Chapter 786

Gu Nanyan happily turned off the video call, and ran towards Wei's old house without stopping.

Then I found that the Chaos Beast was gone...

She searched all over Wei's house, asked 888 to turn on the scan and scanned around the capital, but found no trace of it.

Obviously has run away.

A picture of the 1000 million taels of silver ingot growing wings and waving goodbye to Gu Nanyan appeared in front of his eyes.

"Say! Where did your boss go!"

She stepped on Huhu's back with one foot, her anger bubbling up.

Do not learn good things about dogs, learn to run away from home!
You go and you go, whether it is sooner or later, it is today.

Sincerely have a hard time with her, don't you!

Gu Nan Yanqi's hair was about to stand on end.

Huhu gave two pitiful "owwows", expressing that he didn't know where the boss had gone.

Wei Zhenzhen, who was pregnant, walked over with her waist supported, followed by Qu Zifeng, who was carefully protecting her.

"What is this for? Huhu has been very good recently, why are you bullying it?" Wei Zhenzhen reluctantly took her arm and walked into the room.

In her eyes, this cousin of hers was like a child who hadn't grown up, doing some ridiculous things.

Gu Nanyan was afraid of hurting the child in her stomach, so she didn't dare to struggle, so she let go of her feet and followed her into the house.

"Where's uncle?" She walked around Wei's house but didn't see Wei Hong, guessing he wasn't in the house.

However, his legs and feet are not yet flexible, and he has no friends in Anyang, so where else can he go?

"Father took my cousin and younger brother to see the Wei family's ancestral grave." Wei Zhenzhen said with a smile.

Fei Qiangyu had entered the Wei family tree a few days ago, but because of his previous disguise as a woman, Wei Hong was afraid of causing rumors, so he didn't publicize it.

Qu Zifeng helped Wei Zhenzhen to sit down, and asked someone to serve Gu Nanyan a pot of hot tea and Wei Zhenzhen a glass of water.

"Father-in-law plans to find someone to repair the ancestral grave, and move the graves of grandparents, grandparents, and uncles into it so that they can sleep peacefully."

He handed the water glass to Wei Zhenzhen and sighed.

"Forget about my father-in-law's concern."

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly, holding the teacup and looking at Wei Zhenzhen's stomach through the steaming heat.

"Is there any discomfort recently? Do you still have the anti-natal pill for you?"

Maybe it's because she made up well in the first few months, and her pregnancy was very stable, so Gu Nanyan didn't come to see her all the time.

"Yes, there's still half of the bottle of medicine you gave me last time, and I don't have any discomfort." She rubbed her stomach with one hand, smiling happily.

"That's good. If there is no discomfort, you don't need to take the anti-natal pill, or you can take one pill every three to five days."

That stuff is very filling, eating too much will make the fetus grow too big, and it is easy to have dystocia during delivery.

So Gu Nanyan told her early in the morning that she couldn't eat it every day.

"I know, your brother-in-law has remembered it, so he won't eat too much." She raised her head and looked at Qu Zifeng, who was supporting his shoulders behind her, and they looked at each other and smiled.

"It's you, I haven't seen you for a few days, why do I think you've lost weight?"

Didn't you say that the food in the palace is pretty good?

And that concubine gave her food every day, why did she keep getting thinner after eating?

"I know you don't want to have a baby too early, but you should take good care of your body so that you can have a healthy little son or princess with the prince in the future."

Sister Nan is different from her. She has been in the army and fought in the war. She is really afraid that she will ruin her health before.

She looks like she has everything to do with a baby, and her eyes are full of the brilliance of maternal love.

The corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to tell her that her children were all debts, and she didn't plan to repay the debts so early.

But looking at her belly that was bigger than the average pregnant woman, she swallowed her words again.

Forget it, it's better not to increase the psychological burden on her, in case of prenatal depression, what can I do?

This disease is terrible, and when it is severe, it has a tendency to commit suicide.

She hadn't learned how to treat mental illness.

"I see. It's probably because of the warmer weather recently that I ate less than before." She said it briefly, and didn't want to talk more about this topic.

She and Li Yi haven't consummated their marriage yet, it's too early to discuss the matter of having a baby.

Wei Zhenzhen saw that she didn't want to say more, and she didn't force it, so she talked about other things.

"By the way, I heard from Zifeng that the eldest brother of the Gu family has returned from a long voyage, are we going back?"

"No hurry." Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea and shook his head slowly.

"The arsenal is rushing to make repeating muskets, and it will take some time."

This time, not only the Jianan Naval Camp, but also Anyang Kingdom and Daliang Kingdom went to Yang Country.

Leaving aside Daliang State, the navy officers and soldiers of Anyang State must have a musket in hand.

So the workload in the arsenal has at least doubled.

Moreover, the workmanship of this kind of thing is more precise than that of the city defense gun, and there is no slightest error.

Even working overtime is not something that can be completed in ten and a half months.

Wei Zhenzhen didn't understand these things, and she wasn't interested in artillery, so she just nodded her head to show that she knew.

"Alright, father will stay in Anyang country for a while, and I just want to stay with him for a few more days."

Although she was married, she was still reluctant to leave the Wei family's old house.

After all, this is the only place where she is serious and can be called her mother's home.

How could Gu Nanyan fail to see her reluctance.

"If you want to stay in Anyang country for a longer time, when you want to go back to Jianan, let Wei Tianlu drive you, it's not too far away."

Wei Zhenzhen was taken aback when she heard the words, and then she remembered that since the steam car, the distance of thousands of miles is nothing at all.

"That's right...then I won't go back with you." She looked up at Qu Zifeng.

"Let Zifeng stay with me for a few more days, as long as he rushes back before giving birth."


Gu Nanyan chatted with Liu Zhenzhen for a while, felt her pulse, and saw that there was no abnormality in her fetal appearance, so she went to see her wife and children who were eye-catching.

The two little guys grew up very fast, and the length of their tails was already as long as her entire arm.

I don't know if it's because she still recognizes her, but as soon as she appeared, she shook her little head and threw herself on her lap.

A cat-like meow came out of his mouth.

Gu Nanyan looked down at them with lowered eyes, with a serious face.

In fact, his heart almost melted after being smirked by the two little ones.

She couldn't help squatting down, and reached out to touch their little heads.

get a more enthusiastic response from them.

The two cubs cuddled up to her legs and rolled around, exposing their fluffy and swollen belly, as if they wanted Gu Nanyan to rub them.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It's a foul.

How can there be such a cute one, my blood tank is empty!

She stretched out her hand and touched the belly of one of the tiger cubs.

Warm and fluffy.

Good rua!

Gu Nanyan: Take it away, take it away.

Today, she put on an old face and engaged in the business of abducting and selling cubs!

(End of this chapter)

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