Chapter 799

It's just that as half of the shareholder and the manager of the building, Qiuxia can't leave too far away.

So she thought of the ghost building.

Guan Cai warmly received the two, and introduced the entertainment "projects" in the ghost building in detail.

"You mean there are ghosts in your building?" Boss Zhang snorted coldly with disdain.

He has traveled all over the country, but he has never seen a ghost.

He also doesn't believe in such illusory things as ghosts in this world.

I have to say that Boss Zhang is quite knowledgeable, and Ren Guancai's hype will never bow to feudal superstition.

"It's not a ghost, this kind of words can also deceive the women and children in the country, so don't scare me in front of the master."

Boss Zhang showed disdain, interrupted him impatiently, and turned to look at Qiuxia beside him.

Immediately changed his face.

"But we Xia'er want to go in and have fun, even if we already know that you are liars, master, I don't mind being cheated."

His eyes were full of tenderness, and his tone was as gentle as water, like a husband who dotes on his wife.

What he said was very embarrassing.

He really likes Qiuxia, and wanted to marry her a few years ago.

However, the old parents in the family disagreed, and this has been delayed until now.

Qiuxia never urged him, and she was very considerate to him.

Boss Zhang felt ashamed of her, so he paid more attention to her.

Years ago, he finally persuaded his parents to allow him to marry Qiuxia in the middle of the marriage, and told Qiuxia the news as soon as possible.

This time he came to the capital, apart from having some business in the capital that he needed to handle personally, he also meant to make a marriage arrangement.

Not only that, in order to compensate Qiuxia for waiting for many years, he also planned to transfer half of the property to her name, and leave the other half to the children born to his ex-wife.

In ancient times when there were three wives and four concubines at every turn, he could be regarded as a loving and righteous infatuated person.

Qiu Xia gave him an angry look, and looked at Guan Cai embarrassedly.

"Boss Zhang has such a temperament, please don't mind the shopkeeper."

She has been with this man for many years, and she thinks that she has seen him clearly.

Although he speaks a little straight and doesn't look good, but his character is good, and he is also very good to her.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with this man other than a bad mouth.

Facing Qiuxia's apologetic eyes, Guan Cai hurriedly smiled and waved his hands.

"Sister Qiu is serious. Boss Zhang looks heroic. It's normal not to see me and other small ways in his eyes."

When he opened the coffin shop, he had never seen anyone. Boss Zhang didn't even count as side dishes.

How could he care.

Guan Cai smiled, but he didn't mean to be angry at all.

Seeing this, Qiuxia was relieved.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

We are neighbors, and it's not good if the relationship becomes tense.

What's more, the shopkeeper's elegant speech made her sisters bewildered.

Accustomed to the unrestrained behavior of the men in the building, Qiuxia said that she still wanted to chat with him when she was free, so as to make her eyes look good.

Boss Zhang heard Guan Cai complimenting himself in front of his girlfriend, and proudly puffed out his breasts, which were fatter than a woman's.

With some appreciation, he said: "You know people, and you can see that my master has a heroic spirit."

"I'm not boasting. If I was born in a family of military generals, my lord, I would also be a heroic man galloping on horseback!"

After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of pity: "It's a pity that I cast the wrong baby..."

Guan Cai: "..."

Guan Cai twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, took the leaflet from Qiu Xia, only accepted money from one person, and put the two of them in with a smile.

When the two of them walked away, he waved to the boy beside him.

"Xiaoqi, tell the others to raise the horror level to the highest level!"

Xiao Mian actually called him a liar!

Who are you with!

Don't scare you to death, I'm your son!

Guan Caiyun complained calmly in his heart.

You are still galloping on the horse. With your physique, have you ever asked the horse how it feels?
Xiaoqi: "..."

"Will something happen?"

Xiao Qi looked at the disappearing figures of the two, hesitated.

He has never seen the highest level, but he has tried the so-called "entry level".

Unprepared, he was almost scared away!

And that night, he developed a high fever, and it took three full days for the fever to subside, and he is still taking certain amazement medicine until now.

If it is directly replaced with the highest level...

He was afraid that the two of them would die of fright in this building.

At that time, the ghost building will really become a ghost building.

Thinking of the layout in the building, Guan Cai also hesitated.

"Why don't you change it to a medium one? In addition, you should ask someone to give them two first aid pills first, and then you can go in after taking them."

Guan Cai is also afraid of killing people, and those magical things that their boss came up with are too real.

I think that when they first met, including himself, none of the guys in the whole ghost building walked out standing up.

Although Xiaoqi still felt unsafe, but the shopkeeper had sent a message, and he could only convey it.

A quarter of an hour later, there was a thrilling sound of killing pigs in the haunted building.

Before the people nearby realized where the sound was coming from.

Then I saw a round object, Gu Lulu rolled out from the main entrance of the ghost building.

And ran to the distance in a rolling and crawling manner.

While running, it made a howling sound that seemed human but not human.

Crowd: ? ? ?
Why are you so scared.

The ghost building killed people?

Boss Zhang ran away with a flexibility he had never had in his life.

Leaving Qiuxia alone, her pretty face turned pale, she sat in the lounge of the ghost building and patted the table.

It's not that she doesn't want to run, she also wants to leave this nightmare place as soon as possible, but unfortunately...

Soft legs.

Can't run!
"Zhang Fugui, who killed a thousand knives, don't come back to find my old lady if you have the ability!" Qiuxia's hair was messy, her hands and feet were trembling with fear, but she still yelled at the door angrily.

"I can see that everything that is good to me is fake!"

"People say that husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they will fly separately in the face of disaster. I didn't believe it before..." She said with red eyes.

"It turned out to be true..."

"I'm just a little more important than gold and silver in his heart. When he encountered danger, he abandoned me without looking back." Qiuxia said that tears came down patter.

Tears flushed the powder on her face into a gully.

Guan Cai: "..."

Guan Cai sat across from her in embarrassment, and knew that he had caused trouble, and he probably wanted to break up the lovers.

He patted his forehead annoyed.

"It's all about Guan X's badness, which made sister Qiu sad. In fact..."

He wanted to say that maybe Boss Zhang didn't abandon her on purpose.

But thinking of his resolute back that went straight forward, he really couldn't say these words against his conscience.

Qiuxia cried heartbroken, as if a man had died.

Guan Cai had no choice but to come up with bad ideas.

"Why don't you go back and hit him twice to vent your anger?"

Qiuxia cried even more sadly when she heard this.

"I can't beat him, his thick-skinned old lady hurts his hands when he beats him!!"

(End of this chapter)

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