Chapter 791

Honggui Lane is the largest flower street in the capital of Anyang.

All the famous girls in the capital gather here.

There are singing and singing every night here, patrons gather, and the whole street is filled with the smell of incense powder.

Not only are there famous girls, but there are many ladies' houses in the overlapping red and green buildings.

Among these halls, Chunyi Building is the most popular.

It's all because Chunyi Building only accepts high-ranking officials and nobles, and the young men in the building are all charming and charming.

No matter the service quality or service attitude, it is beyond the reach of other restaurants.

At the end of the third watch, this is usually the busiest time for Chunyi Building.

Today's atmosphere is somewhat dignified.

"Then this person..." The man in black looked at the disheveled and trembling young man, "Do you want to deal with it?"

His eyebrows are slender and long straight into the hair temples, and his round and round eyes hang on the side of his nose.

"Only one person?"

The cherry lips are as red as fire, and the nose is as straight as a mountain...

The bustard downstairs heard the movement and hurried up.

The young man was eighteen or nineteen years old, his skin was as white as snow, and his hair was as black as ink, draped behind him.

There was a man standing in front of the bed. This man was dressed in black, his face was condensed, and there was a long scar under his right eye. His face looked extremely difficult to match.

There was an instant silence in the originally noisy building.

Seeing that the young man was dying, and remembering her master's order, she slowly placed a hand with well-defined bones on the dagger at her waist.

Sun Qi narrowed his eyes and glanced into the room.

Ruier just said in the daytime that he would expose the matter of Wei Tianlu and Ning Zongyuan, and he was sent here at night.

You wait for the old man!

"Yes, the subordinate is sure."

Fortunately, the ecstasy medicine dissipated quickly, allowing him to wake up in time, otherwise...

And this woman was carrying an old grand master who weighed several hundred kilograms...

It was such a young man who was more beautiful than a woman, and at this moment, his eyes were frightened, and his whole body was trembling like chaff.

Hei Ying looked downstairs, and saw another man in black who was dressed the same as her gestured to her.

The old master in the house thought it was wrong, put on his hood and turned around.

Before he could react, the carved wooden door was kicked open violently.

"But... it shouldn't be the one you think."

"Who dares to rob the grand master of the court, why don't you just let me arrest you!"

"Have you ever seen the appearance?"

Besides, as far as he knew, when Gu Nanyan was fighting, he could open and close his moves, and he could fight as he wanted. It was said that he had no moves, which was unpredictable.

"Hmph." Old Master Sheng snorted coldly.

The man in black responded, unsheathed his long sword and walked towards the young man.

But he was blocked by the man in black who reacted in time.

If anyone says that Gu Nanyan didn't do this, he will immediately fight that person desperately!
Besides, in the entire Anyang country, except for Gu Nanyan, who is not stingy, who else can do such a crazy thing to an old man like him!
Mrs. Sheng's teacher's heart attack.

"The martial arts of this person is higher than that of his subordinates, but she escaped because his subordinates lost to him." The man in black said in shame.

The man in black inside the window was about to cut the young man's throat with a sword, but he heard hurried footsteps outside the door.

"My lord, please spare my life. The villain didn't see anything today. I beg you to spare the life of the villain."

"Only one person."

Thinking of this old master Sheng became even more resentful.

"Yes!" The man in black responded, and took a hooded cloak from a shelf beside him and put it on him.

Soi Ying hesitated for a moment, and decided to stand still for the time being.

The young man's face was ashen, and he fell to the side of the bed.

"Are you sure it's a woman?"

"Gu, Nan, Yan!"

Perhaps the effect of the drug had not completely dissipated, so he staggered and hurriedly supported the bedpost.

Behind him curled up a charming young man half undressed.

The old master had a sullen face, his cheeks almost fell to the ground.

The young man didn't care about the open front of his clothes, knelt down on the bed trembling and kept kowtowing, his forehead was red a few times.

But the woman who stole the old grand master from the Sheng family and sent to the Guan Guan was different.


Just one sentence determines the life and death of a young man.

"I'll talk about this later, even if it's not Gu Nanyan himself, it must be an assassin sent by her." Old Master Sheng stood up with a gloomy face.

Every move has a source, and all of them are skillful, which is not the same as Gu Nanyan's power to lift mountains and surpass the world.

The old bustard had been wandering in Honggui Lane for many years, and she could tell at a glance that Sun Qi was not an ordinary person, and the sauce red official uniform was not something ordinary officials could wear.

"What the hell, I'm here to catch the assassin, don't make trouble here!" Sun Qi pushed her away impatiently, and wanted to bring her into the house with a big wave of his hand.

So she was very careful when she spoke.

"Kill it." He said lightly.

"Since you can't see your face, how can you be sure it's not Gu Nanyan!" He clenched his old fist and squeezed the words "Gu Nanyan" out of his teeth.

Facing such a beauty, Grand Master Sheng didn't have the slightest sympathy, but his tone was full of disgust.

"My lord, but our young master's poor hospitality has made you angry?"

The sound was loud enough to be heard throughout the building.

Feeling his unfriendly gaze, the young man trembled even more.

Sun Qi in official uniform stood at the door, shouting aggressively.

"Calm down, this concubine will prepare the best food and drink for you, and ask our leader to play a song for you to quench your thirst..."

A slender black figure outside the window is silently watching all this.

Let alone ruining his fame in his first life, I am afraid that he will be despised by others after his death.

But his expression at this time is very complicated.

If someone sees him going in and out of the hall, don't want his old face.

Just as she was about to break through the window and enter to rescue the young man, a unique whistle sounded in her ear.

After saying that, the man in black raised his eyes and looked at Mrs. Sheng.

"You first find a way to send me back to the mansion, so that no one can see it."

In the private room on the third floor, Grand Master Sheng supported the edge of the bed with both hands, and sat on the edge of the bed with a livid face.

Except for Gu Nanyan, when did such a master come to the capital again?
The man in black was very depressed, not only because he failed to protect his master, but also because he lost to a woman.

"Since you already know that the old man is the grand master, why do you expect to survive?"

"Compared with the height of the person who came here, the subordinate is only half a head shorter than the subordinate, which does not match the princess's figure." The man in black bowed his head.

Although he hadn't seen Gu Nanyan up close, he could still see his general height.

The hand is still attached to the dagger.

Thinking of the scene of the alluring young man rubbing and moaning on his body just now, the old master was so ashamed and angry that he wished to kill the young man with a sword.

Grand Master Sheng saw clearly who was coming the moment Sun Qi kicked the door.

But he still didn't dare to show his face.

Although Sun Qi used to be respectful and obedient to him, but ever since his concubine took the position of Concubine Jin, he was a little different.

Grand Master Sheng dare not bet, who knows if he will tell what he saw today.

(End of this chapter)

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