Mrs. Zhao didn't think that growing up under Mrs. Sheng's lap, she didn't learn any old lady's tricks.

Mrs. Zhao thought of her entering the palace today again, and hurriedly told Sun Ying.

"In my opinion, you should not go out of Yufu Palace recently, just stay in the bedroom and don't go anywhere."

Seeing his mother frowned worriedly.

Sun Ying couldn't help laughing.

"I can hide for a while, but I can't hide for a lifetime, and I can't go out. What about the post ceremony?"

She didn't have the guts to be absent.

"Then look, can you think of a way to make the emperor postpone the empress ceremony for a few days..."

Of course Mrs. Zhao knew that this was impossible, but she had no other choice when it came to her daughter's safety.

The palace is different from the mansion, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the palace to come.

Sun Qi's heart softened.

For the sake of power, her father wished for her to become a queen immediately, and only her mother would think so about her.

She stretched out her slender fingers to smoothen Zhao's frown.

"Mother, don't worry, the emperor won't let his daughter have trouble."

The reason why the emperor supports her as the empress is because he wants his father to fight against Mrs. Sheng.

Although the old grand master suddenly disappeared, the emperor was a little caught off guard.

But his old subordinates are still there.

Who knows if a second Grand Master Sheng will be elected.

Therefore, the emperor did not give up the original plan.

Instead, because of her disagreement with her father, she was more inclined to establish herself as a queen to assist him.

Thinking of Fu Tuo, a blush appeared on Sun Ying's face.

Mrs. Zhao was taken aback when she saw her daughter's shy face, and then frowned again on the brows that had just been relaxed.

She also came from her daughter's age, and there was a time when she was young and young.

How could she fail to see that her daughter might have fallen in love with the emperor!
"Ying'er, do you... like the emperor?" Mrs. Zhao couldn't help asking.

Sun Ying didn't hide anything, and nodded shyly.

"The emperor treats Ying'er very well, he is the best person to Ying'er besides mother."

Although all of this was for use, she had never felt the care of anyone other than the Zhao family, and Sun Ying didn't care at all.

Zhao frowned.

"You have to know that the emperor is the king of a country, he will have many women, and he will not stay for anyone."

Humanity is ruthless, not only talking about the relationship between father and son and brothers, but also the love between children.

All men in the world are unlucky, even most men seldom fall in love with only one person, let alone own the emperor of the world.

If the affection is too deep, only her daughter will be hurt.

Mrs. Zhao never thought that she would show her true love to the emperor, but she was flustered and worried that she would get hurt.

"My daughter knows." Sun Ying smiled very relieved.

"My daughter is not greedy. She never wanted to monopolize the emperor. As long as she can stay by his side, it is already a great gift to her."

She had also thought before that she would leave the palace after the emperor's plan was successful, take her mother away from home, and join her grandfather's house.

But when she found out that she fell in love with the emperor, the thought of leaving became less and less, even full of reluctance.

Until now, she has completely given up on this plan.

Of course, if her mother wanted to go back to her natal family, she would still find a way to send her away.

She believed that with her status as a queen, she would be able to keep her healthy for the rest of her life.

"I'm sorry for you." Mrs. Zhao gently pinned her hair behind her ears, her eyes were slightly moist.

Her daughter humbly only wants to stay with the person she likes, and she is even ready to share her lover with many women.

As a mother, how could she have the heart not to satisfy her even this little wish.

Mrs. Zhao couldn't say anything against it, and felt like a needle prick in her heart.

"Since you have your own ideas, I won't say more, but you have to remember."

She said with a serious expression: "In this palace, you can provoke anyone in order to maintain your status, but you can't provoke Princess Anyang."

"Do you remember?"

"Daughter remembers."

Sun Ying knew that her mother was doing it for her own good, so she smiled and comforted her: "Princess Anyang is a nice person, and she is also very good to her daughter, mother, don't worry."

"Mother is just afraid that after a long time, the power position in your hand will make you lose your duty."

"You have to remember that in Anyang Kingdom, apart from the emperor and the Supreme Emperor, there is also a Princess Anyang who is above you."

The emperor once sent the decree of "Seeing the princess is like seeing me" to various places, which shows how much he loves this sister.

There is also the Supreme Emperor, who is even more indulgent to her.

If her daughter accidentally annoyed this princess who is loved by thousands of people, she might be rejected by the emperor immediately.

Seeing her mother persistently waiting for her reply, Sun Ying smiled helplessly.

"Daughter really remembers, you can rest assured that..."


In another corner of the palace, Sheng Rui was listlessly leaning on the bed.

Contrary to Sun Ying, she has lost a lot of weight, and her eyes are black and blue.

At this time, he was staring blankly at the scenery outside the window.

"Why are you here?"

After a long silence, she feebly asked the two uninvited guests in front of her.

Seeing her like this, Wu Zhi and Sun Kering looked at each other, knowing clearly.

The Sheng family is Sheng Rui's only backer, and the old master Sheng is dead, and the Sheng family is about to fall.

Sheng Dexian, the servant of the household department alone, may not be able to protect her from worries.

She wants to climb up again...

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Aware of her indifferent attitude, she seemed to have no intention of chatting with them.

Wu Shi smiled and didn't care.

"My wife went to see my aunt yesterday. She was very worried about you. However, the Sheng family was in a funeral and it was inconvenient to visit the palace, so I asked my wife to come and have a look."

As she spoke, she glanced at the nanny behind her, who held a brocade box with a low eyebrow and handed it to Chungui who was waiting on the side.

Seeing the round and full, longan-sized pearl necklace in the brocade box, Sheng Rui didn't seem to like it much.

She waved her hand and asked Chun Gui to put it into the dressing table.

"Is great-grandmother in good health?" She asked indifferently.

Wu Shi sighed, "Uncle's passing away is a big blow to my aunt. Recently, her health is not as good as before, and she has been ill for many days."

Seeing that Sheng Rui was stunned, she hurriedly added: "But don't worry, the imperial doctor said that as long as you take care of it carefully, you can still recover."

Sheng Rui didn't speak.

The great-grandfather left suddenly. It stands to reason that the grandfather should have relieved Ding You for three years to show his filial piety.

However, before his great-grandfather left, he exhausted his last strength and wrote to the court, asking the emperor to release his grandfather from guarding him.

As the saying goes, filial piety comes first, and filial piety is based on obedience.

Great-grandfather said so, it would be unfilial if grandfather insisted on Ding You.

After discussing with all the ministers, the emperor had no choice but to grant his request.

Take Sanqi for three years.

Grandfather's official position was preserved.

But it didn't work much.

He is not young anymore, and now he is still squeezed out by his colleagues, and there is little hope of climbing up.

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