The farmer has a mall

Chapter 809 Changes

He has been in love with this daughter for so many years, and it's not fake. She has some feelings.

So as long as she doesn't cause trouble and trouble him, he doesn't care how she messes around in the mansion.

But she was so presumptuous that she insulted her own sister!

That's the future queen!
What if someone overheard and misunderstood that he was dissatisfied with Ying'er?
He will point to Yinger to help him in the future.

It was with great difficulty that he eased the relationship with Mrs. Zhao, so that Ying'er did not reject him so much.

Not only did this daughter not help her share her worries, but she also held him back!

Now he still talks back to him!

Sun Qi felt that all of this was due to Wu Zhi's ineffective teaching, which made her so presumptuous.

So he immediately aimed the gunfire at Ushield.

"Look at the good daughter you have taught. She insults her own sister and contradicts her elders. She has no sense of etiquette. She is not even half as good as Ying'er."

"How did you become a mistress!"

He looked at Wu Zhi with a disappointed face.

"It's a pity that I asked Mrs. Zhao to return half of the gift to you. You can't even teach your own daughter well, so how can you convince the public!"

"Does the concubine still have to thank the master for his mercy, not to retire the concubine and leave the mansion, so as to make room for your ordinary wife?"

Wushi twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, and put down his teacup heavily.

The cup lid collided with the teacup, making a harsh clanging sound.

"Master, have you forgotten how you got to where you are today?"

"If you don't have uncle's help, what do you think you are? I'm afraid you're just a ninth-grade sesame official who can be manipulated by others!"

Wushi's words were merciless, just like her previous style.

"Don't talk about sending your daughter to the next position, I'm afraid you don't even have the qualifications to send your daughter to the palace for draft!"

"Now that bitch is relying on my uncle Yuwei to reach the sky, but you even want me to share the reward with others. Could it be that you feel that your uncle has passed away, so you think that our mother and I will not be able to bully you!"

Wu Shi slapped the table, picked up the teacup on the table aggressively, and threw it at Sun Qi.

Sun Qi didn't expect her to make a move, he couldn't dodge and was hit straight, and gasped in pain.

Seeing that her mother's fighting power was the same as before, Sun Kening's guilty conscience of being caught disappeared instantly.

She has long been used to seeing her mother get angry at her father, and sometimes she would even do it.

So she didn't feel anything in front of this scene.

Sun Qi has been staying with Mrs. Zhao recently, and she has long been used to Mrs. Zhao's gentleness and care, so she can't stand such a provocation.

But he is neither beating nor scolding now.

He is the future king.

Grand Master Sheng had just passed away, if there were rumors that he treated Wu Shi badly at this time, not to mention the official reputation, the emperor would think he was a snob.

For Sun Qi who is gathering forces from all sides, this is no small matter.

Sun Qi clenched his fists, resisting the urge to slap him, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I let you do whatever you messed around in the past, but now Ying'er is going to be the queen, and our mansion is the mansion of the head of the state. If we are as domineering as before, we won't be able to make people laugh."

"Today I won't argue with you, I hope you can do it yourself."

His eyes turned cold, and he said with a gloomy face: "If there is another time, don't blame me for being ruthless and sending you to Zhuangzi to reflect!"

After saying that, he let out a cold snort and flung his sleeves away, his figure disappearing into the night.

"Father is crazy!" Sun Kening's eyes widened in disbelief.

"He actually said that he would send his mother to Zhuangzi."

My father never dared to talk to my mother like this before, even if my mother did too much, she would always coax her with nice words.

How can there be such a big change in a short period of time!

Could it be that the Zhao family provoked it?

"It has nothing to do with Mrs. Zhao, it's just that your father's wings are hardened now, and he no longer needs his mother."

Wu Shi could see it clearly, and didn't hate Zhao Shi because of it.

Today's Zhao family is just a microcosm of his past.

Once there is no use value for one day, Sun Qi will definitely abandon Zhao Shi as he did to her.

But having said that, Zhao's mother and daughter are still her stumbling block.

Since it is a stumbling block, it must be dealt with.

It's not for nothing that Wu Zhi has been raised under Mrs. Sheng's lap for a few years, and Dang even made a decision.

"Go back and get ready, and follow me into the palace tomorrow morning." Wu Zhi said in a deep voice.

Sun Kening was a little unhappy when he heard this.

"Could it be that mother still wants to enter the palace to beg that little bitch? Father's attitude towards you may be her provocation."

And the last time she condescended, she took the initiative to go to the palace to find her but was in vain.

This made her very upset who felt that she was superior to Sun Ying.

"Go ask her for something, do you think she can still help our mother and daughter with our current relationship." Wu Shi sneered.

"You just go back and prepare. Remember to dress modestly. After all, your uncle and grandfather just passed away..."

Sun Kening reluctantly complied.

No matter what mother is going to do, she doesn't want to go to the palace again.

It was Sun Ying's territory, which would make her feel humiliated.

But seeing Wu Zhi's resolute attitude, she could only agree.


Early the next morning, Wu Zhi brought Sun Kening into the palace.

It just so happened that Mrs. Zhao was also going to see her daughter in the palace, and the two left the palace one after the other.

Sun Ying ate well and slept soundly recently. Although she was in the palace, she didn't have to be as worried and cautious as before.

Therefore, the spirit of the whole person is much better than before, and he is full of energy when talking with Mrs. Zhao.

Seeing that her daughter is doing well, Mrs. Zhao finally let go of her long-hanging heart.

After she was righted, she wanted to go to the palace to visit her daughter, but just in time for the old grand master to pass away.

She was afraid that entering the palace at this time would bring trouble to her daughter, so she delayed until today.

After seeing her for such a long time, Mrs. Zhao missed her daughter so much that she kept holding on to her hand.

Sun Ying also let her hold her, laughing as she listened to her mother telling what happened in Sun's residence recently.

"Your father had a falling out with Wu Zhi last night, and Wu Zhi brought Ke Ning into the palace early this morning. I thought she was coming to trouble you."

I have to say that she was really relieved that she didn't see Wu Zhi in Yufu Palace.

"You should pay more attention recently. If you see this mother and daughter in the palace, hide as soon as you can. If you can't hide, don't be alone with them."

Outsiders only think that Wu Shi has a bad temper, but he has no intentions.

Even Sun Qi never tried to guard against her, and even let her in and out of the study room at will.

Mrs. Zhao, who was often embarrassed by her, didn't think so.

The reason why Wu Zhi didn't seem to have any scheming was because there was no place for her to use her scheming.

With the Sheng family as the backing, and the master doting on her, anyone who makes her dissatisfied will be resolved for her.

Why should she be so scheming.

But now it is different.

The Sheng family's backing was no longer reliable, and Sun Qi no longer treated her as before, and even began to neglect her intentionally or unintentionally.

In this case, she can only rely on herself.

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