The farmer has a mall

Chapter 800 Bringing the relationship between monarch and minister closer

Chapter 800 Bringing the relationship between monarch and minister closer
Qiu Xia said that with Boss Zhang's fat body, she wouldn't be able to hurt him even if she broke his hand!

Guan Cai: "Why don't you try not hitting with your hands?"

"Don't worry, Ghost Tower will provide you with after-sales service for free. We have a variety of weapons for you to choose from!"

Just such a customer, don't run away in anger!

The guilty Guancai actively offered compensation measures.

And asked his subordinates to bring all the props that can be used in the building, and explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each weapon.

Qiu Xia stopped crying when she heard the words, and looked at Guan Cai with dull eyes.

Not to mention bricks and stools.

What do you mean by giving me a mace?
Are you implying that I murdered my own husband?
Seeing Guan Cai vigorously brandishing a big knife, he began to practice eighteen martial arts.

Qiuxia was frightened again: "..."

"Thank you for the shopkeeper, I don't think I will need these for a while."

Seriously, a person cannot be judged by his appearance.

People who seem to be quite normal have problems with their brains!

If it looks like this...

Sure enough, Boss Zhang is more reliable!
Qiuxia looked at Guancai with pity, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and hurriedly ran out of the haunted building.

Husband is gone!

Guan Cai: "..."

Don't want anything for free... Don't be angry.

It's good not to be angry, but it's bad if the girl's life-long event is delayed because of their haunted house.

Guan Cai let out a long sigh of relief, and praised his wit from the bottom of his heart.


On the second day, the previous publicity had an effect, and customers came to the door one after another.

In order to prevent yesterday's incident from happening again, Guan Cai did not dare to upgrade the difficulty, and only provided the lowest entry-level hospitality.

Unless someone asks for it himself.

As customers came to the door, the reputation of the ghost building gradually spread.

In the ancient times when there were not many entertainment facilities, this place can be described as a unique novelty.

There are those courageous customers who think that the entry level is not exciting enough, and start to sprint to a higher level of difficulty.

Very few brave people also ask to play on the highest difficulty.

The end result was naturally that I ran home in fright, and didn't dare to go out for a few days and nights.

And so far, no one has been able to come out from the exit under the highest difficulty, and they all just went in for a while and then returned the same way.

Relying on the attitude of the ghost building that scares people to death, and the degree of terror that no one can walk straight out of.

In just half a month, the ghost building became famous.

Gradually spread to the court.

The reason why it spread so quickly is to talk about the main force among them.

Ever since Qiu Xia and Boss Zhang came here, the ghost building has become a place where prostitutes in brothels test whether a man is sincere.

No matter what you say, the hype is full of hype, and the infatuation is absolute. Go to the ghost building and walk around to ensure that the original shape is revealed.

Afterwards, in order to make up for their own image and dispel the anger of the girls they like, men have to spend a lot of money, buying jewelry and giving tips to make them happy.

So much so that since the opening of the ghost building, the brothels on the whole street have won money, and their turnover has more than doubled.

The bosses and the old bustards were laughing from ear to ear, and more and more publicized the fun of the ghost building, and made a wave of free publicity for the ghost building.

There are many officials and nobles in the brothel, which is why the reputation of the ghost building can spread throughout the capital so quickly.

One morning, Gu Nanyan put on the princess court dress, and appeared on the morning court which was rare.

Under the surprised and apprehensive eyes of everyone, a leaflet was distributed to all the officials present.

Even Sanjin who was waiting behind Fu Tuo received it.

Looking at the eerie and bloody style of painting on the flyer, which was written by no one, the ministers were collectively silent.

"Is this ghost building opened by a princess?" the minister asked in surprise.

Gu Nanyan showed her standard eight teeth, and smiled at the minister who was interrogating her.

"Yes, the new opening of the small store has a big discount, buy one get one free now."

"With the list in your hands, you can enjoy the benefits of two people traveling together and one person free of charge. Remember to patronize."

She bit the word "definitely" very hard, as if she was afraid that they would miss it.

Ministers: "..."

They heard the princess mentioned a word called "compulsory consumption" before. I don't know if it is used here...

Fu Tuo was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that his sister opened the ghost building that was rumored to lead directly to the underworld.

But the surprise is the surprise, how could he who has always loved his sister not support her new career.

He is the best brother in the world!

So Fu Tuo thought for a moment, and came up with a suggestion that would make the big guy miserable for the rest of his life.

"Coincidentally, recently I intend to go out with all my lovers to get closer to the relationship between the monarch and his ministers. How about going to this ghost building?"

Ministers: "..."

not so.

I heard that the haunted building is very scary, some people peed their pants, you still want to take us there.

Is this to increase the relationship between the monarch and his ministers?

I'm afraid you don't want to scare us to death, you are the only one!

The ministers slandered endlessly.

The slander belongs to the slander, the emperor has suggested it, and they can't help but give face, right?

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty smiled stiffly and called out "the emperor's sage".

Satisfied, Fu Tuo quietly blinked at Gu Nanyan.

Then he decreed that the court would be closed tomorrow, and that he would have fun with his lovers.

One can't be less!
After the old master who had been on bed rest for more than a month learned about it, he also went with him despite his sick body.

His son Shengde didn't know why.

"The emperor specially allowed you to rest at home, saying that he was afraid that you would get sick if you were too old and timid, so why bother."

Grand Master Sheng snorted coldly: "I've lived my whole life. I haven't seen any battles. I've never been timid. The emperor is clearly mocking me!"

If he didn't steam the steamed buns to save his breath, he would have to go this trip no matter how sick he was.

Otherwise, some people would really regard him as a toothless tiger and let others bully him!
"What's more, even if there are ghosts and gods in this world, Gu Nanyan can't invite them. The ghost building is probably fake."

"Scaremongering to confuse people's hearts is the crime of deceiving the emperor! This old man must expose her personally!"

Sheng Dexian: "..."

Have you agreed not to provoke Princess Anyang for the time being?

You are so sick and haven't given up yet!

Grand Master Sheng: Yes, I haven't given up yet.

The old man is still insisting!

As long as the old man seizes every opportunity to deal with her, one day he will pull her down from the height!

Grand Master Sheng was so ambitious, imagining how Gu Nanyan would be slapped in the face by him, he was a little more energetic.

Immediately let my son cancel the holiday for him, and plan to have fun with all my colleagues tomorrow.

But when he dressed properly and arrived at the gate of the palace the next day, he only saw the dust raised by the tail of the team.

Mrs. Sheng: Shall we go together as agreed?
Mrs. Sheng felt that she was isolated, and immediately asked the groom to chase after her.

Half an hour later, at the entrance of the ghost building, everyone looked at the bold and weird color...and dilapidated three-story building.

I fell into deep thought.

The princess recently...

Is it short of money?

(End of this chapter)

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