Chapter 792
"There is no assassin you mentioned here, please leave quickly, my lord." The man in black stopped in front of the door.

Sun Qi only saw the back of a man who was not too tall and was wearing a dark gold moiré cloak with a brown base, and was blocked by the man in black.

With a flash in his eyes, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in black.

"This officer received a report that someone saw an assassin dressed in black abducting the Grand Master and heading all the way to the Chunyi Building."

"Could it be that the man in black is you?" He retreated vigilantly after saying that, and a group of officers and soldiers rushed up behind him.

"There are no assassins here, let alone the grand master you mentioned. This subordinate advises Mr. Sun to leave quickly, and don't bother him any more."

Seeing more and more people watching, the man in black frowned tightly, and wanted to close the door after speaking.

How could Sun Qi agree?

Before he came, he did receive a note saying that Mrs. Sheng was kidnapped by gangsters and taken to Chunyi Building.

So in the middle of the night, I went to the Beijing Yamen to borrow a team of officers and soldiers on duty for the night, and hurried over.

Sun Qi's heart was pounding, and his eyes were fixed on the back of the person in the room.

In the exquisitely decorated private room, Mrs. Sheng turned around slowly.

Several officials who came with him also wanted to follow after seeing this, but they were stopped by the man in black.

Maybe one day, he will become a court official like the Ning family who can influence the government!

"Don't worry, he belongs to the old man, not an assassin."

"Master Sun, please come in." He said in a sharp voice on purpose.

How could he not grasp such a big deal at his door!

Sun Qi glanced back, and ordered: "You guys wait outside first, and wait for the official to find out the truth. If there is really an assassin, it won't be too late to go in and arrest him."

All the happy guests present more or less had official positions in the imperial court, and they all retreated after seeing this, for fear that they would also be arrested.

"Who is so bold, even your old man dares to move!"

Sun Qi didn't care about him so much, he was sure that this person had a problem and immediately questioned him sharply, and ordered the officers and soldiers around him to rush in.


"Why did you come here captive? Who is the person who captivated you, but you are still here?" Sun Qi asked three times in a row, turning back to look at the man in black defensively.

His tone of voice resembled that of a eunuch.

Just as Grand Master Sheng thought, Sun Qi had already separated from him, so how could he miss such a good opportunity.

"Old Master!" Sun Qi called out pretending to be surprised.

"Didn't you come here to humiliate the old man after receiving the news from Weiyang Palace?"

"You are really here, it seems that the informant Weichen received is actually true!" He walked quickly to Old Master Sheng, looked him up and down eagerly, as if to make sure he was not injured.

It must have been discovered by the palace, so they came here to fetch someone.

"Other people should not come in, Mr. Sun, what did you say?" Grand Master Sheng said with his back to everyone.

Things became more and more troublesome, and the old master in the room was about to lose control of the situation, so he had no choice but to make a sound.

She whispered a few words to the handyman beside her, then turned her head and was about to go downstairs, as if she was going to shake people.

"Princess Anyang?" Sun Qi was stunned.

That old bustard was able to open such a large restaurant in the capital, and there were people behind it.

Sun Qi flicked his robes, full of arrogance, and asked sharply: "Tell me, where did you hide Old Grand Master Sheng!"

"If the old man's prediction is correct, it should be a trap set by Princess Anyang." Old Master Sheng glanced at him indifferently.

The purpose of the person who passed the letter to him with a flying knife tonight is already clear.

Grand Master Sheng decided that Sun Qi came to see him making jokes and catch him by the way, and looked at him with a fierce look in his eyes.

Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, a posture that was about to start a fight, the surrounding crowd retreated one after another.

"Why, nephew, don't you know?"

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as his front foot was captured, Sun Qi arrived with his back foot.

Sun Qi hesitated for a moment, then raised his feet and strode into the house.

At that time, there is really no room for recovery.

"Oh? Since you said that you have never met me, how did you know that my surname is Sun, and you still call me Mr. Sun?" Sun Qi sneered.

"The assassin ran away long ago, as for how the old man was captured here..."

As long as he has the handle of the old grand master in his hands, and his concubine daughter is up to the challenge, why should he, Sun Qi, not be promoted!

"Why does she plan on you so much?"

"You really don't know!" Old Master Sheng's tone suddenly became serious.

The current situation does not allow him to continue to remain silent, otherwise everyone will know that there will be trouble.

"I see that you are the assassin, so I just want to find an excuse to send me away."

He felt that this person looked familiar just now, as if he had seen him in Mrs. Sheng's study before.

It is an anecdote for an old master who is over fifty years old to visit a brothel, let alone a brothel.

"This..." Sun Qi looked shocked.

"My lord is wrong. The villain is from another place, and I have never met an adult before." The man in black denied.

However, Sun Qi, who knew that he was being used by someone, didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he was very grateful to the person who designed to frame him.

When everyone heard his voice, their hearts were clear, and they thought that some father-in-law must have sneaked out of the palace, and came here to be romantic and happy.

It's just that the scene in front of him is different from the robbery he imagined.

"This..." The man in black was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had indeed missed his words just now, and couldn't think of a reason to refute for a moment.

"Have I ever met you?" Sun Qi frowned and asked the man in black.

Mrs. Sheng narrowed her eyes and stared sharply at his eyes, trying to see something from them.

As for these officers and soldiers...

Recently, Gu Nanyan and his concubine got closer, so it's hard to guarantee that the two parties did not join forces to design him.

"Let my nephew watch the joke." Mrs. Sheng sighed pretentiously, and patted him on the shoulder again.

Sun Qi sneered: "What are you talking about, how dare this humble minister."

"This method is really too much."

Zuo was just the old grand master's political opponents trying to trick him, but he couldn't show himself, so he informed him to collect the net.

He sighed again, his wrinkled face was full of helplessness and said: "It was all plotted by the traitor!"

He felt that this matter was inseparable from the person in front of him.

Now that he has recognized him as a member of Old Grand Master Sheng, how could Sun Qi not know that the person who is tightly covered by a cloak is Old Grand Master Sheng himself!
He just took the opportunity to play and wanted to rush in to confirm his thoughts.

And brought so many people here.

It's just that the man lowered his head every time he showed up, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly. He was really not sure.

Rootless people are also frequent visitors of Chunyi Building.

He glanced at the young man on the bed whose face was covered with tears and snot.

He said he didn't dare, but he kept looking into Old Master Sheng's cloak.

Mrs. Sheng's coat was stripped clean, leaving only an inner coat, which was also wrinkled by the young man.

He put on the cloak too hastily just now, and didn't have time to fasten the buttons.

The image at this time can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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