Chapter 790
Huangfu Ruyue is the most beloved granddaughter of King Lu Qin.

Although this love is mixed with a lot of use, but no matter what, he will not allow his granddaughter to be divorced and lose the face of the palace.

Sheng Rui smiled.

"King Lu Qin has a noble status in Daliang, and the concubine's grandfather is not bad. No matter who withdraws from this marriage, it is not appropriate."

"It's better to let Xiaoguo marry both of them, so as not to offend others but also help one more party for nothing. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Where is the beauty?
The most beautiful one is probably your Sheng family!

He was able to control the Weiyang army through Wei Tianlu, and also established a relationship with the prince of Daliang Yiguo.

I'm afraid only old man Sheng can come up with such a bad idea.

"How did Grand Master Sheng know that King Lu Qin would agree?"

Huangfu Ruyue is a small princess at any rate, so how could she be willing to serve her husband on an equal footing with others.

Besides, as far as she knew, apart from one Sheng Zhixin and one Sheng Rui, the Sheng family really didn't have many daughters they could take care of.

At least compared with other little princesses, no matter their status or status, they are far behind.

"There is no need for the princess to worry about this, the concubine's great-grandfather will let King Lu Qin agree." Sheng Rui said proudly.

She thought she had Gu Nanyan under control, but her mentality had changed at this time, she was not as cautious as before, and even had the attitude of a superior person.

"So whether the princess agrees or not."

Gu Nanyan picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.

"Since the old grand master has made a decision, it doesn't matter if I agree or not."

"I can't decide this kind of thing at all, you go discuss it with Wei Tianlu."

After she finished speaking, she put down the teacup and let Yunxi see off the guests.

"The concubine will be the princess and agree."

Sheng Rui, who consciously made a comeback, was not angry at her indifferent attitude, like a proud peacock, she walked out of Weiyang Palace with the attitude of a winner.

She looked at the closed gate of Weiyang Palace, and let out a cold snort.

"Gu Nanyan is nothing more than that, Zuo is just a woman from Gu Nian's ancestral family, and if someone grabs her, she must submit."

She also thought she was capable enough to compete with her great-grandfather.

I really think highly of her.

Chungui behind her was a little uneasy.

"Slaves always feel that it is not that simple, the princess is not someone who is so easy to submit."

Maybe it's because she is just a servant, she looks at the superiors from a different angle, and doesn't think that Gu Nanyan is a temperament that can be manipulated by others.

Just look at the previous rounds of confrontation between her and the old master, and you will know that she suffered a disadvantage once.

Although the Wei family was involved this time, her attitude changed too much...

Chungui couldn't tell what was wrong, but she just felt uneasy.

Sheng Rui squinted at her with downcast eyes.

"What do you know? Great-grandfather has been in the court for many years. It's not easy to control a little girl. He just didn't care about it before."

She rubbed her temples, and said to Chungui impatiently: "This is not something you, a servant, should care about."

"You hurry out of the palace and tell your great-grandfather about this."


"Master, do you really want the Sheng family to marry the Wei family?" Yun Xi couldn't help asking Gu Nanyan.

"That family is all villains, and they will use some unscrupulous methods. I am afraid that Young Master Biao will suffer in their hands."

"When did I say that the two governments would marry each other?"

Gu Nanyan walked in front with his arms crossed, and walked in the direction of the bedroom in a leisurely manner.

"It's just a plan to delay the attack."

"Go and get the sisters of the hidden guards left behind by the prince, and tell them that I have something to tell them."

Before Li Yi left, he left a total of nine female hidden guards, who were carefully selected by him from his own dark guard battalion to protect her.

Although she doesn't feel like she needs protection.

But anyway, it was her man's wish, so she accepted it.

"Yes, servant girl, let's go!"

The worries in Yunxi's heart were soothed by her words, her eyes flickered, looking eager to try.

While speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

She knows it!

The master must have other plans, so as not to be frightened by that woman Sheng Rui!
snort!She has lived for more than ten or twenty years, and she has never seen such a shameless family.

He made trouble for the master several times.

This is great, the master who forced me to take action personally, actually wants to let the nine top hidden guards go out together!
It looks like it's going to be a big game...

Yun Xi gloated a little.

She would like to see how long the young lady of the Sheng family can be complacent, and dare to kick the door of their Weiyang Palace...

The vengeful Yun Xi suddenly stopped.


Did the master forget to ask her to pay money!
No, she has to remind the master later, so that the master remembers to go to the Liuyun Palace to collect the debt.

That's 10 taels of silver, and Sheng Rui can't just let it go!

Midday on the moon.

The servants of Sheng's mansion waited on Mr. Sheng, who was in a good mood, to wash his feet, and carefully wiped them clean with a cotton cloth, before stepping back out with the footbath in hand.

Old Grand Master Sheng was lying down with the help of his maidservant, and several wounds that had not yet scabbed could be seen on his bald head.

It was as if a layer of skin had been torn off by something.

The maid took out a box of ointment from the small cabinet next to the bed and rubbed it on the damaged area.

The cool ointment relieved the burning pain on the scalp, and Mrs. Sheng let out a comfortable breath.

"Tomorrow, remember to ask the old lady to deliver the Ganoderma lucidum in the warehouse to Rui'er. That child must have suffered a lot of grievances recently, and she has suffered a lot." Grand Master Sheng sighed.

If you have done something, you will be punished, and if you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded.

Today, Rui'er has accomplished a big event, and this is also a way of expressing his opinion.

Tell the child that everything depends on his great-grandfather.

"Yes." The servant girl replied softly, and pulled the quilt from the corner to cover him up.

"Go down." Grand Master Sheng closed his eyes and waved his hand.

Since getting older, his sleep has become shallow, and even the slightest movement can wake him up.

Therefore, he has not slept in the same room with Mrs. Sheng for many years.

They don't even stay with the servants at bedtime.

The servant girl took it for granted, and after blowing out the candles, she retreated.

The room was suddenly dark, only the moonlight shining on the ground through the window lattice.

Grand Master Sheng gradually fell asleep.

On the other side, the privy envoy Sun Qi's residence came.

Sun Qi, who was about to go to bed, suddenly heard a noise outside the door.

He frowned, opened the door and took a look, but saw nothing unusual.

Sun Qi thought he heard it wrong, so he wanted to close the door and go back to sleep.

Suddenly a silver light flashed in front of his eyes, he was startled, and subconsciously turned sideways to avoid it.

There was a "dong" sound behind him, as if something shot into the wall.

Sun Qi broke out in a cold sweat, and looked back stiffly.

Then he saw a red-tasseled flying knife stuck on one of his favorite calligraphy and paintings.

He hurriedly wanted to call the guards in the mansion.

But he stopped suddenly when he saw something nailed to the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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