The farmer has a mall

Chapter 802 Chaos

Chapter 802 Chaos
"And you opened the shop in such a place with fireworks, isn't it humiliating your identity, and hangs out with brothel girls all day, how can you be a role model for my Anyang girls!"

What he said was close to saying that Gu Nanyan had no sense of shame.

Gu Nanyan's eyes widened in surprise: "This is what I said, I just opened a shop here, why is it not proper?"

"Besides, no matter how inappropriate my palace is, I just want to watch the bustle. You can ask the ministers here, is there anyone who hasn't patronized this street?"

"Why don't you talk about them!"

It's okay for others to do, but she can't do it just by looking at it, what's the point!
Persimmon is picky and soft, bullying her has a good temper, right?

Unconvinced, Gu Nanyan started to roll up his sleeves subconsciously.

That way, it seems that he wants to fight to the death with Mrs. Sheng.

Everyone: "..."

People stand by the street, and the pot comes from the sky.

They have already minimized their sense of existence, and whoever would have thought that they still haven't escaped.

But what the princess said really wronged them.

They don't come here often, at most five, six, seven or eight times a month.

When I come, I just drink a little wine and listen to music, and I rarely do anything.

It's not that they don't want to, the key is that they are not too young to be able to sit in their position, so they really have no power!

The ministers swallowed, and continued to shrink their necks and pretend to be dead.

At the same time, he felt guilty and looked around quietly.

No matter what they are here for, they must not be recognized by any girl at this time.

Otherwise, the artillery fire will be transferred to them!

The courtiers lowered their heads one after another, avoiding the eyes of the girls.

The way they dodged was seen by all the girls.

Qiuxia's eyes flashed, and she winked at the girl beside her.

Originally, they were the ones who knew their limits the most in their line of work.

Even if there were familiar faces among those people who had patronized them, they didn't intend to come forward to recognize each other.

But just now, Mrs. Sheng's words were contemptuous, saying that they were not worthy of the stage.

As if it was a sin to even pass them by.

The girls were immediately unhappy.

They didn't steal or rob, and they made money by their own ability, so why despise them!
If it wasn't for helplessness, who would be willing to degenerate into mud!

And they also just found out that the owner of the ghost building is actually the current princess!

Still a very famous one!

I haven't seen her before, okay, it's like they defiled the princess...

Recalling that Princess Chao was the owner behind the ghost building, the girls suddenly gained confidence.

Standing on the same front as Ghost Tower without hesitation.

A swarm of swarms twisted their waists and swarmed forward, each grabbing the benefactor they knew and shaking their chests coquettishly.

"Master Chen, it's been a long time since you came to see Tiantian." A very open-dressed girl hugged the arm of a middle-aged minister, and scolded coquettishly.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Wang? You haven't settled your drink bill for last month. When will you settle it..."

"Young Master Zhao, stay safe. I heard that you went to Lichun Tower to play recently. Have you forgotten about the Nu family? Do you remember that you told the Nu family that you only like the Nu family in this life..."

"Why does Master Li push away my concubine? Is it because my concubine didn't do my best to serve you last night? If you come here tonight, I will definitely make it up to you... Hey, don't run away, I haven't finished talking yet!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Grand Master Sheng: "..."

Jiaochen scolded her ears.

Pushing and pulling was everywhere.

The scene was once chaotic...

Master Sheng's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

Gu Nan watched from the wall, watching with relish.

Fu Tuo...

Fu Tuo doted on his younger sister watching the fun...

Anyway, he wasn't the one who lost face, nor was he the one who kneeled on the washboard at home.

He doesn't care about such nonsense!
Lost the court's face?
Fu Tuo hehe, the court is not his alone, whoever loses face will find a way to get it back.

He is the emperor, but not the mother of these people, why should he wipe their asses!
Fu Tuo pretended to be deaf and dumb, as if he didn't see the chaotic scene in front of him, and sat leisurely on the chair beside him to eat melons.

It wasn't until the officials' clothes were messed up and their official hats were skewed by the girls, that Gu Nanyan had seen enough excitement.

"It's really inappropriate, old master, please remember to talk to them one by one after you go back, tsk tsk..."

She stretched out her white fingers and pointed at some of the high-ranking court officials who were surrounded by several girls in a hurry.

"If I remember correctly, these few seem to be disciples taught by your boss himself."

Regardless of the old teacher's blushing face, Gu Nanyan blinked at him.

"Education failure!" she said with a sigh.

The old master: "..."

"Stop it all, old man, stop!" Grand Master Sheng yelled furiously, trying to stop the chaos in front of him.

However, the girls would not listen to him, they still grabbed the sleeves of their benefactors and did not let go.

One son at a time, one master at a time, occasionally winking at the old master...

I don't know if it was intentional or not.

I am angry with Mrs. Sheng.

If you rolled your eyes, you would pass out.

Gu Nanyan came to him with quick steps.

Under his surprised eyes, he grinned with big white teeth.

Then quickly stuffed something into his mouth.

Grand Master Sheng subconsciously wanted to vomit, but Gu Nanyan grabbed his son's hand and gagged his mouth...

Grand Master Sheng: "..."

Sidley was the first to react.

"You...what did you eat for my father!"

He wanted to withdraw his hand in horror.

However, the opponent's hand was like a pair of pliers, holding him tightly, unable to move at all.

Gu Nanyan didn't let go of his hand until the thing in Old Master Sheng's mouth melted away.

Mrs. Sheng hurried to pick her throat.

"What are you afraid of?" Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes.

"In public, I can still poison you to death."

Although she really wanted to do it.

"It's just an antihypertensive drug, do you feel better now?"

It's not that she blows it, her medicine melts in the mouth and takes effect in minutes, much faster than ordinary antihypertensive medicine.

Mrs. Sheng stopped scratching her throat.

Much better indeed.

The feeling of blackness and dizziness in front of my eyes just now has diminished a lot.

He also knew that Gu Nanyan had something good in his hands.


She would be so kind?

Grand Master Sheng leaned half on his son, and looked at Gu Nanyan carefully.

Seems to be discerning whether what she said is true.

Gu Nanyan let him watch.

"Why do you want to save the old man?"

Physician Sun said last time that if he is stimulated again, the gods will not be able to save him.

As long as Gu Nanyan let it go, she would lose a powerful opponent like herself, and no one would blame her.

But she actually saved herself.

Old Master Sheng frowned, feeling that the other party would not be so kind.

"You are a subject of the emperor's brother, how can I just watch you have an accident." Gu Nanyan said as a matter of course.

Old Master Sheng was silent when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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