Unless the juniors of the Sheng family are promising and get an official position, the glory of the Sheng family may continue.

But that too was years away.

For Sheng Rui, the Sheng family could no longer give her any help.

She said a few words to Wu Zhi in a listless manner, and then she wanted to see off the guests.

"Can you let the palace servants step down? I still have some things I want to discuss with the nobleman." Wu Zhi suddenly said.


In spring, everything recovers, and wild animals come out to look for food one after another.

A small town more than 200 miles away from the capital was infested with tigers.

This is not the first time.

There have also been reports of tigers hurting people in previous years.

This kind of matter should have been handled by the local government, but there is a deep and steep mountain in the local area, which makes it difficult for large troops to pass.

Every time the tiger ran away after injuring someone, the officials didn't dare to go deep alone, so they never dealt with it.

Fortunately, it spends most of its time living in the remote forest, and rarely goes to the periphery.

Moreover, the tiger is afraid of people, even if it runs into a place where there are people, it is very vigilant, and even if it is besieged by humans, it only takes escape first.

Therefore, although some people have been injured, there has never been a death.

But this time is different.

Three people died in the small town, all of them were guys in charge of picking mountain goods in a mountain goods shop.

When the three people were discovered, their bodies had been destroyed beyond human appearance, and traces of being eaten by wild animals could be seen everywhere.

The government attached great importance to it and sent three teams of officers and soldiers up the mountain to catch tigers.

All in vain.

There was even an officer and soldier who had his arm bitten off by a tiger and fled away.

In desperation, the local county magistrate had to report layer by layer, and finally reported to the court.

So someone suggested that Gu Nanyan lead troops to "suppress the tiger".

The reason is that she has raised tigers and knows the habits of tigers better than ordinary people.

Gu Nanyan first extended his sincere greetings to the official who proposed.

Then, with his head on his shoulders, he left the imperial city with only Yunxi.

The reason why it is said mighty is because she brought all four members of Huhu's family with her.

Perhaps because of the good food, the two cubs are as long as the arms of a grown woman.

Fluffy and chubby.

The stupid appearance of tiger head and tiger brain is very cute.

Hearing that the princess was going out of the city, the people in the capital came out to watch.

Huhu and his wife held their heads high, one on the left and the other on the right to open the way ahead.

Gu Nanyan followed behind in a steam car.

The two little tigers took their father's place before, lying on the roof of the car and looking around curiously.

Knowing that it was a tiger raised by Gu Nanyan, the people onlookers were not afraid at all, and some even had the guts to touch the tiger's ass.

Huhu was so wronged that he could only hide in front of his wife, and was mercilessly despised by the tigress.

Although Gu Nanyan's going out once was not as grand as Fu Tuo's, it was still very troublesome, and he couldn't go fast when he was blocked by enthusiastic people.

After leaving the city gate and reaching the suburbs, Huhu and the tigress were finally able to let go and run away, following Gu Nanyan to avoid the official road to their destination.

After Gu Nanyan left, the palace became much quieter.

Sheng Zhixin and Cheng Xinxin didn't even bother to come out of the bedroom, and started living at home.

Contrary to the two, Yufu Palace has been very lively in recent days.

Sheng Rui ran to Yufu Palace all day on the grounds that Sun Ying was related to her, and they were in the palace together, so they should support each other.

It's fine for her to go to Yufu Palace, but she has to bring Sun Kening with her every time.

Although Sun Ying resisted in her heart, she thought that she was about to become a queen, and she should have a good relationship with the concubines in the palace.

So he suppressed his displeasure and greeted him with a smile every day.

Sheng Rui seemed to be a different person, she lost her previous aloofness, and was very affectionate to Sun Ying.

Although Sun Kening seemed reluctant, she did not mock her like she did in the Sun Mansion.

The three of them couldn't say they got along harmoniously, but they were peaceful.

"Your Majesty's Danqing painting is really good. It's very similar to Layman Qingping's style. Didn't you invite someone to be your teacher?" Sheng Rui looked at the ink painting on the table and praised in surprise.

Sun Ying pursed her lips and smiled: "I just studied with my mother for a few days, how dare I compare with Lay Qingping."

Her mother liked Layman Qingping's paintings very much, and she often copied them in her spare time. It is normal for her painting style to be similar to them.

However, she thinks that she is not skilled in technique, and the paintings she draws can only be said to be eye-catching.

What Sheng Rui said was indeed an exaggeration.

Sun Ying knew that she intended to get in touch with him, so she exaggerated, so she just smiled and didn't say much.

Sheng Rui was even more curious.

"Your Majesty is talking about Wu Zhi?" She nodded her head as a matter of course.

"Although Wushi is the niece of my great-grandmother's natal family, she was raised according to the standard of a lady. Like the children of my Sheng family, they all invited famous gentlemen in the capital to teach alone."

"The empress has achieved such an achievement after studying with Wu Zhi for a few days. I think her painting skills are even more exquisite."

As Sheng Rui spoke, he picked up the drawing paper and looked at it carefully.

"Concubine Yun misunderstood." Sun Ying gently put down the brush, "The mother I mentioned is my biological mother, Mrs. Zhao."

Sheng Rui froze upon hearing this.

Only then did she realize that Wu Zhi is not the only one who can be called her mother now.

There is also Zhao Shi who was helped to be a flat wife.

That's right, she was very unpopular in the Sun's residence before, so how could it be possible to teach her to paint with Wu Zhi's temperament.

It would be nice to give her a stutter!

Sheng Rui smiled awkwardly.

"It's my concubine's intentions. Mrs. Zhao really has a heart. No wonder she can teach such a dignified and virtuous child as your empress."

She called Sun Kening's mother Wushi, but she called Sun Ying's mother Mrs. Zhao.

It's as if Mrs. Zhao is the wife of the main house.

Sun Kening's face turned ashen instantly after hearing this.

She had no choice but to come with Sheng Rui to please Sun Ying, so she couldn't bear it now.

"Miss Yunbi, don't call me wrong. Although Erniang has been righted, she is only a common wife. The wife of the main house is still my mother. You should call the second wife of the Zhao family."

Sheng Rui was startled, and looked at her with a frown.

"It's just a title, why should you be serious."

In Sheng Rui's eyes, let alone Mrs. Zhao, she has no respect for Mrs. Wu.

Wushi is only the daughter of her great-grandmother's sister, and the Sheng family took pity on her and let her stay.

Even if she was raised in the Sheng family since she was a child, she is still not the young lady of their Sheng family.

How could she, a decent young lady of the Sheng family, take her seriously.

She would call Mrs. Zhao Mrs. Zhao just out of purpose.

Sheng Rui was very dissatisfied.

"Miss Sun forgot that your mother specifically told you to get along well with your empress?"

Is she here to help or to cause trouble!
Sun Kening remained silent, but his expression was still unwilling.

Sheng Rui didn't bother to talk to her, and turned around to continue chatting with Sun Ying.

As she spoke, Sun Ying felt itchy in her nose and sneezed loudly.

"Your Majesty, did you catch a cold?" Sheng Rui worriedly handed her a handkerchief.

"The weather has warmed up a lot recently, but it's still cold at night, and you are most likely to catch wind and cold. You should pay attention to your body."

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