The farmer has a mall

Chapter 785 Rewards

Chapter 785 Rewards
The Chaos Beast moved with emotion and reason, but it didn't stop Huhu from following it in the slightest.

Still following it closely like a follower.

For Huhu, Chaos Beast is not only its partner, but also one of its closest family members, no matter what it says, it will not let it go away alone.

Through the exchange of consciousness, Chaos Beast, who understood Huhu's mood, was very moved.

Like a kind old grandma, he caressed Huhu's forehead and spoke softly to soothe his restless heart.

Then on a dark and windy night, the soles of my feet got oily...

Huhu: "..."

The scumbag that deceived its feelings...

Never mind it again!

Early the next morning, it was heartbroken to find that Huhu had been left behind. It turned its grief and anger into food, and ate up the whole house's breakfast.

Then he went back with a full belch, and continued to serve his wife and baby.

Gu Nanyan in the palace didn't know that the Chaos Beast really ran away.

She dialed Xuanyu's video call, looked at the grass-green chicken coop in front of the screen, and couldn't say anything.

Gou Shi once told her that this guy would change his hair color every time he was dumped.

If I remember correctly, this seems to be the first, second, third... four hair colors she has seen?

Gu Nanyan lowered her head and snapped her fingers, casting her eyes on Xuan Yu's admiration.

Admire him being dumped by women so many times and still enjoying it...


Maybe it's not just women...

"What do you need from me?" Gu Nanyan asked first.

The serious face of Xuanyu on the opposite side was completely different from the usual cautious look when facing her.

"The company is going to close down!" He said these words solemnly.

"If the system is not restored."

After Xuanyu finished speaking, he wiped his face, from the blue and black eyes, it can be seen how busy he is.

"You should know that something went wrong with the company recently, and the main system ran away. That's why we couldn't contact you."

They are able to talk now, but because of gathering the power of the whole company and writing a temporary system, they barely opened the video channel and restored a small part of their functions.

It's just that the temporary system is not as good as the previous main system in terms of performance or efficiency.

Therefore, the company is still in a state of suspension.

Gu Nanyan: "Oh."

If it closes down, it will close down, and it's not her company, so tell her what to do.

He still expects her to repair the system for him, but it won't work.

She doesn't have this skill either.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Xuanyu scratched his head anxiously.

"You don't want to say something?"

Just say what the word "oh" means, and you can express your opinion!

Otherwise, let me continue the conversation!
"say what?"

Gu Nanyan kicked her feet, the chair under her buttocks turned around, and her fingers poked on the light curtain in a bored manner.

"Your company is going out of business, what can I say?"

"Sorrow and change, or Gongxi Facai? It's not good."

She's not in the habit of poking people where they hurt.

Xuanyu: "...Maybe you can ask me if there is a solution."

God's condolences have been transformed into Congratulations to Facai, are you attending a funeral or New Year's greetings!
Can you still speak well!

Tell you the business! !
"I ask what these people do, and it's none of my business."

Besides, they were separated by time and space, and she couldn't help even if she asked.

That being the case, why ask so many questions.

If they were in the same place, she might ask a few more questions, and she would try to help as much as she could based on the friendship she had made over the past year.

"Why is it none of your business!" Seeing her acting like nothing to do with him, Xuanyu was immediately unhappy.

"Why do you think I'm busy like a dog every day!"

It's not because of your ancestor! !
"Besides, if the company really goes bankrupt, your mall and space will be unusable."

Xuan Yu gave her a cool look, "It's up to you then!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She paused, put away her indifferent attitude, and sat up straight seriously.

"What you said is that I didn't think carefully."

After she said that, she stood up and was about to leave the space.

"Thank you for reminding me, I will take out all the things in the space and put them away."

Xuanyu: "..."

"You come back to me!"

Is this the point?
The point is that the mall is no longer available!
"Don't you think it's inconvenient not to have a mall?"

All different time and space customers have a strong dependence on the mall after owning the mall.

Several of them violated their rules, and after being forcibly withdrawn from the system, they even lost the belief in survival and spent the rest of their lives in a daze.

Some even choose to end their own lives.

But the ancestor didn't seem to care.

Xuanyu took a deep breath and warned himself not to be as knowledgeable as her.

She is not an ordinary person, so how can she be obsessed with these things.

"I know that the main system is with you. I hope you can persuade it to come back to work. In return, we will pay you a lot of money."

Xuanyu knew that she would not help him for no reason, so he resorted to the nirvana of money temptation.

After hearing this, Gu Nanyan finally became interested.

"How much are you going to give?"

It can't be seen that this kid is quite good.

Xuan Yu stared at her and held out a finger.

Gu Nanyan: "One million taels?"

It's a little bit less, she doesn't lack this money at all now.

But the money you get for nothing is not for nothing.

"It's not impossible." She touched her chin and pondered, "The main system you're talking about is the one that looks exactly like 888, right? That guy has a very stubborn temper. I can try it, but I can't guarantee that it will listen to me. of."

Gou Dong pretended to be 888, thinking that she was covering it up very well, but in fact, she had already seen that something was wrong with it.

Especially the last time she fought against Yangguo, when she asked it for detection authority.

In the past, 888 had to communicate with the person in front of it before applying for a very small detection range.

But the dog thing not only failed to report to the higher authorities that time, but also gave it the permission of two hundred miles, which is not something a small customer service can do.

It's just that she didn't care who it was at the time, as long as it was honest and didn't play tricks on her.

Xuanyu felt that she was not very active, so he withdrew his fingers and said word by word: "1000 million taels."

"As long as you convince the main system to come back, I will give you 1000 million taels!"

I can't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf, there must be a brave man under the reward!

He couldn't believe it, his sister's money-greedy temperament could refuse such a generous reward!
Sure enough, Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up after hearing what he said.

"make a deal!"

"Isn't it just a hairy dumpling? Don't worry, I'll catch it for you!"

One million taels!

I'm a good boy, I can't tell that I'm an invisible rich man with a chicken coop haircut.

Sure enough, people can't be seen.

Gu Nanyan happily agreed, and solemnly promised to hand over the Chaos Beast to him.

If the Chaos Beast refuses...

It doesn't matter whether it is willing or not, in short, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies!

She will definitely earn this money!
(End of this chapter)

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