Chapter 807
Walking out of the gate of the ghost building, Fu Tuo was a little bit unsatisfied.

The reason why he is not afraid of these things is because Gu Nanyan has already greeted him.

The kind of little black box that can throw people out is really miraculous.

Fu Tuo was very curious about that thing, but Gu Nanyan didn't elaborate, so he didn't ask.

The group of high-spirited officials who came here had changed their appearance at this time, each of them was stunned, and their servants helped them into the carriage while still in shock.

It aroused the curiosity of those around him.

Good guy, it seems that this ghost building really has some strength.

To actually frighten these high officials who control the entire Anyang Kingdom into such a virtue!

Everyone was a little more curious about the ghost building, and they went to Guan Cai to pay money, intending to go in and see for themselves.

The old master Sheng fell behind, and Sheng De first supported him to walk towards the carriage.

When passing by Gu Nanyan, both father and son tensed up.

Gu Nanyan blinked, and suddenly handed the severed hand to the two of them.

"Don't the old master like this hand, how about I sell it to you?"

"It's only 10 taels of silver. You can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled. It can be used as a decoration at home. If there are thieves in the house, it's good to scare people."

Mrs. Sheng was already frightened, but she concealed it very well so that no one could see it.

Suddenly, he saw the broken hand, and the broken hand seemed to understand Gu Nanyan's words, and was pointing at him.

Seems to be hoping he'll buy it back.

The old master staggered back in fright, with a pale face, unable to speak for a long while.

"The princess is joking."

In the end, Shengde mustered up the courage first, laughing as ugly as crying.

"Gentlemen don't take what others like, so the princess should give it back... Miss Zheng'er."

Let alone 10 taels of silver, they dare not take it for free!

What if Miss Zheng'er is brought home...

Shengde shivered first.

A picture of a red-clothed female ghost with disheveled hair floating around the mansion every night in search of hands emerged in my mind.

Sure enough, at the next moment Gu Nanyan said: "What's the point? If Zheng'er misses her hand, I'll give her a day off. It's okay to go to Sheng's house for a night."

She smiled maliciously, took the severed hand, and lashed at Mr. Shengde's eyes with all her strength.

"It just so happens that Zheng'er is not married yet, maybe he can find a good husband in the Sheng family... Hey, don't run away!"

"To buy or not to buy? You can tell me!"

Before Gu Nanyan finished speaking, Sheng De turned pale and dragged his father away.

Almost dragged Mrs. Sheng to the ground.

"Virtue!" Gu Nanyan curled her lips in disdain, took the severed hand in her hand and tossed it up and down twice.

Seeing the carriages driving away one after another, they turned and went back to the ghost building.


Master Sheng fell ill after returning home.

He has always been fearless, and even Fu Jingqi, the former Anyang Emperor who dared to hate him, aged more than ten years in a day.

Like an old man who is dying, his energy has collapsed.

Every day I just lie quietly on the bed, staring at the bed curtains in a daze.

It is even more difficult to fall asleep at night, and I will wake up when I fall asleep.

Eyes wide open, mouth wide open, breathless as if drowning.

Just like this, I was in a daze during the day and tossed at night, but after three days, I couldn't get a drop of water.

The Sheng family was in a hurry and looked for famous doctors everywhere.

Physician Sun even went to Sheng's house more than a dozen times, thinking of everything.

It just doesn't get better.

Everyone thought that the old master must be seriously ill.

However, only Sheng De felt that if his father would become like this, Gu Nanyan must have captured his father's soul!
He had no choice but to endure the fear in his heart, and went to the palace to ask Fu Tuo, hoping that he could persuade the princess to save his father.

Fu Tuo didn't agree on the spot, but sent Sanjin to Weiyang Palace to ask his sister's opinion.

At that time, Gu Nanyan was playing mahjong with Sheng Zhixin and Cheng Xinxin.

Hearing that Mrs. Sheng was dying, she couldn't help but look to the other side.

"Do you think I should save him?" She asked Sheng Zhixin.

Sheng Zhixin lowered her eyes, fiddling with her own cards with her well-maintained jade fingers.

"Ask me what to do. It's up to you to save or not. It depends on your thoughts." Her voice was slightly hoarse, as if she didn't care about her grandfather's life or death.

Gu Nanyan looked at her for a moment, knowing that she was speaking the truth, and sighed faintly after a while.

"You should understand that I can't save him."

Her tone was like a sigh, and she stared at Sheng Zhixin with complicated eyes.

If she rescued Mrs. Sheng, all her hard work would have been in vain.

Mrs. Sheng's power is all over the government and the public, and she is not much different from the previous Ning family.

If he can't be killed with a single blow, there will be more Ning family and more Grand Master Sheng in the future...

It's not that Fu Tuo is not capable enough to suppress the people below.

Anyang Kingdom is different from other countries. This is the drawback of the imperial power and military power sharing the world equally.

As long as the Wei family is still there, and the Wei Yang army is still the Wei Yang army of the Wei family, the imperial court cannot be completely controlled by the royal family.

This situation has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the imperial power cannot be monopolized, and there will be no such situation in which the country and the family are destroyed by the unruly king.

As long as the person ascending to the throne can be diligent in governing and caring for the people, there is absolutely no problem in continuing the Anyang Kingdom for another 200 years without a strong foreign enemy.

In this regard, her thinking was exactly the opposite of Fu Jingqi's back then.

Fu Jingqi felt that the existence of the Wei family would definitely lead to the disintegration of the imperial court and push Anyang Kingdom to the road of extinction.

However, she felt that as long as the throne and the Wei family chose the right heir, it would be more able to continue the history of Anyang.

Of course, this isn't without its downsides.

The downside is that there will always be people with ulterior motives who will take advantage of the loopholes and stir up troubles in the court.

What's more, it caused the royal family to disagree with the Wei family, leading to serious civil strife.

Moreover, Imperial Physician Sun once approached her and explained in detail the current physical condition of Grand Master Sheng.

Even if she is willing to act, according to his current situation, at most he can only prolong his life for one year.

Gu Nanyan thinks she is not a kind person, and she thinks it is worth it to spend one year of his life to secure the peace of Baoyang Country for a hundred years.

Gu Nanyan sighed.

It's just that there's no need to tell Sheng Zhixin these things.

No amount of reasons could cover up the fact that she violated the duty of a doctor.

"I'm sorry for you this time." She said slowly.

"If you blame me, you should. If you don't want to come to Weiyang Palace again, don't force it. I will still keep my promise and keep you and the little princess safe."

Although Sheng Zhixin has lost contact with the Sheng family now, her relationship with Mrs. Sheng was quite good before.

I heard that before she entered the palace, Grand Master Sheng's most beloved grandchildren were her.

Regardless of whether it was sincere or not, to Sheng Zhixin, no matter what, Old Master Sheng was an elder who loved her.

After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she didn't say anything, and waved Sanjin to go back to deliver the message.

Her meaning was already obvious, and Sanjin was unambiguous, and immediately went back to the imperial study.

(End of this chapter)

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