Chapter 793
Grand Master Sheng didn't believe Sun Qi's explanation.

It's just that the most important thing now is to leave here, so as not to be discovered by more people.

"Since my nephew has no intention of embarrassing the old man, let's take your people and leave." Grand Master Sheng stared at Sun Qi and said.

Sun Qi smiled: "That's natural, I brought people to rescue you, since you are safe and sound, I can rest assured."

"But..." Sun Qi's voice changed.

"There are too many people here, why don't you let the minister personally escort you away."

"Don't worry, I will absolutely keep my mouth shut about today's matter, and I will never reveal a word to outsiders." Sun Qi vowed.

Mrs. Sheng was in no mood to entangle with him here, and acquiesced to his words.

Then he winked at the man in black.

"Hurry up and do it."

Hearing this, the man in black raised his sword again, intending to kill the young man on the bed.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing this, Sun Qi hastily stopped, "I hope the old grand master will keep someone under his sword."

Grand Master Sheng said with a sullen face, "Why, don't you still want to plead for this person?"

"Could it be true that this person was arranged by you, as the old man thought?"

Facing his suspicious look, Sun Qi smiled: "You misunderstood, I don't know this person, and I'm not pleading for him."

"Since you don't know this person, why are you stopping me?" Grand Master Sheng suddenly let out a low voice, his eyes full of evil.

It was different from when she was teased by Gu Nanyan before, but she still tried her best to maintain a calm image.

At this moment, he was like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, guarding against everyone in front of him.

"Do you know that this person has seen the old man's true face, if he tells what happened today, what will be the consequences!"

"Of course Weichen knows that Weichen didn't want to stop you, but this is not a place to kill people. If many officials in this building are involved, the higher-ups may be alarmed."

Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with his mood, Sun Qi hurriedly explained.

"It's better to let your subordinate send you away from the wrong place first, and leave the rest to my minister to deal with the aftermath."

Sun Qi quietly glanced at Old Master Sheng, and couldn't help admiring the person who designed it even more.

He has known the old master for so long, and this is the first time he has seen him so excited.

What did that person do, or what did he do, to make the old grand master look like this?
Sun Qi was very curious, but he couldn't ask directly, so he could only restrain his curiosity to appease the person opposite.

Old Grand Master Sheng was very irritable, and after examining him for a long time, he couldn't tell whether his words were true or false.

"Since the nephew has a heart, the old man will believe you once." He said in a deep tone.

"It's just that you have to remember that you and the Sheng family have long been grasshoppers on the same boat. You have handled many of the old man's affairs, including the matter of molesting the students last time."

"The Sheng family is not good, and you won't be able to please, even if your daughter ascends the throne one day!"

These words were full of threats, and Sun Qi's pupils shrank.

"My minister knows." He bowed his eyes, hiding the emotion in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Weichen will definitely deal with this time cleanly, and no one will be caught."

Only then did Grand Master Sheng nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and was escorted by the men in black to leave the door quickly.

Sun Qi stood on the spot for a while, then slowly straightened up, seeing the changing situation in his eyes.

He turned around and looked at the young man on the bed with a condensed expression.

"Well, who did you order?"

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, "The villain doesn't know, that person gave the villain a hundred taels of silver, and only said that the villain should take good care of the old master tonight, but he doesn't know the identity of that person."

He swallowed nervously after he finished speaking.

The line of sight involuntarily moved to the direction of the window.

"Do you think the officer will believe your statement?"

Sun Qi raised the corners of his lips coldly, and followed his gaze.

"Or, do you think the officer didn't notice that you have been looking out the window?"

He also thought that this young lady was involved innocently.

But his gaze flicked to the window from time to time, so frequently that he, the person facing him, couldn't ignore it.

While talking, Sun Qi walked towards the window.

Seeing this, the charming young man clenched his fingertips unconsciously.

"The villain doesn't understand the meaning of the adults. The villain just thought that he would be beheaded by someone. He looked at the window... just wanted to escape from there."

I don't know if the girl has left, it would be bad if someone finds out.

The young man watched worriedly as Sun Qi approached the window little by little, and watched him put his fingers on the edge of the window, as if he wanted to open it.

The air froze for an instant, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The young man was thinking whether to stop him or not.

But Sun Qi's fingers rested on the window lattice for a while, and his gaze was looking straight ahead, as if piercing through the window paper.

After a few breaths, he took his hand back again.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whether you are instigated or not, the old master will never let you go, do you know this?" Sun Qi suddenly changed the subject.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and immediately lifted it up again.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he said with difficulty: "The villain knows...can the lord spare the villain?"

The young man pursed his lips and lowered his head, his hair slipped from his shoulders, making his white collarbone even weaker.

Sun Qi shook his head and sighed: "I am not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but I let you go today, and I am the one who is sad."

According to the temperament of the old grand master, if he didn't take this man's body back, I'm afraid he would blame him for this matter.

Although Sun Qi had already had a different heart, he was not a fool.

In the case of unequal strength between the two sides, he didn't want to completely tear himself apart with the Sheng family.

Otherwise, his path to promotion would be extremely difficult.

The young man hurriedly raised his head when he heard the words, and sincerely assured him: "My lord, don't worry, I will leave the capital tonight, and I will never come back after walking far away. I won't cause you any trouble!"

As long as tonight is over and he leaves the capital, a place he hates, he will never come back even if he dies.

As the girl in black said, he can live the life he wants in the future.

No longer need to wait on others with color, and look at other people's faces.

The young man's heart was beating violently, seeing that Sun Qi was silent, he knew that he would not let him off so easily.

He gritted his teeth, and his eyes fell on the candlestick beside the bed.

Suddenly got up and rushed over!

Sun Qi also thought that he was going to attack him, and subconsciously retreated to the door, just about to open his mouth to call someone.

Then I saw the young man put his face on the candlelight without hesitation...

The smell of barbecue came from the air, accompanied by the sound of burning skin and flesh, making Sun Qi's hairs stand on end.

And the young man showed pain, because the painful and delicate facial features were extremely ferocious, but he clenched his teeth and didn't say a word.

"What are you doing!" Sun Qi was shocked.

He had never seen such a brutal scene of self-mutilation, and his voice became sharper.

", the villain prove to you..." The young man covered his distorted face with pain, and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from breathing out in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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