Chapter 812
She covered her lips and smiled teasingly.

"Otherwise, if you get sick, the emperor will feel distressed when he knows."

Sun Ying's cheeks were flushed, and she embarrassedly took the handkerchief she handed over.

"Concubine Yun, don't make me happy with this palace, the emperor has everything to do every day, how can I let him be distracted by such a trivial matter."

After she finished speaking, she subconsciously picked up the veil and wanted to wipe her mouth.

Suddenly thinking that this was given to her by Sheng Rui, she put down her hand calmly.

Sheng Rui didn't tell the truth when he saw it, and he didn't force her to use the veil, but instead instructed the maid behind her.

"Is there a little bit of eyesight, did you see that your mother is cold? Hurry up and make a bowl of ginger soup! By the way, bring a thicker coat and put it on your mother." Sheng Rui ordered dissatisfied, as if she was really worried Sun Ying is sick.

The court lady was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she glanced at Sun Ying upon hearing this.

Seeing Sun Ying nodding, she backed away with a little hesitation.

"Your Majesty is just too kind. Why do you keep her for such a servant who doesn't take good care of you? She's not as sensible as the sweeping maid in my yard!" Sheng Rui snorted.

"In my opinion, it's better to send it away quickly, so as not to cause trouble for you in the future."

Sun Ying laughed: "It's not that serious, Xue'er is just a little younger, and it will be fine after two years of training."

She picked up the teacup, took a sip of hot tea, and then continued: "Besides, this girl was brought in by my mother, how can I abandon it."

Fearing that she would not have someone caring to take care of her in the palace, Mrs. Zhao deliberately sent the youngest daughter of her nun who had been with her for many years into the palace to take care of her.

The nanny has received favor from the Zhao family and is loyal to the Zhao family. Her daughter is also a sensible person, and she has served Sun Ying very well during her stay here.

For Sun Ying, Xueer represents her mother's love for her, and she will keep it even if nothing happens.

Sheng Rui nodded understandingly.

"That's right, it's always more convenient to have someone who is alone by your side."

After she finished speaking, she stopped mentioning the matter and turned to other topics.

Sun Kening still bowed her head in silence, as if there was no such person.

He just pinched the veil in his hand vigorously.

She followed Sheng Rui a few times and always looked like this, Sun Ying didn't care, and talked to Sheng Rui with a smile.

Until Cher came back.

Behind her was an older court lady, who was carrying a bowl of ginger soup, and hurriedly brought it to Sun Ying after entering the door.

But Xueer stood there motionless.

A pink coat was draped over her arm, covering her right hand.

"Come here soon?" Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Sheng Rui frowned and reprimanded her lightly.

Xue'er kept her head down for some reason, her body seemed to be shaking.

Sun Ying felt something was wrong, so she suppressed her smile and got up.

"Why, but what happened?"

As she spoke, she walked towards Xue'er.

Sheng Rui stepped forward first, standing between her and Xue'er, and slapped Xue'er with a raised hand.

"My lady is talking to you, don't you have ears!"

There was a crisp slap, Xue'er was slapped over her head, and one side of her cheek quickly became red and swollen.

There were tears in her eyes, and she looked at Sun Ying full of struggle.

Seeing Xue'er being beaten, Sun Ying immediately sullen.

Just wanted to pull Sheng Rui away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a silver light.

Before she could react, Xue'er had already clenched the dagger tightly, closed her eyes and stabbed Sheng Rui viciously.

Sheng Rui was taken aback, screamed, and dodged to the side reflexively.

The sharp blade cut through her clothes and grazed her delicate skin.

It stabbed straight at Sun Ying's lower abdomen.

There was a sound of "噗嗤", the sound of the blade piercing through flesh and blood.

Sun Ying lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the dagger pierced into her abdomen.

The bright red blood instantly stained her beige clothes red.

There were screams everywhere.


Fu Tuo, who was handling government affairs in the imperial study, heard that Sun Ying was attacked, and his eyebrows knit into a ball.

Without saying a word, he put down the vermilion pen and took Sanjin to Yufu Palace.

As soon as he stepped into the door of the bedroom of Yufu Palace, he saw a light green shadow rushing towards his arms.

Fu Tuo dodged nimbly.

Lu Ying jumped into the air and slammed his head against the door frame.

Fu Tuo: "..."

Sheng Rui was hit so dizzy, and after a long while in a daze, she covered her forehead and wept.

"Your Majesty, I beg you to save Concubine Jin, she has shed a lot of blood..."

She seemed to be unable to stand still, she leaned against Chungui's arms and kept crying.

"It's all the fault of the concubine, the concubine shouldn't be hiding, and the concubine doesn't know that the empress is standing behind the concubine."

"If I had known earlier, I would have let Xueer stab my concubine with this knife. It was better than hurting my mother... Your Majesty..."

She seemed to die from crying, and she wanted to pounce on Fu Tuo again while talking.

Fu Tuo snatched the floating dust from Sanjin's hand with quick eyes and hands, and put one end against her shoulder.

Prevent yourself from being taken advantage of.

Fu Tuo: "Who are you, and who is Xue'er?"

His brows furrowed even tighter, and he subconsciously stepped back half a step after speaking.

The most vivid expression of disgust.

Sheng Rui: "...the concubine is Rui'er, the great-granddaughter of Grand Master Sheng, you don't remember the concubine?"

Did the emperor have something wrong with his eyes, so he didn't recognize her?
Sheng Rui couldn't believe it, her almond eyes were wide open, and the tears from the corners of her eyes flowed down, making her eyeshadow even more blurred.

This is Sheng Rui?

Fu Tuo seemed more surprised than she was, and turned to look at San Jin.

The corner of Sanjin's mouth twitched, and he nodded slightly.

Fu Tuo: "..."

I remember that Sheng Rui looks quite personable, why haven't we seen each other for a few days...

Looking like a dominatrix?
"Is this really Sheng Rui?"

He looked at Sheng Rui's unreadable makeup, and asked San Jin in a low voice uncertainly.

"It is indeed Empress Yunbi." Sanjin reconfirmed.

"Are you sure? How did you grow up like this?"

Fu Tuo pursed his lips and continued to bite his ear.

"Is the water and soil in the palace so bad for people?"

No way, Chou Chou's younger sister is well-raised, white and tender, Yuxue is cute, like a little fairy daughter.

Fu Tuo, who had put on an eight-fold filter for Gu Nanyan, began to wander, thinking seriously about every word that describes the beauty of a woman.

It all fell on his lovely sister.

Sanjin glanced at him speechlessly: "The slave is sure that this is Concubine Yun!"

Probably because I applied too much force when applying makeup.

Take a look at the painting on the eyelids, the fiery trees and silver flowers are thick and colorful...

A master and a servant discussed Sheng Rui's appearance in low voices as if no one was watching.

Starting from her hairstyle, every part has to be criticized,
Sheng Rui: The concubine can hear you!

Sheng Rui's face turned black when he was criticized.

The drama of love and righteousness can no longer be performed.

"You haven't answered me yet, who is Xue'er?"

After the master and servant finished talking, Fu Tuo asked again.

"Xue'er is the concubine Jin's personal maid. I heard that Mrs. Zhao sent her to the palace to serve her. Her mother is the most trusted nanny of Mrs. Zhao."

Sheng Rui bit the word "trust" very hard, as if he wanted to remind Fu Tuo something.

(End of this chapter)

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