The farmer has a mall

Chapter 789 Marriage with the Wei Family

Chapter 789 Marriage with the Wei Family

"The Ning family really deserves to die." Sheng Rui nodded in agreement.

It is undeniable that although her great-grandfather had a high position and power back then, Ning Zongyuan, who held the Weiyang Army in his hand, still overwhelmed her great-grandfather.

So much so that the Sheng family kept a low profile in those years and could only accumulate power secretly.

The great-grandfather even used the excuse of being unwell for a long time to be absent from the early court, so as not to be too sharp and make the Ning family attack the Sheng family.

It wasn't until the Ning family fell that her great-grandfather officially returned to court.

Of course, the Sheng family is a royalist after all, and they have done a lot of things in private to help the emperor.

"Damn the Ning family, Wei Tianlu is right to take revenge, the fault is that he used the wrong method." Sheng Rui laughed mockingly.

"At the beginning, he and Ning Zongyuan were so close. The relationship between the two has been criticized by others. The princess will not forget, right?"

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes dangerously, and her fingertips that tapped the table suddenly stopped.

"Is this what you want to tell Bengong?" She curled her lips, straightened her clothes, stood up, and walked to Sheng Rui with her hands behind her back.

"It's just a rumor, who will take it seriously."

Sheng Rui covered her lips with a smile, "Princess, don't you know the meaning of the word 'people's words can be feared'. Sometimes rumors are more terrifying than facts. They can not only destroy a person's will, but even..."

"It can destroy the whole family." Sheng Rui also raised the corners of his lips, looking back at Gu Nanyan's eyes confidently.

I feel even more complacent.

It felt like drinking a glass of ice water in the dog days.

She finally made it back!

Gu Nanyan, a bitch, used her status to suppress her, not to mention, and even collude with that bitch Sun Ying, hanging out with her all day long to increase her worth!

Even her aunt, Concubine Chen, who used to come to Weiyang Palace often, was turned away, and has not come to Weiyang Palace in recent days.

Nowadays, no matter in the palace or in the court, everyone thinks that Sun Ying is destined to be the queen.

And her majestic young lady of the Sheng family became the one that the emperor didn't like to see.

This is undoubtedly a great shame for her!
Therefore, when her great-grandfather sent her a message last night, even though she was very afraid of Gu Nanyan, and even had a little fear, she agreed without hesitation.

The pride in Sheng Rui's eyes almost overflowed his eyes, how could Gu Nanyan not see it.

She was really angry at this time.

The Sheng family wanted to form an alliance with her, but she didn't agree, so they made trouble with her again and again, she didn't care about it.

She only wanted to pass the time, playing games with the Sheng family.

But they actually want to attack the people around them...

"Why, the Sheng family will only use such unwarranted things to get a bad reputation to achieve their goals?"

It was her before, now it is Wei Tianlu.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

Grand Master Sheng deserves to be the head of civil servants.

He only attacks people with his mouth, full of black water.

Using ignorant people to pave the way for himself, but he remains clear.

It can be said that he has mastered the trick of attacking the mind.

"It doesn't matter what method is used, the important thing is that the princess cares about the Wei family, doesn't it?" Sheng Rui said.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and said nothing, the quiet needle dropping could be heard in the room.

"Master Sheng asked you to come today." Gu Nanyan turned around and returned to the main seat to sit down.

"Well, what do you want?"

That incident was a humiliation to Wei Tianlu, and it was a scar hidden deep in his heart that was still dripping with blood.

Although he has no real relationship with Ning Zongyuan, he has always felt that it is the greatest humiliation to the Wei family that the descendants of the old general Wei bow down to the enemy.

Although Wei Tianlu didn't say anything, both she and Wei Zhenzhen had seen him in pain after being drunk.

If this matter gets out, the Wei family will be humiliated...

Gu Nanyan was worried that he would be overwhelmed.

Because she was afraid, her attitude this time was not as tough as before.

Instead, it looks like he has surrendered.

Sheng Rui was surprised at first, but she didn't expect her to soften her attitude so easily.

And then there's the surprise.

Great-grandfather has been very disappointed in her recently, if she can really do this, she can restore his opinion of him.

This is not the most important thing, the important thing is...

"Princess, I was joking. My Sheng family is not such a shameless villain. How can I use this as a threat to seek benefits."

Sheng Rui tried hard to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, took a deep breath and said, "It's just that my great-grandfather respected the deceased General Wei as a man, and he also got along with Duke Wei Xiaoguo, so he wanted to marry him."

Before she came, the people of her great-grandfather had explained to her.

Gu Nanyan has no scruples, and so far there is no one who can make her afraid.

Apart from Fu Tuo, the only people she cared about were those of the Wei family.

And she threatened to tell Wei Tianlu's scandal just now, but she was just probing.

Great-grandfather said that as long as Gu Nanyan showed any intention of defending Wei Tianlu, she could ask for marriage.

Wei Tianlu is the hope of the Wei family, as long as he is in control, it is tantamount to controlling the Wei family.

From then on, Gu Nanyan, who cared about the Wei family, could only bow down to them.

Sheng Rui seemed to see this aloof princess of the Three Kingdoms, responding to her every request, yet helpless.

Both proud and relieved.

"Why, the princess should not object to such a small matter."

Gu Nanyan originally thought that Mrs. Sheng would ask her to hand over the weapon design drawings.

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to marry the Wei family.

This really surprised her.

But on second thought, there is nothing surprising.

Not to mention Wei Tianlu's identity, and Fu Tuo's care for him.

Only the 30 Weiyang Army held in his hand is a sweet pastry.

Grand Master Sheng has such great ambitions, how could he let go of such great military power.

"I'm afraid it's not right." Gu Nanyan shook his head slightly.

"You should know that Wei Tianlu had already made a marriage contract when he was in Daliang, how could he marry the Sheng family again, besides..."

She paused and looked at Sheng Rui without words.

"You said that your great-grandfather fell in love with my cousin and wanted to marry him..."

"Gender aside, the old grand master is so old, and dare to think about my's not appropriate."

Sheng Rui: "..."

She didn't realize it at first, and couldn't understand what the relationship between the two families had to do with her great-grandfather's age.

After thinking about it, his face flushed instantly.

"I didn't mean that!" Sheng Rui gritted his teeth.

"How could great-grandfather..." Xiao Xiangwei Tianlu!

She couldn't say what she said later, her chest heaved violently, and her hands trembled with anger.

"The princess knows what the concubine means."

This bitch clearly misinterpreted her words on purpose!

Is it fun to tease her? !
If she is not angry, she will lose if she is angry.

Sheng Rui gritted his teeth: "Great-grandfather means that he wants the Sheng family to marry the Wei family. As long as you agree, he will take care of Daliang's marriage."

"Oh? How does Old Master Sheng want to solve it?" Gu Nanyan asked with raised eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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