The farmer has a mall

Chapter 801 Shut Up

Chapter 801 Shut Up
All the ministers always believed that the ghost building was so dilapidated that the princess must have no money to renovate it!

That's why they distributed leaflets in the early morning, in an attempt to scam them for money!
Everyone clutched their purses tightly, and looked at Gu Nanyan in fear at the same time.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

See what to see, don't hurry up and pay the money to enter the venue!

She secretly poked Fu Tuo with her elbow.

In order to create momentum for his younger sister, Fu Tuo ordered the ministers to come in official uniforms, and he himself wore bright yellow casual clothes embroidered with golden dragons.

This street is a famous place for fireworks. Even if ministers come here to have fun on weekdays, they are all dressed up in disguise, which is so bright and aboveboard like today.

At the beginning, the girls around saw that there was a circle of officials in front of the ghost building, and they pretended that something had happened, and looked at the entrance of the ghost building worriedly.

The ghost building can not only help them verify the hearts of men, but also make them earn more money, nothing can happen!

Qiuxia was also worried. The last time Boss Zhang left her and ran away, he came to apologize to her afterwards full of guilt.

She took the opportunity to raise two conditions.

She has been with Boss Zhang for so many years, and all she wants is someone to rely on for the rest of her life.

But after that day, she suddenly realized that if Boss Zhang suddenly abandoned her one day, she would be unable to do anything but cry sadly.

So she was mentally prepared to break up with him, and told him that she would not marry him unless half of the family property was put in her name first.

She thought that if she said this, Boss Zhang would be angry and at the same time think that she was a powerful woman, so she would cancel her engagement.

Unexpectedly, he agreed without even thinking about it.

And it was done on the same day.

Qiuxia was both moved and ashamed.

Moved by his trust in himself, as a businessman, he gave himself the family business that he had worked hard for half his life without any guarantee.

The guilty thing is that she has been trying her best to avoid too much money contact with him, so as not to let the relationship between the two be mixed with impurities.

But in the end, she still came to this step, and she took the initiative to break the situation.

Fortunately, Boss Zhang didn't mind, and still treated her as before.

Qiuxia threw herself into his arms and cried for a long time, her tears soaked Boss Zhang's thin jacket.

After crying, Qiuxia, who had vented her emotions, wiped away her tears, sat up straight and made a second request to him.

Being moved is really moving, and guilt is also really guilty.

But this can't hide the fact that he left her and ran away alone that day!
Qiuxia suggested that the two should go to the ghost building every day.

Until he is no longer afraid to leave her behind!

She could clearly see that Boss Zhang was sincerely treating her well, and the time in the ghost building was just a subconscious action after he was overly frightened.

He also explained afterwards that his mind was blank at that time, and he couldn't remember how he ran out.

So, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again in the future, Qiuxia gritted her teeth and bought a half-year package with Guan Cai!
Determined to fatten up Boss Zhang's guts before getting married...

Boss Zhang: "..."

Boss Zhang, who had never doubted his lover, suspected for the first time that this woman wanted to send him back to the west as soon as possible...

Under Qiuxia's insistence, Boss Zhang agreed with a sad face, and since then he has been going to the haunted building for a walk every day.

The effect can be imagined, his courage thrives in repeated frights.

...Although the entry level has not yet been cleared.

And the reason why Qiuxia is worried about the ghost building is because she is afraid of losing this place to train her future husband.

Besides, she and Guan Cai are already very close friends, no matter if they are neighbors or good friends, they don't want to see any accidents in his shop.


Gu Nanyan is distributing shock medicine to the ministers.

Mrs. Sheng, who came a step late, panted heavily, and managed to squeeze through the crowd to the front.

Seeing the dilapidated ghost building, he snorted coldly.

Putting on a posture of pointing Jiangshan, the corner of his mouth is ready to criticize.

"What good place is this old man, it's nothing more than that."

With his son's support, he walked forward with his head held high and his chest held high. He first saluted Fu Tuo who had a handsome face, and then turned to face Gu Nanyan again.

The little girl has repeatedly opposed him, the elder of the dynasty. Do you really think that he has nothing to do with her?
Today he will let her see clearly how he climbed to this position step by step!

Old Master Sheng raised the corners of his mouth coldly, and a strange smile appeared on his lips under the white beard.

"You here..."

"you shut up!"

Gu Nanyan quickly stopped, interrupting the draft that Mrs. Sheng had been preparing all the way.

She didn't even look at him, and said very distastefully: "I am in a good mood today, and I don't want to listen to you."

"Queue up behind!"

I can tell by the sinister look on your face that you have no good intentions, and you want to scare me off...

There are no doors!

Grand Master Sheng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

This is completely torn face, the smell of gunpowder is so strong.

Several ministers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all lowered their heads.

In the war between big bosses, it's better for these little fish and shrimp not to be greedy.

"Hehe, the princess is really becoming more and more domineering, you even have to control what the old minister says."

It seemed that she had gotten used to her temperament, and Mrs. Sheng didn't feel embarrassed when she humiliated her in public.

Instead, he replied slightly mockingly: "Could it be possible that you will even ask me when I eat and when I go to the toilet in the future?"

Gu Nanyan didn't think it was a pestle.

"The old master misunderstood, I'm just afraid that you will be tired from talking too much."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Mr. Sheng De who was supporting him.

"After all, you just got mad a few days ago, if something happens in my haunted building..."

Old Master Sheng interrupted her with a sneer.

"Are you afraid that the old man will fall down here and rely on you?"

"The princess will be disappointed, the old man is in good health." He withdrew his arm, not letting his son support him again.

Sheng De put down his hands helplessly, and smiled apologetically at Gu Nanyan.

He couldn't control his father's temperament anymore, he just hoped that the princess wouldn't be as knowledgeable as him, otherwise he really didn't know how it would end if there was a real quarrel.

Gu Nanyan felt his apology and helplessness, and secretly thought that every adult family has one or two uneasy elders.

"The old grand master misunderstood again. I'm not afraid that you will rely on me. It's just that your old body is really not suitable for coming to this kind of place."

After she finished speaking, she glanced around the surrounding brothels, and pointedly said with the corner of her mouth curled up: "I am worried that you will not have good eyesight when you are old, so don't go to the wrong place on purpose."

Everyone: "..."

What does it mean to go to the wrong place on purpose.

This is implying that the old master is visiting the brothel under the guise of a ghost building!

The ministers shrank their necks.

Can't afford to offend, the princess's lips are too poisonous!

Grand Master Sheng didn't figure it out at first, but when he figured it out, he almost lost his temper.

"Princess is a daughter's family, how decent is it to say such a thing!" Mrs. Sheng coughed twice angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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