The farmer has a mall

Chapter 797 The Ghost Tower

Chapter 797 The Ghost Tower
Three days later, Chunyi Building, the largest Guanguan in the capital of Anyang, announced its closure.

And at a high price of 1000 taels per person, the "sons" in the building were dismissed.

Most of the people who are engaged in the profession of leaning on the door and selling laughter are helpless. The reason why Gu Nanyan gave such a high severance pay is also to give them another way out.

If you don't want to continue in this business, you can use the 1000 taels to buy a small house. As long as you are not a big spender, the remaining money is enough to live on.

Of course, not everyone wants to live a peaceful life with daily necessities.

There are still very few people who took the money and went to other buildings to continue their old business.

This is beyond Gu Nanyan's control.

Everyone chooses a different way of life, she just pointed out another way for them, it is impossible to take care of them for a lifetime.

After the graduation of Chunyi Building, there was a lot of discussion.

Especially those high-ranking officials who often patronize, do not understand the psychology behind the boss who has money but does not make money.

We must know that if the Chunyi Building is placed in a modern place, it is a high-end place, and the daily flow of [-] words will start.

In a month, it is 30 taels.

Excluding the extremely low commissions of the sons, the wages of ordinary staff, and the cost of drinks, you can earn at least 20 taels a month.

This kind of income is difficult for ordinary big families to achieve.

But Gu Nanyan still closed the door without hesitation.

Although she loves money, she doesn't earn everything.

But she doesn't care about the skin business, but it doesn't mean she can't do other things.

On the day when Chunyi Building closed, the new shopkeeper took off the signboard himself, and led a group of craftsmen to renovate the building's layout in full swing.

The previous Chunyi Building took a high-end route, and it was second to none in terms of decoration and floor area.

The workers were busy inside for ten days before the renovation was completed.

Such a big event naturally attracted the attention of the whole street, and they were very curious about what they were doing with the door closed all day.

Some people speculate that it has been changed to a restaurant, while others think that changing the soup but not the medicine must be the same business as before.

Because this street is for flesh and blood business, most people would not come here, and everything except Louzi will suffer.

The girls and boys in the whole street have been looking forward to it for a full ten days, and some people even started a bet on what this store does.

The highest bet is "brothel", and the second is "restaurant".

But the result disappointed everyone.

Gu Nanyan neither turned it into a brothel nor opened a restaurant.

Instead, they opened one—a ghost building!
Everyone: "..."

Since the door of the remodeled Chunyi Building was closed, no one could see what was going on inside.

So at the beginning, everyone didn't understand what the ghost building was for.

Until one time, someone's turtle slave couldn't hold back his curiosity and sneaked in in the middle of the night.

In less than a cup of tea, there were shocking screams from inside the building...

At that time, it was the third watch, and it was a good time for the guests to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Guinu's call went straight to the sky, and it was extremely penetrating.

It directly frightened half of the men on the street...

So Honggui Lane spent the first extremely discordant night in history.

On the second day, the tortoise slave who had disappeared all night appeared on the street with disheveled hair and madness, and kept shouting "there are ghosts and ghosts" in his mouth, which scared everyone very much.

It looked pleasing to the eye before, and it belonged to the Qianchunyi Building, where a little green was very conspicuous among the thousands of flowers, and it suddenly had a sense of eerie sight.

The green gauze fluttering in the wind, as well as the green lantern hanging at the door, looked terrifying no matter how you looked at it.

Coupled with the dilapidated door face that suddenly changed overnight, the painted door frame and the damaged window paper, it would be polite to say that it is weird.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but every time someone passes by the door, there is always a feeling of cool breeze.

Some people even heard a very rhythmic, "creaking" bed board sound coming from inside.

Huanke: I can’t say why, I just have an ominous premonition...

The haunted house did not open immediately.

Instead, ten days later, the business opened on the rainy Ghost Festival.

Different from the normal way of opening.

There are no firecrackers or dragon and lion dances in the haunted building.

Instead, in the evening when the sky was about to get dark, two middle-aged men in black clothes and red robes, with pale faces and dull eyes played a suona.

Title of the song - Crying Seven Passes.

It is a famous funeral song.

The player who played the suona was probably an old hand. After playing for a full hour, he played this song extremely sadly and sadly.

It can be said that those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry.

It suppressed the melody of the whole street.

It made those happy guests drink flower wine like filthy wine, and almost cried twice.

The guests are so angry.

The old bustards are even more angry than them!

Can this still be a good business!

This is a place of fireworks and not a mass grave, so what's the point of bragging about it! !
Seven or eight old bustards came to the door together to ask for an explanation.

They were greeted by the new shopkeeper of Ghost Tower.

The shopkeeper used to sell coffin boards, and he worked part-time to gather corpses for funerals for 20 years.

When the shopkeeper saw them, he wiped his tears reflexively.

He opened his mouth and said, "My condolences, everyone."

Old bustard: "..."

"If you're going to die, who are you cursing!" Several women with heavy makeup quit.

"Who is to mourn, your family is dead!"

"That's right, will you talk? Let's come over to say hello to you, what kind of attitude do you have!"

"Hey, damn it, it's okay to cry all night for the funeral, and you don't show any morals when you speak. You can't let this kind of person harm us here!"

"Hey, why do I feel a pain in my chest? Could this person really know how to summon little ghosts..."

The old bustard scolded the shopkeeper one after another, and after the last sentence fell, Qi Qi glanced behind him.

It is different from the miserable green lanterns outside.

The door of the ghost building was wide open, and it was pitch black inside. It was as dark as entering another space, and nothing could be seen.

The bustards cheered in unison.

The shopkeeper also knew that he had offended others by saying the wrong thing, so he couldn't help but feel annoyed secretly.

The boss asked him to attract customers, not to offend anyone, why can't he change his old problems!

He patted his mouth and smiled apologetically.

"Look at my mouth, I can't change it after working in my old profession for a long time, I hope you will forgive me!"

After he finished speaking, he gave a deep bow.

He straightened up and smiled elegantly.

"I can only blame you sisters for being graceful and graceful, and Guan was so dazed for a while, that I offended my sisters by saying something indiscriminately."

The shopkeeper was less than forty years old, and his appearance was not very handsome, but he had a middle-aged refined air.

Especially when he smiled, it was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, which made people feel a little more favorable.

If he didn't say it, no one would have thought that he sold coffins before.

He yelled one sister after another, with clear and gentle articulates and a decent smile on his face, which was in stark contrast to the men who were having fun on this street.

(End of this chapter)

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