The farmer has a mall

Chapter 788 Destruction of Public Property

888 was flattered and nodded wildly, watching Gu Nanyan disappear into the space.

But after Gu Nanyan came out of the space, he heard a knock on the door outside.

Yun Xi pushed open the door and walked in.

"My lord, Concubine Yun from Liuyun Palace is asking to see you."

Concubine Yun...Sheng Rui?
Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

"What is she here for?"

"I don't know, this servant. She only said that she has something important to discuss with you, and that you will regret it if you don't see her."

"The tone is not small."

Gu Nanyan snorted coldly, and waved his hands impatiently: "No, tell her to go back to her own palace and stay there, don't bother me."

What dares to threaten her, when she is too frightened.

She, Gu Nanyan, is able to walk upright and sit upright, even if she robs her, she goes there in an aboveboard way, and she returns swaggeringly, will she be afraid of her?

Sure enough, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, chickens are mixed with bird nests, and I really think I can spread the wings of an eagle.


Sheng Rui stood at the gate of Weiyang Palace and waited anxiously. Hearing that Gu Nanyan didn't want to see her, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Please, this father-in-law, please pass it on again, saying that I really have something important to discuss with you."

Seeing that the gatekeeper eunuch didn't take it seriously, she said in a more emphatic tone: "This matter concerns the face of the Wei family, please make another trip, eunuch."

As she spoke, she took out a bank note from her sleeve and was about to stuff it into the other party's hand.

The little eunuch who guarded the door kept smiling, and stepped back a few steps in a very polite manner.

"The servant dare not."

"The rules of Weiyang Palace are like this. No matter which palace empress comes to visit, once it is passed, there will be no second time. I hope the empress will not embarrass the slaves."

He knows this one. Last time, he accidentally put her in as a concubine, causing a lot of trouble and almost killing him!

Fortunately, for the sake of Eunuch Xu's face, Miss Yunxi just reprimanded him and fined him three months' worth of money, but did not drive him out.

The little eunuch is a grudge, no matter what, he refuses to pass it on again.

"Why are you so ignorant, do you know who our empress is?" Chun Gui reprimanded dissatisfied.

"Our empress is the jewel in the palm of the grand master's family, how can we be on the same level as other concubines."

"You just have to report it. If the princess is dissatisfied, our empress will take care of it for you."

Chungui put on the posture of a maid from a rich family, looking down at him.

This time the empress came with the task given by the old master, which was different from the last time she acted without authorization.

Therefore, Chungui also has more confidence.

"The rules of Weiyang Palace cannot be broken, my lady, please come back." The little eunuch still refused, and his tone became much tougher.

Miss Yun Xi said that the enemy must be treated seriously, if the other party refuses to forgive and has a bad attitude, he must show some momentum, so as not to fall into the prestige of Weiyang Palace.

This guy came back to make a fuss, isn't he their enemy!

Thinking of this little eunuch's waist straightened and his back straightened, he no longer had the cautious look just now.

"If the empress refuses to leave, the servant will ask the guards to chase her away."

Don't you know that you are not welcome?
How dare they run to Weiyang Palace to make fun of...

Is Weiyang Palace a place where you can brag?
I'm afraid they haven't endured their master's fist!
The little eunuch secretly rolled his eyes, too lazy to talk to the master and servant any more.

He closed the door with a bang in front of the two of them.

Little eunuch: I am the master of my territory, if you have the ability, you can climb over the wall!
Sheng Rui: "..."

Chungui: "..."

Sheng Rui fell back in anger, the good image he had maintained for many years was instantly ruined, and he kicked viciously on the gate of Weiyang Palace.

She just kicked to vent her anger, who would have thought that the door would open again after kicking.

Sheng Rui's expression paused, thinking that he had figured it out like a little eunuch, and immediately put away the ferocious look on his face, and looked proudly through the slowly opened door.

Then I saw the little eunuch sticking his head out from the crack of the door, looking down worriedly at the place where she kicked just now.

"My lady, you are suspected of destroying the public property of Weiyang Palace. According to the rules of Weiyang Palace, you need to pay ten times the compensation according to the degree of damage."

Sheng Rui ran away instantly when he heard the words.

"When did this Palace ever destroy public property? I just accidentally kicked it!"

What kind of people are there in Weiyang Palace, isn't even a little eunuch abnormal!
Not afraid of her great-grandfather's power, but afraid of her kicking down the door?

Sheng Rui felt that she was going crazy, so she kicked again through gritted teeth.

"I just kicked it, if you have the ability, let your master come to claim compensation from Bengong!"

She didn't believe it anymore, Gu Nanyan would run over to ask her for money because of a door!

Sheng Rui held his chin up confidently, convinced that Gu Nanyan would not trouble her for such a trivial matter.

The little eunuch glanced at her first, then turned his head without hesitation, and shouted behind him.

"Sister Yunxi! Someone is making trouble in Weiyang Palace and even kicked our door!"

Sheng Rui: "..."

A quarter of an hour later, Sheng Rui sat on the guest chair in the front hall with a dark face, biting his back molars and glaring at Gu Nanyan angrily.

"Princess, don't go too far. The concubine only kicked two pieces, but they didn't break them." She took a deep breath, trying to calm down her trembling voice.

"Besides, even if it breaks, it's just a door, how can it be worth 10 taels of silver!"

How dare you ask me for 10 taels for a door...

It's better to grab it!

Gu Nanyan leaned against the back of the chair and gave her a cool look.

"The gate of this palace was specially made of fine steel from Mingshan City, and it was transported thousands of miles away, but the shipping fee is already expensive." Gu Nanyan said nonsense in a serious manner.

"As long as you have 10 taels of silver, it is already cheap for the sake of the old master, if it is someone else..." Gu Nanyan stretched out a finger and gestured.

Sheng Rui sneered: "Why, if it were someone else, would you still want 100 million taels?"

Gu Nanyan shook her finger, "No."

"If it's someone else, at least an extra tael of silver!"

It can't be more, she also has a bottom line...

Sheng Rui: "..."

Love her great-grandfather's face is only worth a couple of dollars?
"Gu Nanyan, don't bully people too much!"

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was obviously playing tricks on her, Sheng Rui's expression changed.

"Even if you don't pay attention to my Sheng family, don't you even care about the Wei family!"

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she said coldly, "Do you know why I came here today?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at her casually, retracted his hand and picked up the teacup, and asked indifferently: "Then tell me, why did you come today?"

The corner of Sheng Rui's mouth twitched, "Don't you know what good things did that cousin of the Wei family do when he was in the Ning family?"

"My cousin? You mean what he did when he waited for an opportunity to get revenge on the Ning family?" Gu Nanyan tilted her head.

"Then it's gone to sea, but I don't think there is anything ulterior."

She stared at Sheng Rui without blinking, her eyes were full of condensation.

"The Ning family and the Wei family are enemies, if it were me."

"I'm afraid it's not too much to skin them and cramp them!"

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