Chapter 808
Sheng Zhixin, who had no reaction at first, started to be in a daze after listening to Gu Nanyan's words.

Gu Nanyan was also silent.

Cheng Xinxin on the side looked at this and that, not knowing who to persuade.

There are her mahjong partners on both sides, and neither of them will work!
"Actually... the princess has the difficulties of a princess, Zhixin, don't blame her." Cheng Xinxin said in a low voice after a long while.

His father told her a lot about the Sheng family, as well as the recent conflict between Mr. Sheng and Gu Nanyan.

It is not difficult to see that the old master has been actively provoking.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

Although she didn't know why the old master had to make things difficult for Gu Nanyan.

It may not be until today that the outbreak took place, which is extremely rare for a straightforward person like Gu Nanyan.

"I never said I would blame her." Sheng Zhixin smiled wryly.

"The princess is kind to the little princess, how can I be the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong?"

"It's just my grandfather Yelang's arrogance that he forgot who the master of Anyang Kingdom is."

She murmured in a daze, her mood unprecedentedly low.

Grandfather had lost his sense of normalcy long ago, and he was no longer the wise man who dedicated his allegiance to the emperor.

It was because of the defeat of the Ning family that they were blinded by the sudden victory.

He believed that the reason why the Ning family ended up like this was because of his well-planned plan.

However, without Gu Nanyan, Ning Zongyuan would not have collapsed so easily.

Even she can see this, but her grandfather has always refused to admit it.

He also provoked Gu Nanyan again and again.

Just like what Cheng Xinxin said, Gu Nanyan's temper is already good enough to endure until today.

What can she blame her?
Is it because she dared to fight back after being beaten?
That's too unreasonable.

Cheng Xinxin was relieved that the mahjong player was saved.

Continue to play mahjong happily.

Although Sheng Zhixin didn't blame Gu Nanyan for not helping him, he was still sad that his grandfather was about to leave.

She absent-mindedly played a few rounds with Cheng Xinxin, and then returned to Yilan Palace.

Seeing her leave, Cheng Xinxin followed her.


Mrs. Sheng left very suddenly.

Since returning from the ghost tower, it took only a dozen days before and after, and he has already gone west by crane.

People who don't know the inside story, only think that he has a secret disease when he is old, and there is nothing surprising in the sudden onset.

The common people lamented that life is impermanent, and the old grand master, who had always been in good spirits, left just like that.

Only the courtiers who went to the ghost building together felt that something was wrong.

As a result, she was even more afraid of Gu Nanyan.

On the day of the old grand master's funeral, the ghost building released a message.

The third floor of the ghost building is permanently closed due to uncontrollable factors!

As for what is an uncontrollable factor...

Needless to say!
It must be the ghost in the ghost building!
As soon as this news came out, it became more confirmed that the old grand master died because of the ghost building.

Human beings are always afraid of the unknown. After this incident, all the officials are trembling and trembling.

I'm afraid that he will also be seduced by the little ghosts under Gu Nanyan.

Fu Tuo took the opportunity to get rid of a group of old masters and replaced his own.

The court's big change of blood would have caused a lot of dissatisfaction in the past, but this time there was not even a splash.

Although Mrs. Sheng is dead, Mr. Sheng De is still there.

Fu Tuo did not kill them all, but replaced the right servant with one of his own.

In addition, Cheng Qian had clearly stated that he would support him, and the entire household department was controlled by Fu Tuo.

Shortly after the funeral is the Empress Ceremony.

Sun Ying's ascension to the back position is already very sure.

And her father, Sun Qi, received unprecedented attention for a while.

He has to go out to socialize every day, and he doesn't return home until the middle of the night.

"Has the master not come back yet?"

Wu Shi was sitting in the living room, wearing plain clothes, no makeup, not even Zhu Chai.

There is only a small white flower inserted in the temple.

She came back from Zhuangzi when Mrs. Sheng held her funeral.

If the old grand master's death had the greatest impact on anyone, it must be Wu Zhi.

I don't know if he left her alone on purpose.

Wuzhi, who has been back for several days, has never even seen Sun Qi's face.

"Master has been busy with business recently, so I'm afraid he won't be able to return until later."

The nanny behind her said with a complicated expression: "If Madam is tired, why don't you go back to your room and wait."

In the evening, the madam sent someone to send a message to the master, saying that she had something to discuss with him and asked him to come back earlier today.

But now it's four o'clock, and the master has not yet returned to the house.

This shows that he does not want to see his wife.

Sun Kering at the side yawned, his sleepy eyes almost couldn't be opened.

"What the hell is father busy with? He doesn't even have time to see mother. Could it be that he is hiding from mother on purpose?" She complained dissatisfied.

Wu Zhi, who had an already ugly complexion, heard the words, his swollen eyes became even more gloomy.

Seeing this, the nanny hurriedly said: "Recently, many colleagues have come to seek relationships. It's just that the master can't refuse, and it's not that he is avoiding the madam."

Sun Kening obviously didn't believe her rhetoric and snorted coldly.

"But I heard that my father rested at Mrs. Zhao's place every day when he returned home. If he didn't hide from his mother, why didn't he rest in her yard!"

"I think it's because my father, that bitch Sun Ying, deliberately promoted Mrs. Zhao and helped Mrs. Zhao suppress his mother!"

Sun Kening gritted her teeth in hatred.

Ever since the news that Sun Ying was about to be the queen came out, even the servants under him acted accordingly and took care of it.

It is said that there are still many servants who squeezed their heads into Zhao's yard, and did not want to serve her and her mother's yard anymore.

Not to mention her so-called good sisters.

In the past, when her uncle and grandfather, that is, Old Master Sheng, were still there, they all fawned on her.

It's good now, when I see her, I walk around!
As if he was afraid of getting involved with her.

Sun Kening regretted it very much, regretting that Sun Ying should not have been allowed to enter the palace instead of her.

Although she didn't want to be trapped in the harem, she would compete with a group of women all day long to make calculations and calculations.

But that is the position of queen!
She is the emperor's first wife!

How can it be the same as ordinary harem concubines.

If she knew this earlier, why would she take advantage of that bitch!
The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, she insulted Sun Ying one by one.

"Shut up for me!"

Zheng Huan, who was scolded by Sun Kering, suddenly yelled loudly from outside the door, which scared her into a shudder and almost bit her tongue.

Sun Qi walked quickly into the hall with a face full of anger, staring at Sun Kening with eyes full of anger.

"One bite at a time, that's your sister! Who taught you to be so vicious!"

He looked sharply at Wu Zhi.

Wushi held the teacup as if nothing had happened, and slowly skimmed off the foam on it.

It seems that there is no problem with the name of the daughter.

Sun Kening shrank her neck in fear, and muttered unconvinced: "My daughter is right, she was born as a slut, why is it wrong to call her a little slut..."

"You!" Sun Qi was so angry that the hand that pointed at her trembled.

"Quickly shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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