The farmer has a mall

Chapter 787 Contract

In the end, Gu Nanyan failed to pack the two cubs away.

Facing the pitiful eyes of the tigress, and the tiger's buttocks with five claw marks, after all, she couldn't bear it...

When she returned to Weiyang Palace, she told Xuanyu on the other side of the screen that the Chaos Beast had escaped.

Xuanyu put on a look of nothing more than death.

The whole person sat slumped on the chair, the corners of his eyes were red.

"It's over, my sister will definitely kill me."

He muttered to himself, as if he had seen some horrible scene, he was shaking all over.

Gu Nanyan, who lost 1000 million taels, was also disheartened.

She wanted to tell Xuanyu about the matter, then turn off the video call, go back to the dormitory to lick the wound alone, when she heard what he muttered, she couldn't help asking curiously.

"You still have a sister?"

She looked at Xuan Yu's green head and grinned.


The younger brother is crazy like this, and the older sister is probably not much better.

It is estimated that he must be a mentally deranged patient to bring out such a unique brother.

Could it be a female version of Chicken Nest...

She thought about it, and involuntarily touched her black and smooth hair.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Why do I feel so terrible all of a sudden...

She shivered involuntarily.

"Hey, is it strange that I have an older sister?" Xuanyu recovered, his eyes drifted a little.

"Not surprising, just a little curious." Gu Nanyan scratched her head.

"Why have you never heard of it from the main system?"

According to him, this company should be in charge of his sister.

But whether it's chicken nest or dog thing, even 888 never mentioned her.

If it is so mysterious, it must be a wanted criminal!

Gu Nanyan didn't know why she was curious, but she felt that when Jiwotou mentioned his sister, her heart beat a little faster.


The dog if...should have mentioned this person.

She squinted her eyes: "I heard that you tried to usurp the throne and killed your sister?"

Hearing this, Xuanyu, who was already a little guilty and was wondering if she remembered something, almost jumped up from the chair.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!!"

"My sister was accidentally sent to a different time and space because of a data failure, it has nothing to do with me..."

Xuanyu was very excited, holding his hair with both hands, got up and walked back and forth in front of the screen in agitation.

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense, how could I harm you... my sister." He stammered.

"My sister brought me up from a young age, although she often beat me, scolded me, and abused me..." When he said this, he had a feeling of gnashing his teeth.

"But she is my sister, even if there is any conflict between us, she will solve me in private, how can I harm her!"

Xuanyu propped his hands in front of the screen angrily, staring and puffing his cheeks and asked Gu Nanyan: "Do you think it's possible?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I think it is possible.

After all, I've already heard teeth grinding in your words...

Gu Nanyan: "Then your sister has gone back?"

Xuanyu was silent for a while: "No, it's still floating in a different time and space."

Gu Nanyan was puzzled upon hearing this: "Since you didn't harm her, why didn't you take her back?"

Xuanyu made a bitter face: "I'm afraid she will come back and beat me up."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

You were afraid that your sister would go back and beat you up, so you left her alone in a different time and space?

Sure enough, I still want to take the opportunity to take revenge.

It seems that your usual beatings are not for nothing.

If this were to be replaced by Lao Tzu, he would have killed his relatives long ago!

Seeing that she was silent, Xuan Yu tentatively asked: "Do you think my sister will beat me up when she comes back?"

If you don't beat me, I will take you back now, if you beat me...

Then wait.

After all, he is responsible for system maintenance, and he is also responsible for any accidents.

He looked at Gu Nanyan eagerly, his delicate and three-dimensional facial features wrinkled together, no one could help but feel soft-hearted.

Gu Nanyan: "Definitely will!"

She nodded with certainty.

She doesn't know about others, but if it's her, she will definitely.

"Of course, these are just my own thoughts, not your sister's." Seeing his whole face collapsed, Gu Nanyan comforted him.

Xuanyu: "...No, I think you are right."

Through the screen, I can even hear the sound of your sharpening your knife.

This beating is probably not light...

Xuan Yu quietly moved away from the screen.

"Let's do this first. I have to tell my colleagues about the escape of the main system. By the way, check whether it has used the gate of time and space."

"If there is no fluctuation in the data of the Gate of Time and Space, it means that the main system is still with you, and I will trouble you to find it again..."

If you still can't find it in the end, then you can only bring his sister back first.

Firstly, the main system was brought back by her sister and designed by herself, maybe she can find a way to restore it.

Second come...

If the company goes bankrupt and the Gate of Time and Space loses its energy support, his sister will not be able to come back.

Although he was afraid of her sister's iron fist, he couldn't really ignore her just to avoid being beaten.

Xuanyu sighed and hung up the call.

Gu Nanyan sat in front of the darkened light curtain, frowning and thinking about something.

"Can you contact the main system?" she asked 888.

888 said cautiously: "If the master of the main system is willing, I can not only contact it, but also locate its location."

"What if it doesn't want to?"

The dog obviously knew that Xuanyu would find it by himself, so he ran away ahead of time, so he probably wouldn't show up easily.

Sure enough, 888 shook his head and said in a low voice: "I'm already under the control of the main system. If it doesn't want to, I can't contact it."

It peeked at her and quickly lowered its head.

It turned out that this was the legendary boss who had disappeared before he was born.

No wonder Master System is so obedient in front of her.

Thinking of how he once wanted to get money from the boss, 888 wished he could bury himself in the soil.

At the same time it is also very fortunate.

Fortunately, once the main system secretly drank the wine in this existence space, and made a slip of the tongue after drinking, letting it know the identity of this person.

Otherwise, it is still on the verge of death until today.

Recalling the scene where Chaos Beast drank too much that day, 888 hesitated and said: "Although I can't locate the master of the main system, and I can't contact it, but I have heard it said that there seems to be some special connection between you and it. Way……"

888 tried hard to recall: "It seems to be something called a contract..."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

"Contract? Me and that dog?"

Isn't that only in fairy tales?

"How do you use this thing?" Gu Nanyan recalled the fairy tales he had read in his previous life, closed his eyes hesitantly, and shouted a few times in his heart...

However it was of no use.

"I don't know either, the master of the main system didn't say anything."

"It's fine if you don't say anything."

Gu Nanyan didn't bother, stretched her waist and patted 888's head: "Thank you, pay more attention to the movements of that dog, and let me know if you have any news."

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