Chapter 813
"It's the first time for Chenqie to see her, and I haven't even spoken to her, and I don't know why she wants to assassinate Chenqie." Speaking of this, Sheng Rui began to whine again.

"Your majesty, you must decide for the concubine and the empress, you must find out who is behind the scenes, and see who is so vicious that he wants the concubine's life!"

Xue'er, who was regarded as an assassin, sat in the corner and didn't say a word when anyone asked, just sat there in a daze.

Fu Tuo had to have him and her temporarily detained.

Sun Ying was seriously injured, bleeding all over the bed, and fell into a coma.

Physician Sun was called into the palace to treat her, and it took a full hour to completely stop the bleeding.

"Although the bleeding has stopped, the situation of the empress is not optimistic." Doctor Sun sighed.

"Not only did he lose too much blood, but he also stabbed his abdomen. I'm afraid he won't be able to conceive an offspring in the future."

He looked at Sun Ying who was lying motionless on the bed with pity.

In a few days, the conferring ceremony will be held, but something happened to her at this time.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose my back position.

After all, no one would agree that a woman who could not give birth to a legitimate son could be the Queen.

If it's already done, it's okay to say, the big deal is to adopt one from other concubines.

The emperor will not abandon his wife because of this.

But it's not done yet.

Although Imperial Physician Sun sympathized with her, he did not hide her injury.

I can't hide it if I want to, the part where she was injured is the place where a woman conceived a child, so many people have seen it.

Fu Tuo looked at Sun Ying on the bed with a cold face.

"Maybe survive?"

To everyone's surprise, he didn't ask whether he could have a baby, or whether Doctor Sun could be cured.

"Although there is a lot of blood, it is not fatal. The trouble is the poison in the empress's body."

Dr. Sun pointed to the bloody dagger on the table with great sorrow.

"The dagger is poisonous and has entered the body of the empress. If it is not treated in time, it may be a sad night."

Sheng Rui's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he covered his mouth in surprise.

"That woman is so vicious, she even smeared poison on the dagger." She shook her body, as if she couldn't bear it.

Fu Tuo glanced at her and asked Sun Taiyi, "Do you know what kind of poison it is?"

He also left some detoxification pills given by his sister, and it is not a problem to detoxify ordinary poisons.

Doctor Sun saw his thoughts and shook his head regretfully.

"Weichen has given the empress the detoxification pill, which can only temporarily delay the onset of toxicity."

He also had the antidote pills given by the princess, and he just gave Concubine Jin three pills, so he didn't die immediately.

"Although it's just the common poison of Crane's Crown Red, the empress was poisoned through a wound, and the wound is not small, it has already spread all over her body."

Hedinghong is so overbearing, just one drop can make people's intestines rotten, let alone enter the blood.

The consequences can be imagined.

"Your Majesty's internal organs have been damaged. Even if you can survive this test, your body will be broken."

Sun Taiyi was talking, when he heard the palace people exclaimed.

Sun Ying vomited blood in a coma. He didn't care to reply to Fu Tuo's words, so he hurried over.

Fu Tuo stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Sun Ying with bloodshot eyes, his eyes gradually became gloomy.

"Sanjin, go and get the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill that the princess left for me."

"Did you bring them all?" Sanjin asked.

"The slave remembers that the princess gave you a total of ten."

"Bring them all." Fu Tuo said without hesitation.

For now, I can only hold her breath first, and wait for my sister to come back before trying to figure out a solution.

One is probably not enough.

Although Sun Ying and him are just a cooperative relationship, but he can't just ignore death.

not to mention……

This attack may be the work of the old Taishi Yu Dang.

He looked at Sheng Rui, who was supported by the palace servants behind him, and narrowed his star eyes fiercely.

Sheng Rui's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

His fingertips sank deep into his palm.

The emperor actually used the incomparably precious Great Returning Pill for that bitch!
Still ten!

That's the Great Returning Pill, Gu's pharmacy sells it for 20 taels, which is extremely rare.

Even if you have silver, you may not be able to buy it!
Even the Sheng family only has one.

This still makes the big favors begged from others.

Whoever bought this life-saving medicine didn't keep it secretly, and no one would say anything about it.

Sheng Rui hates that!

She had heard of the medicinal effect of Jiuzhuan Dahuandan. Although the name was a bit strange, people who used it said that it had miraculous effects.

As long as people are not dead, at least they can keep their breath.

There are ten of them in the emperor's place, and Sun Ying can't die even if she thinks about it.

She deserves to die!

Sheng Rui sneered.

But even if she couldn't die, so what, didn't you hear what Doctor Sun said, even if she managed to escape the catastrophe, her body was already broken.

The most important thing is that they cannot conceive children!

Such a woman would not be married to an ordinary man, let alone an emperor.

Sun Ying's queen position is considered gone...


On the other side, Gu Nanyan led Huhu and his wife into the deep mountains alone, successfully avoiding the people sent by Fu Tuo.

It took three full days in the mountains to show up.

In fact, she saw the tiger on the first day.

The tiger is not as big as a tiger, but it looks a year or two older, and it is a little thin.

There was a feathered arrow stuck in its leg, and dried blood was all over the wound.

When seeing Gu Nanyan and Huhu, the tiger was very defensive and was about to run away with a limp.

He was stopped by Huhu who jumped up.

After more than an hour of "spreading the word" by Hu Hu, the middleman, Gu Nanyan began to suspect that the three people were not killed by tigers.

So she stayed and wandered around looking for clues while treating the wounded tiger.

By the way, the bodies of those three people were dug out and checked.

There were indeed signs of animal bites on the wound, but she couldn't tell if it was a tiger bite.

What is certain is that these bite marks were all caused after death.

In other words, they did not die at the mouth of beasts.

Since the body had already been buried, the decay was severe, and the bite was horrible, the cause of death could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

However, it can be concluded from the blackened bones that they were poisoned during their lifetime.

Gu Nanyan wandered around in the mountains for three days, and sure enough, he found several wolf corpses in a hidden cave.

After blood tests were done on them, it was found that they had died from the poison of Hedinghong.

Perhaps it was because they ate the meat of those three people.

Gu Nanyan buried the wolf's body on the spot, then strolled down the mountain.

Huhu, the tigress, and their two sons stayed on the mountain to accompany their new friends.

The evening of the second day.

Under Gu Nanyan's merciless oppression, the local magistrate shed tears and lit a lamp to boil oil, and finally brought the real culprit to justice.

There were two murderers, who were local bullies.

According to the confession, the two were on the mountain, and accidentally met three people who went up the mountain to collect goods from the mountain, and when they saw the money, they wanted to kill and steal the goods.

Gu Nanyan wanted to give them two fists after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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