disciple of Mrs. Sheng, and this move is quite a way of showing respect to the teacher.

I used to be able to go to her place to rest before the lights were turned off, but these two days I couldn't go to bed until late at night.

The veins on Gu Nanyan's forehead twitched.

Gu Nanyan snorted coldly, "Your thinking is too naive."

Seeing that she didn't look angry, Sun Ying became more courageous, took a deep breath and said cautiously: "If you agree to sell the car to him, he has a step down, and you can make money. You can kill two birds with one stone, and It's easy for the emperor to talk, so let's just forget about it."

"Do you think I did something wrong?" Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

This color is so hot no matter how many times I look at it.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was holding a dagger in his hands, looking like he was sharpening his knife and slamming it at the pig and sheep, the Chaos Beast jumped off the bed with a whimper.

After a while, the bed was made neatly, and the fur on it was also picked off.

Gu Nanyan snorted then, and retracted the dagger into the space.

The dog makes her angry every time it comes, I'm afraid it wasn't born to kill her!

I managed to get rid of you beasts with great difficulty, and the good days have not passed for a few days, so why are you looking for bad luck again?

The implication is that Gu Nanyan is too conceited and doesn't take these courtiers seriously.

It muttered while making the bed, its hands and feet were moving fast.

The dog thing really came to find bad luck, should she beat this guy to death...

The minister is in a hurry. In today's Anyang country, steam cars are a status symbol and a standard equipment for court officials!

The minister was dumbfounded. He never thought that she would not make money if she had money.

She really felt sorry for the emperor.

The old man didn't even dare to come out now, let alone letting others stand out.

"Besides, Gu's car dealership is originally my territory. Whoever wants to do business and who doesn't want to do business is my freedom. If you are not convinced, you have to hold back."

When Gu Nanyan found out, he immediately withdrew his order.

Sun Ying had a different feeling for Fu Tuo in her heart, and felt distressed every time she saw his tired expression.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Nice job!" Gu Nanyan clapped his hands and cheered, "Remember to remind me to raise the wages of the dealer."

"Besides, he's not that busy. He has to take care of everyone's affairs."

It is said that the good customer is God!

It's useless to mention it.

"Okay, okay, just lay it out for you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss your smell. I just rubbed it on it a few times. I'm stingy..."

There was a minister who euphemistically said this in front of Fu Tuo.

"I don't care if you are a business or a mother, you are limited to make the bed for me within 1 minute, or I will give you a discount on your legs!"

The old grand master's power is not small, although the emperor intends to support her father to compete with the old grand master, he still needs to divide his strength.

It so happened that this person reserved a steam car at Gu's car dealership, and he was about to pick up the car.

Dogs have rough skin and thick flesh, and it takes too much effort to kill them.

Gu Nanyan didn't intend to continue to worry about it, so she stretched her waist and went back to the bedroom.

Especially on this one.

Gu Nanyan: " still despise it?"

"Still think that he will betray his mentor and defect to the imperial brother's camp just because of the right to buy a steam car?"

And told the shopkeeper of the car dealership that he would not do business with this person in the future.

Recently, in order to balance the power between the DPRK and China, the emperor started working day and night again.

Yun Xi stepped back in response, and Sun Ying, who was sitting not far away, was astonished.

In the future, if his colleagues drive a steam car to the court, only he will drive the carriage with a small leather whip to eat dirt behind...

"Could the princess be too impulsive? I heard that the lord is the old grand master's favorite student. If the old grand master finds out, I'm afraid I will have trouble with you again." Sun Ying said worriedly.

"If you can't make it through, you can't make it through." Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

This kind of shopkeeper who is not afraid of power is hard to find, you must keep him!

Let Fu Tuo, the elder brother, talk about her well.

Let's beat it!
Gu Nanyan started touching the weapon.

Faced with the disgust on Gu Nanyan's face, the Chaos Beast rolled its eyes twice on the tidy bed.

"The concubine heard that the emperor is wooing the ministers of the court recently. This is one of them, and he has been a little loose before..."

"I'm warning you, don't do anything if you have something to say, I'm here on business this time!"

Therefore, seeing that Gu Nanyan not only didn't know how to share Fu Tuo's worries, but caused troubles everywhere, she was somewhat dissatisfied with her.

Forget it.

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, very politely, a burly man with several sabers grabbed his arm and threw him out.

Don't you want to be laughed out of your teeth?
In a fit of anger, the minister went to the car dealership to ask the shopkeeper for an explanation, and asked them why they didn't sell the car to him.

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man with a good temper. He was not afraid of facing the blushing and thick-necked court ministers, and conveyed Gu Nanyan's words verbatim.

Sun Ying babbled for a long time, but couldn't think of a rebuttal to her words, so she pursed her lips and remained silent.

Seeing the bad situation, the Chaos Beast immediately jumped up from the bed.

"Say something."

Hurry up and leave after speaking, don't stimulate the growth of Lao Tzu's violent factor here.

"It's nothing serious..." Chaos Beast glanced at her quietly.

"It's just that brat Xuanyu wants to chat with you."

(End of this chapter)

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