Chapter 798
The old bustards of various families were fascinated by his smile, and their voices of reprimand gradually decreased.

If the shopkeeper's attitude is a little more sloppy, they are definitely more sloppy than him.

After all, they are all old people on this street, and they will not be afraid of a newcomer when they join hands.

But his attitude really made it hard for them to perform.

"What did you do before? What's your name?" A young bustard in purple clothes asked curiously.

The shopkeeper hurriedly replied: "The villain is in charge of money. He used to sell coffins."

Selling coffins?

Everyone was surprised.

"Then you ghost building..." also sells coffins?
Another bustard wearing big red flowers on her head asked again.

No wonder they were blowing and beating, it was like a funeral.

Feelings are a deadly business.

No wonder.

They also thought he deliberately sabotaged their business.

Knowing that Guan Cai has no intentions, the attitude of the bustards softened a little.

It doesn't matter if you are not soft, the parents are gentle and elegant, and they behave very well. At first glance, your heart beats a little faster.

How dare you get angry with others...

It’s just that the name is a little bit bad, what’s wrong with it, it’s called a coffin...

Knowing that they misunderstood, Guan Cai hurriedly explained.

"My sisters misunderstood, our ghost building is a place for people to have fun, not an unlucky place like a coffin shop."

His explanation made people even more puzzled.

"Having fun? What are you playing in the dark?" the purple-clothed bustard asked earlier.

And since it's a place for fun, why not give it a nicer name, who would dare to enter a ghost building?

"What are you talking about, what's wrong with Hei, don't we all do work in the dark?" Another person joked.

After she said this, several women laughed teasingly.

"Don't make any noise, I haven't finished asking." The purple-clothed bustard waved the silk handkerchief full of incense powder in dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Guan, tell us, what are you doing in this ghost building, is it possible that you are still doing what you did before?"

Otherwise, what kind of fun is played in the dark.

Guan Cai knew early on that opening the store here would definitely be misunderstood, so he just smiled without saying a word.

"Forgive me for making a fool of myself first, but I still need to try it myself to know the mystery here."

After finishing speaking, he greeted people, and took out a stack of leaflets that were one hand long and half a palm wide from the house and distributed them to them.

"If this elder sister is curious, you might as well go in and try it yourself, as long as you bring this piece of paper over here, those who go with you will be free."

"However, Rong Guan reminds the sisters that what we are playing here is a scene, and there are many scary things in it. It is best to go with a man." Guan Cai said with a smile.

"What is the scene, and what is the frightening thing?" Someone was curious, thinking of the crazy turtle slave.

"Is there any danger?" Several gaudy old bustards looked at each other and asked suspiciously.

"There is absolutely no danger." Guan Cai assured.

There was a lot of trouble about the turtle slave, of course he heard about it, and immediately understood what they were worried about.

"Business seeks harmony to make money. How could our boss smash his own brand? The little brother a few days ago was just a gimmick, not really crazy."

That person is a fellow in the ghost building, and the reason why he is frightened is to promote a play performed by the ghost building.

The purpose is to arouse the curiosity of the big guys.

As he said that, he asked people to call out the guy pretending to be a turtle slave.

"My little sister, please greet my sisters. I'm really sorry for scaring you a few days ago."

The "turtle slave" who was running around in the street madly yesterday is very energetic now, with piercing eyes, clear and orderly speech, and does not appear to be insane at all.

Only then did the old bustards realize that they were all deceived by this fake turtle slave.

But they are not angry.

"You kid is good at pretending, but I really scared my old lady."

"That's right, such a big fight is just for gimmick, what's in it? I'm a little curious..."

Several women expressed that they would bring their companions to visit, and asked Guan Cai to keep his voice down when he played the suona so as not to scare their guests away.

After speaking, he twisted his waist and left.

As he walked and studied the leaflet in his hand, his curiosity about the haunted building grew stronger.

Guan Cai said goodbye politely, then turned and entered the door.

On the first day of opening today, the gate of the ghost building was deserted. Not only were there no customers, but every time someone passed by, they walked around.

As the shopkeeper, managing money is a bit urgent.

However, his mysterious boss said that it is normal to have no guests in the past few days, so don't lose confidence because of the failure at the beginning.

After the publicity reaches a certain level, more people know about it, and naturally there will be the first person to eat crabs.

Guan Cai doesn't understand the business of living people.

But since the owner said there was no rush, he could only wait with peace of mind.

On the first and second day, the ghost building was very deserted.

Except for the two guys with green lanterns, no one dared to approach the haunted building.

Guan Cai led people to distribute leaflets nearby, perhaps because the guy's dress was too weird, few people dared to pick it up.

He wanted to make his subordinates dress more normally, but was rejected by his mysterious boss.

Guan Cai had no choice but to continue casting nets on the street with two ghastly men.

On the third day, the ghost building was still deserted, not even a single fly.

On the fourth day, there were still no customers, but some people were holding leaflets and began to watch not far away.

This is a good sign.

So Guan Cai sent out leaflets harder and harder.

On the fifth day, someone came to the door to inquire, although the first guest was still not welcomed, but when the person left, he said that he would come to patronize in two days.

Guan Cai was overjoyed, with hope in his heart, and he was excited to distribute leaflets.

On the sixth day, more people asked, but there was still no patronage.

On the seventh day, the ghost building finally welcomed its first guest.

This person is the old bustard in purple who came to make trouble last time.

She is still in that purple dress today, but her makeup is much cleaner than usual.

The one who came with her was a middle-aged man with a big belly, who looked ten years older than her.

"Sister Qiuxia is here, where are you today?" Guan Caixing went out, looking at her and at the middle-aged man.

The man on Qiuxia's shoulders gave him a haughty sideways glance and said nothing.

Qiuxia smiled shyly.

"Boss Zhang is here today. We both had a drink and had nothing to do, so I thought of you here."

Boss Zhang is her best friend. He is over forty years old, his wife died young, and he is doing fur business in other places. It is rare for him to come back.

On weekdays, this man treats her very well, except that he can't come to see her often, as long as it is what she wants, gold and silver jewelry, clothing, shoes and socks never feel sorry for silver.

He also agreed that he would redeem her body this year and marry her in as his wife.

Qiuxia cherishes this fate very much.

She is also the eldest, and with this status, it is difficult to be a decent lady.

What's more, this man treats her well.

Compared with other happy guests, she didn't want him to go to the building to meet her again.

In order not to be led astray by others, or be hooked up by some goblin.

 Babes, tomorrow night... no, I have something to take a day off tonight, and I will update normally tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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