Mrs. Sheng had reason to suspect that Gu Nanyan deliberately released only real people in order to increase the authenticity of the ghost building.

Otherwise, why does it feel so real...

The old master squeezed the severed hand again.

It has been placed for several days, the kind that has already floated.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was possible, and Grand Master Sheng almost threw it out.

In the end, I still endured the nausea in my heart and looked at it carefully.

The texture of the skin, the pores can be seen on the surface, and the bones at the break are also real.

There are even palm prints!

Mrs. Sheng's eyes flashed.

Could it be that it was cut from a human body?

It is not impossible to take care of Nanyan's ferocity.

"What are you doing, trying to steal something?"

Gu Nanyan sauntered over, copying his hands.

"That is the treasure of our ghost building. If it is broken, you will have to pay for it."

As she spoke, she reached out and snatched the severed hand, and threw it hard.

The broken hand flew into the distance.

Followed by a gloomy female voice.


Gu Nanyan smiled and waved his hands in the distance: "Miss Zheng'er is polite, there are a lot of people recently, so be careful not to lose it."

The female voice was slow and ethereal, and it was the voice that was crying and looking for a hand just now.

"Mother!" A thin official couldn't hold back, and shouted with a trembling voice.

Unexpectedly, she got a response from Zheng'er girl.

"Young master admitted a mistake. The slave family was not married and had no heirs..."

"Hey... The slave family is so miserable..."

Everyone: "..."

Why is this female ghost so cheap?


The third floor of the ghost building was in the shape of a zigzag, and Gu Nanyan led courtiers, big and small, and walked around the perimeter for an hour, only halfway through.

It's not because of the large area of ​​the ghost building, but as it gradually penetrates, the level of terror is getting higher and higher, and most officials have collapsed from fright.

What kind of ghost hits the wall, ghost kicks his feet, those are all pediatrics!
The flickering ghosts passing through the body are the norm.

What's more, a head will suddenly fall from the top of the head, hanging in the air and grinning at them.

Laughing and vomiting blood, vomiting blood and laughing.

Those ministers who were suddenly attacked by the ghost head were so frightened that they lost their souls, and they were supported by the people around them.

The others were not much better, if it wasn't for Guan Cai's foresight to give them a shock in advance, they might have already had a group meal.

Among them, Cheng Qian who bought the talisman paper from Gu Nanyan was the one in the best condition.

Although he was also frightened by the "ghosts" passing through his body, nothing touched his body.

Such as ghost hands and the like.

And I don't know if it was his illusion.

Since the talisman paper was pasted on, the previous wind gusts blowing in the ears never happened again.

He carefully pressed the talisman on his chest, thankful that he listened to his daughter.

Don't refuse Princess Anyang's proposal at any time.

Otherwise, you will definitely suffer!

The value of this 380 eight taels!

Seeing his colleagues supporting the wall, his face was pale, his head was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were red.

Trembling as if falling into an ice cave.

Cheng Qian suddenly felt a rush of pride spontaneously.

"I beg the princess to spare my life. There are old and young in this humble minister. A family of more than ten depends on this humble minister to support him alone. This humble minister can't die!"

When Gu Nanyan opened the wooden door in the center of the third floor, the old wooden door made a creaking sound, which echoed throughout the room.

Seeing the densely packed and countless ghosts looking at them all together, some people finally couldn't help but collapsed.

A moving palm, a smiling head, and a translucent ghost.

Everything in the ghost building is beyond their cognition.

Different from the attitude of watching the excitement when they first came here, they really believed that there are ghosts in the haunted building.

In fact, they had retreated a long time ago, but Fu Tuo was also present, so no one dared to bring it up first.

So as not to appear too useless.

And the emperor, who was young and vigorous in their eyes before, became extremely tall in their eyes now.

Compared with these courtiers, the emperor was able to keep his face from blushing and his heart beating in such a strange situation.

Even when the ghost shadow rushed towards him, he reached out curiously to touch it.

What's more, he even dared to hold and play with the heads floating in the air.

How can this be the courage that ordinary people can have!
All the courtiers admired the five bodies.

As for Gu Nanyan...

Not to mention that.

Those "ghosts" come and go under her hands, as if they are just playthings in her hands.

This made these people have to doubt Gu Nanyan's identity.

Just like folk rumors.

I'm afraid she really came down to earth from a fairy!

Different from the respect and admiration for Fu Tuo, they were suddenly full of fear for Gu Nanyan, and they could no longer have the slightest thought of resistance in their hearts, even those who were originally dissatisfied with her.

Among them, the one who was most dissatisfied with Gu Nanyan was undoubtedly Mrs. Sheng.

I don't know if it's because he is afraid of his age and scared him to death here. There are no ghosts approaching him along the way, except for the occasional gust of wind in his ears.

Mrs. Ke Sheng was not happy.

At his age, the most feared thing is the theory of ghosts and gods.

Before, he always felt that Gu Nanyan was playing tricks, including the severed hand, he thought that the most he could do was chop off someone's hand and do something inside it, so that the severed hand could squirm.

After all, it's not that the mechanical things that Gu Nanyan sells can't be used for this.

But when he saw the numerous ghosts floating around, able to communicate with Gu Nanyan...

He suddenly felt that maybe she could really understand ghosts and gods...

It's just that he has never seen it, and he refuses to believe it.

Seeing Gu Nanyan leisurely wandering among the many "ghosts", Grand Master Sheng felt afraid of her for the first time.

Or, for the first time, he had a sense of fear for a person.

When he was alive, he would naturally not be afraid of her.

Anyway, he is getting old, no matter how good his health is, he will die one day.

But he was afraid that he would not live in peace after death.

If he really offended her...

He could even imagine his fate of being tortured by her life after life!

Grand Master Sheng clenched his fists tightly, trying to cover up his fear of Gu Nanyan.

However, the trembling lips completely exposed his fear.


Since someone opened his mouth, Gu Nanyan didn't want to embarrass them.

Anyway, the money has already been collected, so don't expect her to refund it.

She immediately returned with her back the same way.

All the ghosts that had been wandering around before had disappeared.

Even the temperature is not as cold as before.

The light also returned to normal.

Although the surroundings still look old, there is no such gloomy feeling.

It seems that this is just an ordinary old house.

Everyone couldn't help being more afraid of Gu Nanyan, and followed behind her and Fu Tuo tremblingly, honestly like a cat.

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